exports.config = { // See http://brunch.io/#documentation for docs. files: { javascripts: { joinTo: { "app.js": /^(app)/, "vendor.js": /^(vendor|node_modules)/ } }, stylesheets: { joinTo: { "app.css": /^(app|vendor|node_modules)/ } }, templates: { joinTo: "app.js" } }, conventions: { // This option sets where we should place non-css and non-js assets in. assets: /^app\/images/ }, paths: { // Dependencies and current project directories to watch watched: [ "app/javascripts", "app/stylesheets", "vendor" ] }, // Configure your plugins plugins: { babel: { presets: [ ["@babel/preset-env", { "bugfixes": true, "shippedProposals": true }], "@babel/preset-react"], // Do not use ES6 compiler in vendor code ignore: [/vendor/] } }, // Default behaviour. // modules: { // autoRequire: { // 'app.js': ['app'] // } // }, npm: { enabled: true, styles: { "bootstrap-solarized": ["bootstrap-solarized-dark.css"], "toastr": ["build/toastr.min.css"] }, whitelist: ["react", "react-dom", "jquery", "lodash", "react-autolink", "react-dom", "react-emoji", "howler", "bootstrap", "perfect-scrollbar", "moment", "toastr", "socket.io-client"], globals: { "_": "lodash", "jQuery": "jquery", "$": "jquery", "toastr": "toastr" } } };