"use strict"; var helper = require("./helpers/index.js"); var User = helper.User; var Gather = helper.Gather; var Gatherer = helper.Gatherer; var assert = require("chai").assert; describe("Gather Model:", function () { var user, gatherer; beforeEach(function () { user = helper.createUser(); gatherer = new Gatherer(user); }); describe("#voteRegather", function () { it ("marks gatherer as voting for regather", function () { assert.isFalse(gatherer.regatherVote); gatherer.voteRegather(); assert.isTrue(gatherer.regatherVote); }); it ("assigns vote for regather", function () { gatherer.voteRegather(true); assert.isTrue(gatherer.regatherVote); gatherer.voteRegather(false); assert.isFalse(gatherer.regatherVote); }); }); describe("#voteForMap", function () { it ("assigns vote for map id", function () { assert.equal(gatherer.mapVote.length, 0); gatherer.voteForMap(1); assert.isTrue(gatherer.mapVote.some(voteId => voteId === 1)); }); it ("only assigns vote once", function () { gatherer.voteForMap(1); gatherer.voteForMap(1); assert.equal(gatherer.mapVote.length, 1); }); it ("allows a maximum of 2 votes", function () { gatherer.voteForMap(1); gatherer.voteForMap(2); gatherer.voteForMap(3); assert.equal(gatherer.mapVote.length, 2); }); it ("removes oldest vote if maximum vote exceeded", function () { gatherer.voteForMap(1); gatherer.voteForMap(2); gatherer.voteForMap(3); assert.isFalse(gatherer.mapVote.some(voteId => voteId === 1)); assert.isTrue(gatherer.mapVote.some(voteId => voteId === 2)); assert.isTrue(gatherer.mapVote.some(voteId => voteId === 3)); }); }); describe("#voteForServer", function () { it ("assigns vote for server id", function () { assert.equal(gatherer.serverVote.length, 0); gatherer.voteForServer(1); assert.isTrue(gatherer.serverVote.some(voteId => voteId === 1)); }); it ("only assigns vote once", function () { gatherer.voteForServer(1); gatherer.voteForServer(1); assert.equal(gatherer.serverVote.length, 1); }); it ("allows a maximum of 2 votes", function () { gatherer.voteForServer(1); gatherer.voteForServer(2); gatherer.voteForServer(3); assert.equal(gatherer.serverVote.length, 2); }); it ("removes oldest vote if maximum vote exceeded", function () { gatherer.voteForServer(1); gatherer.voteForServer(2); gatherer.voteForServer(3); assert.isFalse(gatherer.serverVote.some(voteId => voteId === 1)); assert.isTrue(gatherer.serverVote.some(voteId => voteId === 2)); assert.isTrue(gatherer.serverVote.some(voteId => voteId === 3)); }); }); describe("#voteForLeader", function () { }); });