"use strict"; var helper = require("./helpers/index.js"); var User = helper.User; var Gather = helper.Gather; var Gatherer = helper.Gatherer; var assert = require("chai").assert; describe("Gather Model:", function () { var user, gather, gatherers; beforeEach(function () { user = helper.createUser(); gatherers = []; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) gatherers.push(helper.createUser()); gather = Gather(); }); describe("Internal State", function () { describe("Gathering", function () { it ("has initial state of 'gathering'", function () { assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); }); describe("#addGatherer", function () { it ("adds users to the gather", function () { gather.addGatherer(user); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 1); }); it ("retains 'gathering' state until number of players is 12", function () { assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 0); gatherers.forEach(function (user, index, array) { gather.addGatherer(user); if (index === 11) { assert.equal(gather.current, 'election'); } else { assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); } }); }); }); }); it ("removes all gatherers when regathererd", function () { gatherers.forEach((user, index) => { if (index < 11) gather.addGatherer(user); }); for (let i = 0; i < gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD - 1; i++) { gather.regather(gather.gatherers[i]); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), i + 1); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); } gather.regather(gatherers[gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD]); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 0); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), 0); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); }); describe("Election Timeout", function () { it ("starts a timer and transitions to next state when timer runs out", function (done) { gather = new Gather({ onEvent: function () { if (gather.current === "selection") { assert.isNull(gather.election.startTime); done(); } } }); gather.election.INTERVAL = 100; // 10ms assert.isNull(gather.election.startTime); assert.isNull(gather.election.timer); gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer) { gather.addGatherer(gatherer); }); assert.equal(gather.current, "election"); assert.isNotNull(gather.election.startTime); }); }); describe("Election", function () { beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer) { gather.addGatherer(gatherer); }); }); describe("selectLeader", function () { it ("adds vote for a leader", function () { var voter = gather.gatherers[helper.random(12)]; var candidate = gather.gatherers[helper.random(12)]; gather.selectLeader(voter, candidate); assert.equal(gather.current, "election"); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes().length, 1); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes()[0], candidate.id); }); it ("retains state of 'election' until all votes cast", function () { var candidate = gatherers[0]; gatherers.forEach(function (voter, index) { gather.selectLeader(voter, candidate); if (index !== 11) { assert.equal(gather.current, 'election'); } else { assert.equal(gather.current, 'selection'); } }); }); it ("produces leaders based on votes on transition", function () { var candidateA = gatherers[0]; var candidateB = gatherers[1]; assert.isUndefined(gather.alienLeader()); assert.isUndefined(gather.marineLeader()); gatherers.forEach(function (voter, index) { if (index % 2 === 0) { gather.selectLeader(voter, candidateA); } else { gather.selectLeader(voter, candidateB); } }); assert.equal(gather.current, 'selection'); assert.isTrue(gather.alienLeader().id === candidateA.id || gather.alienLeader().id === candidateB.id); assert.isTrue(gather.marineLeader().id === candidateA.id || gather.marineLeader().id === candidateB.id); }); it ("transitions to gathering and removes all gatherers on regather", function () { for (let i = 0; i < gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD - 1; i++) { gather.regather(gather.gatherers[i]); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), i + 1); assert.equal(gather.current, 'election'); } gather.regather(gather.gatherers[gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD]); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 0); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), 0); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); }); it ("returns to 'gathering' state if player leaves", function () { assert.equal(gather.current, 'election'); var voter = gather.gatherers[helper.random(12)]; var candidate = gather.gatherers[helper.random(12)]; gather.selectLeader(voter, candidate); gather.removeGatherer(voter); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); }); }); }); describe("Selection", function () { var leaderA, leaderB; beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer) { gather.addGatherer(gatherer); }); leaderA = gatherers[0]; leaderB = gatherers[1]; gatherers.forEach(function (voter, index) { if (index % 2 === 0) { gather.selectLeader(voter, leaderA); } else { gather.selectLeader(voter, leaderB); } }); gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer, index) { if (gatherer.leader) return; if (index % 2 === 0) { gather.moveToAlien(gatherer); } else { gather.moveToMarine(gatherer); } }); }); it ("transitions to 'done' when players selected", function () { gather.confirmSelection(); assert.equal(gather.current, "done"); }); it ("does not transition to 'done' unless all players selected", function () { var lobbyPlayer = gather.gatherers[11]; gather.moveToLobby(lobbyPlayer); assert.equal(gather.current, "selection"); }); it ("transitions to picking if a player leaves", function () { var leaver = gather.gatherers[11]; assert.equal(gather.current, "selection"); gather.removeGatherer(leaver); assert.equal(gather.current, "gathering"); }); it ("transitions to gathering and removes all gatherers on regather", function () { for (let i = 0; i < gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD - 1; i++) { gather.regather(gather.gatherers[i]); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), i + 1); assert.equal(gather.current, 'selection'); } gather.regather(gather.gatherers[gather.REGATHER_THRESHOLD]); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 0); assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), 0); assert.equal(gather.current, 'gathering'); }); }); }); describe("addUser", function () { it ("adds gatherer to lobby", function () { gather.addUser(user); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 1); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[0].id, user.id); }); it ("does not add duplicate users", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.addUser(user); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 1); }); }); describe("removeUser", function () { it ("removes gatherer altogether", function () { gather.addUser(user); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 1); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[0].id, user.id); gather.removeUser(user); assert.equal(gather.gatherers.length, 0); }); }); describe("moveToMarine", function () { it ("moves a player to marine", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.moveToMarine(user); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, 1); assert.equal(gather.marines()[0].id, user.id); }); it ("will not move player if team is full", function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer, index) { gather.addUser(gatherer); gather.moveToMarine(gatherer); assert.isTrue(gather.marines().length <= gather.TEAM_SIZE); }); }); describe("with mover argument", function () { var marineCount, gathererCursor, alienLeader, marineLeader; beforeEach(function () { helper.populateGatherAndVotes(gather, gatherers); alienLeader = gather.gatherers[0]; assert.equal(alienLeader.team, "alien"); marineLeader = gather.gatherers[1]; assert.equal(marineLeader.team, "marine"); gathererCursor = 2; marineCount = gather.marines().length; }); it ("moves player if mover is captain & is marine & current turn", function () { gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], marineLeader); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, marineCount + 1); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "marine"); }); it ("does not move player if mover is not in team", function () { gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], alienLeader); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, marineCount); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "lobby"); }); it ("does not move player if not captain", function () { gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], marineLeader); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "marine"); gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 1], alienLeader); gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 2], alienLeader); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, 2); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, 3); gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 3], gather.gatherers[gathererCursor]); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, marineCount + 1); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 3].team, "lobby"); }); it ("does not move player if already assigned to team", function () { gather.moveToMarine(alienLeader, marineLeader); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[0].team, "alien"); }); }); }); describe("moveToAlien", function () { it ("moves a player to alien", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.moveToAlien(user); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, 1); assert.equal(gather.aliens()[0].id, user.id); }); it ("will not move player if team is full", function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer, index) { gather.addUser(gatherer); gather.moveToAlien(gatherer); assert.isTrue(gather.aliens().length <= gather.TEAM_SIZE); }); }); describe("with mover argument", function () { var alienCount, gathererCursor, alienLeader, marineLeader; beforeEach(function () { helper.populateGatherAndVotes(gather, gatherers); gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[2]); alienLeader = gather.gatherers[0]; assert.equal(alienLeader.team, "alien"); marineLeader = gather.gatherers[1]; assert.equal(marineLeader.team, "marine"); gathererCursor = 3; alienCount = gather.aliens().length; }); it ("moves player if mover is captain & is alien & current turn", function () { gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], alienLeader); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, alienCount + 1); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "alien"); }); it ("does not move player if mover is not in team", function () { gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], marineLeader); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, alienCount); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "lobby"); }); it ("does not move player if not captain", function () { gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], alienLeader); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor].team, "alien"); alienCount++; gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 1], gather.gatherers[gathererCursor]); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, alienCount); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor + 1].team, "lobby"); }); it ("does not move player if already assigned to team", function () { gather.moveToMarine(alienLeader, marineLeader); assert.equal(gather.gatherers[0].team, "alien"); }); }); }); describe("pickingTurn", function () { var marineLeader, alienLeader; beforeEach(function () { helper.populateGatherAndVotes(gather, gatherers); marineLeader = gather.marineLeader(); alienLeader = gather.alienLeader(); assert.isNotNull(marineLeader); assert.isNotNull(alienLeader); assert.equal(gather.current, "selection"); }); it ("returns null if current state is not selection", function () { gather = Gather(); assert.isNull(gather.pickingTurn()); }); it ("gives first pick to aliens, then 2 for each side after", function () { var gathererCursor = 2; // Picking i=2 gatherer next var assertMarineNextMove = function () { assert.equal(gather.pickingTurn(), "marine"); gather.moveToMarine(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], marineLeader); gathererCursor++; }; var assertAlienNextMove = function () { assert.equal(gather.pickingTurn(), "alien"); gather.moveToAlien(gather.gatherers[gathererCursor], alienLeader); gathererCursor++; }; assertMarineNextMove(); assertAlienNextMove(); assertAlienNextMove(); assertMarineNextMove(); assertMarineNextMove(); assertAlienNextMove(); assertAlienNextMove(); assertMarineNextMove(); assertMarineNextMove(); assertAlienNextMove(); }); }); describe("moveToLobby", function () { it ("moves a player to lobby", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.moveToAlien(user); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, 1); gather.moveToLobby(user); assert.equal(gather.lobby().length, 1); assert.equal(gather.lobby()[0].id, user.id); }); }); describe("aliens", function () { it ("returns all gatherers in aliens", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.moveToAlien(user); assert.equal(gather.aliens().length, 1); }); }); describe("marines", function () { it ("returns all gatherers in marines", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.moveToMarine(user); assert.equal(gather.marines().length, 1); }); }); describe("lobby", function () { it ("returns all gatherers in lobby", function () { gather.addUser(user); assert.equal(gather.lobby().length, 1); }); }); describe("toJson", function () { it ("returns a json representation of the gather instance", function () { var output = gather.toJson(); assert.isArray(output.gatherers); assert.isString(output.state); assert.isNull(output.election.startTime); assert.equal(output.election.interval, gather.election.INTERVAL); }); }); describe("leaderVotes", function () { beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (user) { gather.addUser(user); }); }); it ("initialises with an empty array", function () { assert.isArray(gather.leaderVotes()); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes(), 0); }); it ("returns an array of user ids", function () { var candidate = gatherers[0]; var voter = gatherers[1]; gather.voteForLeader(voter, candidate); assert.isArray(gather.leaderVotes()); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes().length, 1); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes()[0], candidate.id); }); it ("ignores candidates who have left the gather", function () { var candidate = gatherers[0]; var voter = gatherers[1]; gather.voteForLeader(voter, candidate); gather.removeUser(candidate); assert.equal(gather.leaderVotes().length, 0); }); }); describe("voteForLeader", function () { beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (user) { gather.addUser(user); }); }); it ("assigns vote for a leader", function () { var candidate = gatherers[0]; var voter = gatherers[1]; gather.voteForLeader(voter, candidate); var votes = gather.leaderVotes(); assert.equal(votes.length, 1); assert.equal(votes[0], candidate.id); }); it ("reassigns vote if already voted", function () { var candidate = gatherers[0]; var secondCandidate = gatherers[2]; var voter = gatherers[1]; gather.voteForLeader(voter, candidate); var votes = gather.leaderVotes(); assert.equal(votes.length, 1); assert.equal(votes[0], candidate.id); gather.voteForLeader(voter, secondCandidate); votes = gather.leaderVotes(); assert.equal(votes.length, 1); assert.equal(votes[0], secondCandidate.id); }); }); describe("alienLeader", function () { beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer) { gather.addGatherer(gatherer); }); }); it ("returns alien leader", function () { gather.gatherers[0].team = "alien"; gather.gatherers[0].leader = true; assert.equal(gather.alienLeader().id, gather.gatherers[0].id); }); it ("returns undefined if no alien leader", function () { assert.isUndefined(gather.alienLeader()); }); }); describe("marineLeader", function () { beforeEach(function () { gatherers.forEach(function (gatherer) { gather.addGatherer(gatherer); }); }); it ("returns marine leader", function () { gather.gatherers[0].team = "marine"; gather.gatherers[0].leader = true; assert.equal(gather.marineLeader().id, gather.gatherers[0].id); }); it ("returns undefined if no marine leader", function () { assert.isUndefined(gather.marineLeader()); }); }); describe("assignMarineLeader", function () { it ("assigns a marine leader", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.assignMarineLeader(user.id); var leader = gather.marineLeader(); assert.equal(leader.id, user.id); }); }); describe("assignAlienLeader", function () { it ("assigns an alien leader", function () { gather.addUser(user); gather.assignAlienLeader(user.id); var leader = gather.alienLeader(); assert.equal(leader.id, user.id); }); }); describe("getGatherer", function () { beforeEach(function () { gather.addGatherer(user); }); it ("returns a gatherer given a user", function () { var gatherer = gather.getGatherer(user); assert.equal(gatherer.id, user.id); }); it ("returns null if user is not a gatherer", function () { var gatherer = gather.getGatherer(gatherers[0]); assert.isNull(gatherer); }); }); describe("voteForMap", function () { beforeEach(function() { gather.addGatherer(user); }); it ("assigns map vote to gatherer", function () { var mapId = 1; gather.voteForMap(user, mapId); var gatherer = gather.getGatherer(user); assert.equal(gatherer.mapVote, mapId); }); }); describe("voteForServer", function () { beforeEach(function() { gather.addGatherer(user); }); it ("assigns map vote to gatherer", function () { var serverId = 1; gather.voteForServer(user, serverId); var gatherer = gather.getGatherer(user); assert.equal(gatherer.serverVote, serverId); }); }); describe("regatherVotes", function () { beforeEach(function() { gather.addGatherer(user); }); it ("counts the number of regather votes", function () { assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), 0); gather.gatherers[0].regatherVote = true; assert.equal(gather.regatherVotes(), 1); }); }); });