"use strict"; /* * Gather Controller * * Server API * gather:refresh - Refreshes active gather * gather:archive:refresh - Refreshes gather archive * * Client API * gather:join - Assigns user to gather * gather:vote - Assigns vote to map, leader or server * gather:leave - Leave gather * gather:select - Select player for team * gather:refresh - Refresh gather for client * gather:reset - Resets gather (ADMIN) * */ var Map = require("./map"); var Server = require("./server"); var mongoose = require("mongoose"); var Gather = require("./gather_singleton"); var ArchivedGather = mongoose.model("ArchivedGather"); var _ = require("lodash"); var winston = require("winston"); module.exports = function (namespace) { var refreshGather = _.debounce(function () { namespace.emit("gather:refresh", { gather: Gather.current ? Gather.current.toJson() : null, maps: Map.list, servers: Server.list }); }, 200, { leading: true, trailing: true }); var refreshArchive = () => { ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => { if (error) return winston.error(error); namespace.emit("gather:archive:refresh", { archive: recentGathers, maps: Map.list, servers: Server.list }); }); }; Gather.registerCallback('onDone', refreshGather); Gather.registerCallback('onEvent', refreshGather); Gather.registerCallback('onEvent', (event, from, to) => { if (from === 'gathering' && to === 'election') { namespace.emit("notification", { sound: "gather_starting" }); } }); Gather.onArchiveUpdate(refreshArchive); Gather.restart(); // ***** Generate Test Users ***** if (process.env.POPULATE_GATHER) { let helper = require("./helper"); helper.createTestUsers({ gather: Gather.current }, refreshGather); } namespace.on("connection", function (socket) { ArchivedGather.recent((error, recentGathers) => { if (error) return winston.error(error); socket.emit("gather:archive:refresh", { archive: recentGathers, maps: Map.list, servers: Server.list }); }); socket.on("gather:join", function (data) { let gather = Gather.current; if (gather.can("addGatherer")) gather.addGatherer(socket._user); winston.info("Gather Joiner", JSON.stringify(socket._user)); refreshGather(); }); socket.on("gather:refresh", function () { socket.emit("gather:refresh", { gather: Gather.current ? Gather.current.toJson() : null, maps: Map.list, servers: Server.list }); }); let removeGatherer = user => { let gather = Gather.current; if (gather.can("removeGatherer")) gather.removeGatherer(user); if (user.cooldown) gather.applyCooldown(user); winston.info("Gather Leaver", JSON.stringify(user)); refreshGather(); } socket.on("gather:leave", function (data) { if (data && data.gatherer) { // Remove gatherer defined by ID (admins only) if (!socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) return; removeGatherer({ id: data.gatherer, cooldown: true }); } else { // Remove gatherer attached to socket removeGatherer(socket._user); } }); socket.on("gather:select", function (data) { let gather = Gather.current; let playerId = data.player; // Check team & leader let gatherLeader = gather.getGatherer(socket._user); // Cancel if not gatherer or leader if (gatherLeader === null || gatherLeader.leader === false) { return null; } // Cancel if id belongs to a leader let selectedPlayer = gather.getGatherer({id: playerId}); if (selectedPlayer === null || selectedPlayer.leader) { return null; } let team = gatherLeader.team; let method = (team === 'alien') ? gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine; method.call(gather, selectedPlayer.user, socket._user); // Check if last player and add to last team if (gather.lobby().length === 1) { let assignLast = (gather.marines().length === 6) ? gather.moveToAlien : gather.moveToMarine; assignLast.call(gather, gather.lobby().pop()); } if (gather.can("confirmSelection")) { gather.confirmSelection(socket._user); } winston.info("Selection Data", JSON.stringify(socket._user), JSON.stringify(data)); refreshGather(); }); socket.on("disconnect", function () { }); socket.on("gather:vote", function (data) { let gather = Gather.current; if (data.leader) { gather.selectLeader(socket._user, data.leader.candidate); } if (data.map) { gather.voteForMap(socket._user, data.map.id); } if (data.server) { gather.voteForServer(socket._user, data.server.id); } if (typeof data.regather === 'boolean' && gather.can("regather")) { gather.regather(socket._user, data.regather); } winston.info("Vote Data", JSON.stringify(socket._user), JSON.stringify(data)); refreshGather(); }); socket.on("gather:reset", function () { if (socket._user.isGatherAdmin()) { Gather.reset(); refreshGather(); } }); refreshGather(); }); };