Luke Barratt 24eabf89e6 Changed newrelic configuration to load from environment variables
Changed login field text
Changed database configuration connection pool size to be configured via dotenv
Use a single BBcode parser library
Added better translations coverage
Code formatting
Increases maximum article text limit
Added database cleaner with the deletion strategy during testing
2014-03-30 20:50:52 +01:00

96 lines
3.5 KiB

# == Schema Information
# Table name: profiles
# id :integer not null, primary key
# user_id :integer
# msn :string(255)
# icq :string(255)
# irc :string(255)
# web :string(255)
# town :string(255)
# singleplayer :string(255)
# multiplayer :string(255)
# food :string(255)
# beverage :string(255)
# hobby :string(255)
# music :string(255)
# book :string(255)
# movie :string(255)
# tvseries :string(255)
# res :string(255)
# sensitivity :string(255)
# monitor_hz :string(255)
# scripts :string(255)
# cpu :string(255)
# gpu :string(255)
# ram :string(255)
# psu :string(255)
# motherboard :string(255)
# soundcard :string(255)
# hdd :string(255)
# case :string(255)
# monitor :string(255)
# mouse :string(255)
# mouse_pad :string(255)
# keyboard :string(255)
# head_phones :string(255)
# speakers :string(255)
# achievements :text
# updated_at :datetime
# signature :string(255)
# avatar :string(255)
# clan_search :string(255)
# notify_news :boolean
# notify_articles :boolean
# notify_movies :boolean
# notify_gather :boolean
# notify_own_match :boolean
# notify_any_match :boolean
# notify_pms :boolean default(TRUE), not null
# notify_challenge :boolean default(TRUE), not null
# steam_profile :string(255)
# achievements_parsed :string(255)
# signature_parsed :string(255)
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
include Extra
attr_protected :user_id, :id, :updated_at, :created_at
belongs_to :user
validates_length_of :msn, :maximum => 50
validates_format_of :msn, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i, :allow_blank => true
validates_format_of :icq, :with => /\A[0-9\-]{1,9}\z/, :allow_blank => true
validates_length_of :irc, :maximum => 20
validates_length_of :web, :maximum => 100
validates_length_of :town, :maximum => 20
validates_length_of [:singleplayer, :multiplayer, :food, :beverage, :hobby, :music, :book, :movie, :tvseries], :maximum => 120
validates_length_of [:res, :sensitivity, :monitor_hz], :maximum => 30
validates_length_of [:scripts, :cpu, :gpu, :ram, :psu, :motherboard, :soundcard, :hdd, :case, :monitor, :mouse, :mouse_pad, :keyboard, :head_phones, :speakers], :maximum => 100
validates_length_of :signature, :maximum => 255
validates_length_of :achievements, :maximum => 65000
validates_format_of :steam_profile, :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9_\-\+]{1,40}\z/, :allow_blank => true
before_validation :init_steam_profile
before_save :parse_text
mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader
def init_steam_profile
if steam_profile
if (m = steam_profile.to_s.match(/http:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/profiles\/([0-9]*)/))
self.steam_profile = m[1]
elsif (m = steam_profile.to_s.match(/http:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/id\/([A-Za-z0-9_\-\+]*)/))
self.steam_profile = m[1]
def parse_text
self.achievements_parsed = bbcode_to_html(achievements) if self.achievements
self.signature_parsed = bbcode_to_html(signature) if self.signature