  Match Extras: <%= namelink @match %>

<div class="wide box">
    HLTV Management

  <% if @match.hltv and @match.hltv.recording %>
    <p class="red bold">
      Currently recording: <%= namelink @match.hltv %>
<% end %>
<%= form_tag :action => "hltv", :id => @match do %>
    <%= label_tag "IP:Port" %><br />
    <%= text_field_tag "addr", (@match.server.addr if @match.server) %>
    <%= label_tag "Server password" %><br />
    <%= text_field_tag "pwd", (@match.server.password if @match.server) %>

  <% if @match.hltv and @match.hltv.recording %>
      <%= label_tag "Wait 90s before stop/move" %><br />
      <%= check_box_tag "wait", "1", false %>
      <%= submit_tag 'Move HLTV to new address' %>
      <%= submit_tag 'Stop HLTV and upload demos' %>
  <% else %>
      <%= submit_tag 'Send HLTV for recording' %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<% if cuser and cuser.admin? %>
  <div class="wide box">

    <%= form_for Movie.new do |f| %>
      <%= f.error_messages %>
      <%= f.hidden_field :match_id, {:value => @match.id} %>

        This will start downloading the video from an IP and Port.
        IP: <%= f.text_field :stream_ip, :size => 12 %> : <%= f.text_field :stream_port, :size => 3 %>

      <%= submit_tag "Download" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= link_to "Back", @match %>