RACK_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=production APP_SECRET=randomstringhere DEPLOY_PATH=/var/www PUMA_WORKERS=5 PUMA_MIN_THREADS=1 PUMA_MAX_THREADS=16 PUMA_PORT=4000 PUMA_TIMEOUT=30 # Docker adds mysql to hosts MYSQL_HOST=mysql # This is used by both rails + mysql MYSQL_DATABASE=ensl # Add to allow docker image to connect MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% # FIXME: Use root since normal user does not work. atm. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=randomstringhere # These variables are for ensl MYSQL_USERNAME=root MYSQL_PASSWORD=randomstringhere # More MySQL vars MYSQL_CONNECTION_POOL=32 NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=ENSL NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY= EXCEPTIONAL_API_KEY= GOOGLE_API_KEY= GOOGLE_CALENDAR_ID=