log_directory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/../lib/') module RailsLog class Processor def self.process(input) waiting_for_time = false summary = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = []} info = {} while line = input.gets if waiting_for_time if line[0..11] == 'Completed in' if line =~ /^Completed\s*in\s*([^\s]+)\s*\(View:\s*(\d+),\s*DB:\s*(\d+)\)\s*\|\s*(\d+)\s*\w+\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/i info.merge!({:processing_time => $1, :view_time => $2, :db_time => $3, :status => $4, :url => $5}) summary["#{info[:controller]}##{info[:action]}"] << info[:processing_time].to_i elsif line =~ /Completed\s*in\s*([^\s]+)\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*\|\s*Rendering:\s*([\d\.]+)\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*\|\s*DB:\s*([\d\.]+)\s*\([^\)]+\)\s*\|\s*(\d+)\s*\w+\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/i info.merge!({:processing_time => ($1.to_f * 100).to_i, :view_time => ($2.to_f * 100).to_i, :db_time => ($3.to_f * 100).to_i, :status => $4, :url => $5}) summary["#{info[:controller]}##{info[:action]}"] << info[:processing_time].to_i end waiting_for_time = false end else if line[0..9] == 'Processing' if line =~ /^Processing\s*([^#]+)#([^\s]+)\s*\(for\s*([^\s]+)\s*at\s*([^\)]+)\)\s*\[(\w+)\]/i info = {:controller => $1, :action => $2, :ip => $3, :datetime => $4, :method => $4} waiting_for_time = true end end end end stats = [] summary.keys.each do |k| values = summary[k] sum, max, min, avg, median = 0 if values.length > 0 values.sort! sum = values.inject(0){|sum,i| sum += i} max = values[-1] min = values[0] avg = sum / values.length median = values.length % 2 == 0 ? (values[1/2-1] + values[1/2]) / 2 : values[(values.length + 1) / 2 - 1] end stats << Stats.new(k, values.size, sum, max, min, avg, median) end stats end end class Stats attr_accessor :uri, :count, :sum, :max, :min, :avg, :median def initialize(uri, count, sum, max, min, avg, median) @uri = uri @count = count @sum = sum @max = max @min = min @avg = avg @median = median end end def self.run sort_by_key = nil result_limit = 0 ARGV.each_with_index do |arg,i| if ['--sort', '-s'].include?(arg) sort_by_key = ARGV[i+1] elsif ['--limit', '-l'].include?(arg) result_limit = ARGV[i+1].to_i elsif ['--help', '-h'].include?(arg) print_usage exit end end file = ARGV.size > 0 ? ARGV[-1] : nil stats = nil if !file.nil? && File.exists?(file) File.open(file, 'r') do |f| stats = Processor.process f end else stats = Processor.process STDIN end stats_array = [] sort_by_key = 'median' unless !sort_by_key.nil? && stats[0].respond_to?(sort_by_key) stats.sort_by{ |s| s.send(sort_by_key) }.reverse.each do |s| #puts "#{s.uri} - count:#{s.count} - sum:#{s.sum} - max:#{s.max} - min:#{s.min} - avg:#{s.avg} - median:#{s.median}" stats_array << [s.uri, s.count, s.sum, s.max, s.min, s.avg, s.median] end stats_array = stats_array[0..result_limit-1] if result_limit > 0 stats_array.tabalize(['Uri', 'Calls', 'Total Time', 'Max', 'Min', 'Avg', 'Median'], [:left, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right, :right]) end def self.print_usage puts <<-END ruby #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options] [FILE] Parses a rails log file and prints out call time information by controller#action pair. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. options: --help | -h Print this help screen --sort | -s <key> Sort the results by key valid keys are: count - The total number of calls sum - The total call time max - The maximum call time min - The minimum call time avg - The average call time median - The median call time (default) --limit | -l <limit> Limit the number of results displayed examples: ruby #{File.basename(__FILE__)} --sort count < $RAILS_ROOT/logs/development.log gunzip -c $RAILS_ROOT/logs/development.log.gz | ruby #{File.basename(__FILE__)} --sort count --limit 20 - END exit end end class Array def tabalize(headings, justifications = nil, out = STDOUT) raise ArgumentError.new('only works on an array of arrays') if size > 0 && ![0].is_a?(Array) raise ArgumentError.new('headings, justifications and array elements must all have the same number of elements') if size > 0 && (headings.size != [0].size) && (!justifications.nil? && (headings.size != justifications.size)) sizes = Array.new(headings.size, 0) headings.each_with_index do |h,i| sizes[i] = [sizes[i], h.to_s.length].max end each do |row| row.each_with_index do |e, i| sizes[i] = [sizes[i], e.to_s.length].max end end print_tablalize_lines(out, sizes) out.write "| " sizes.each_with_index do |s, i| out.write " | " if i > 0 out.write headings[i].ljust(s, ' ') end out.write " |\n" print_tablalize_lines(out, sizes) each do |row| out.write "| " sizes.each_with_index do |s, i| out.write " | " if i > 0 out.write row[i].to_s.send("#{justifications[i].to_s[0..0]}just", s, ' ') end out.write " |\n" end print_tablalize_lines(out, sizes) end private def print_tablalize_lines(out, sizes) out.write '+-' sizes.each_with_index do |s, i| out.write "-+-" if i > 0 out.write "".ljust(s, '-') end out.write "-+\n" end end RailsLog.run