# == Schema Information # # Table name: groups # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # founder_id :integer # class Group < ActiveRecord::Base include Extra ADMINS = 1 REFEREES = 2 MOVIES = 3 DONORS = 4 MOVIEMAKERS = 5 CASTERS = 6 CHAMPIONS = 7 PREDICTORS = 8 STAFF = 10 GATHER_MODERATORS = 14 COMP_MOD_COUNCIL = 16 attr_protected :id, :updated_at, :created_at, :founder_id validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 20 has_and_belongs_to_many :users has_many :groupers has_many :users, :through => :groupers belongs_to :founder, :class_name => "User" def to_s name end def can_create? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def can_update? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def can_destroy? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? and id != Group::ADMINS end def self.staff staff = [] (find(ADMINS).groupers + find(PREDICTORS).groupers + find(CASTERS).groupers + find(STAFF).groupers + find(REFEREES).groupers).each do |g| staff << g unless staff.include? g end staff end def self.admins admins = [] (find(ADMINS).groupers).each do |g| admins << g unless admins.include? g end admins end def self.referees referees = [] (find(REFEREES).groupers).each do |g| referees << g unless referees.include? g end referees end def self.extras extras = [] (find(PREDICTORS).groupers + find(STAFF).groupers).each do |g| extras << g unless extras.include? g end extras end def self.casters casters = [] (find(CASTERS).groupers).each do |g| casters << g unless casters.include? g end casters end def self.gathermods gathermods = [] (find(GATHER_MODERATORS).groupers).each do |g| gathermods << g unless gathermods.include? g end gathermods end def self.compmodcouncil compmodcouncil = [] (find(COMP_MOD_COUNCIL).groupers).each do |g| compmodcouncil << g unless compmodcouncil.include? g end compmodcouncil end end