class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base POSTS_PAGE = 30 STATE_NORMAL = 0 STATE_STICKY = 1 LATEST_PER_PAGE = 5 RULES = 12 include Extra attr_protected :id, :updated_at, :created_at attr_accessor :first_post belongs_to :user belongs_to :forum has_one :lock, :as => :lockable has_one :latest, :class_name => "Post", :order => "id DESC" has_many :posts, :order => "id ASC", :dependent => :destroy has_many :view_counts, :as => :viewable, :dependent => :destroy scope :basic, :include => [:latest, {:forum => :forumer}, :user] scope :ordered, :order => "state DESC, DESC" scope :recent, :conditions => " IS NULL AND = (SELECT id FROM posts AS P WHERE P.topic_id = ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)", :order => " DESC", :group => "" scope :latest_page, lambda { |page| {:limit => "#{(page-1)*LATEST_PER_PAGE}, #{(page-1)*LATEST_PER_PAGE+LATEST_PER_PAGE}"} } validates_presence_of :user_id, :forum_id validates_length_of :title, :in => 1..50 validates_length_of :first_post, :in => 1..10000, :on => :create after_create :make_post acts_as_readable def to_s title end def record_view_count(ip_address, logged_in = false) self.view_counts.create(:viewable => self, :ip_address => ip_address, :logged_in => logged_in) self end def view_count self.view_counts.length end def make_post c = c.text = first_post c.user = user! end def can_show? cuser forum.can_show? cuser end def can_create? cuser return false unless cuser errors.add :bans, I18n.t(:bans_mute) if cuser.banned?(Ban::TYPE_MUTE) and forum != Forum::BANS errors.add :bans, I18n.t(:registered_for_week) unless cuser.verified? (Forum.available_to(cuser, Forumer::ACCESS_TOPIC).of_forum(forum).first and errors.size == 0) end def can_update? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def can_destroy? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def last_page [((posts.count - 1) / POSTS_PAGE) + 1, 1].max end def states {STATE_NORMAL => "Normal", STATE_STICKY => "Sticky"} end end