# == Schema Information # # Table name: teamers # # id :integer not null, primary key # team_id :integer not null # user_id :integer not null # comment :string(255) # rank :integer not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # class Teamer < ActiveRecord::Base include Extra RANK_REMOVED = -2 RANK_JOINER = -1 RANK_MEMBER = 0 RANK_DEPUTEE = 1 RANK_LEADER = 2 #attr_protected :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :version validates_length_of :comment, :in => 0..15, :allow_blank => true validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, :scope => [:team_id, :rank] validates_presence_of :user, :team #validate_on_create:validate_team #validate_on_create:validate_contests validate :validate_team scope :basic, -> { includes(:user).order("rank DESC, created_at ASC") } scope :past, -> { where("teamers.rank = ?", RANK_REMOVED) } scope :joining,-> { where("teamers.rank = ?", RANK_JOINER) } scope :present, -> { where("teamers.rank >= ?", RANK_JOINER) } scope :active, -> { where("teamers.rank >= ?", RANK_MEMBER) } scope :leaders, -> { where("teamers.rank >= ?", RANK_DEPUTEE) } scope :of_team, -> (team) { where("teamers.team_id" => team.id) } scope :active_teams, -> { includes(:team).where("teams.active = ?", true) } scope :unique_by_team, -> { group("user_id, team_id") } scope :ordered, -> { order("rank DESC, created_at ASC") } scope :historic, -> (user, time) { where("user_id = ? AND created_at < ? AND ((updated_at > ? AND rank = ?) OR rank >= ?)", user.id, time.utc, time.utc, RANK_REMOVED, RANK_MEMBER) } belongs_to :user belongs_to :team has_many :other_teamers, -> { where("teamers.id != ?", object_id) }, :through => :user, :source => :teamers has_many :contesters, :through => :team before_create :init_variables def to_s user.to_s end def ranks {RANK_JOINER => "Joining", RANK_MEMBER => "Member", RANK_DEPUTEE => "Deputee", RANK_LEADER => "Leader"} end def validate_team if user.teamers.of_team(team).present.count > 0 errors.add :team, I18n.t(:teams_join_twice) end end def validate_contests # TODO end def init_variables self.rank = RANK_JOINER unless self.rank end def destroy user.update_attribute :team, nil if user.team == team if rank == Teamer::RANK_JOINER super else update_attribute :rank, Teamer::RANK_REMOVED end end def can_create? cuser, params cuser and Verification.contain params, [:user_id, :team_id] end def can_update? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def can_destroy? cuser cuser and (user == cuser or team.is_leader? cuser or cuser.admin?) end end