<% captain = team == 1 ? @gather.captain1 : @gather.captain2 %> <% pick = false %>

<%= if team.nil? then "Lobby" else team == 1 ? "Marines" : "Aliens" end %>

<%= form_tag("/gathers/pick/#{@gather.id}") do %> <% @gather.gatherers.ordered.team(team).each do |gatherer| %> <% if @gatherer and gatherer.can_update? cuser, {:team => @gatherer.team} %> <% pick = true %> <% else %> <% if gatherer == captain and gatherer.team == gatherer.gather.turn %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if pick %> >> Pick <% end %>
<%= radio_button_tag :player, gatherer.id %><%= flag gatherer.user.country %> <%= namelink gatherer.user %><%= flag gatherer.user.country %>» <% else %> <% end %> <%= namelink gatherer.user %><%= " (C)" if gatherer == captain %>
<% end %>