<%= provide :content_class, 'no-body' %> <div id="categories"> <% @categories.each do |cat| %> <% forums = cuser ? cat.forums.available_to(cuser, Forumer::ACCESS_READ).ordered : cat.forums.public.ordered %> <% next if forums.length == 0 %> <div class="category"> <table class="category striped"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2" class="category"><%=h cat.name %></th> <th class="actions"></th> <th class="topics">Topics</th> <th class="posts">Posts</th> <th class="last">Last Post</th> </tr> </thead> <% forums.each do |forum| %> <tr> <td class="bullet <%= 'updated' if cuser and !forum.read_by?(cuser) %>"></td> <td class="forum"> <h5><%= namelink(forum) %></h5> <%= forum.description %> </td> <td class="actions"> <% if forum.can_update? cuser %> <%= link_to action: "up", id: forum do %> <% icon 'arrow-up' %> <% end %> <%= link_to action: "down", id: forum do %> <% icon 'arrow-down' %> <% end %> <% end %> </td> <td class="topics"><%= forum.topics.count %></td> <td class="posts"><%= forum.posts.count %></td> <td class="last"> <% if forum.posts.last %> <%= link_to lastpost(forum.posts.last.topic) do %> <%=h forum.posts.last.user %><br> <%= shortdate(forum.posts.last.created_at) %> <% end %> <% end %> </td> </tr> <% end %> </table> </div> <% end %> </div> <div class="statistics"> <h4>Statistics</h4> <p> We have total of <strong><%= Post.count %></strong> posts, <strong><%= Topic.count %></strong> topics, and <strong><%= User.count %></strong> users. </p> <p> Our newest member is <%= namelink User.last %> and most active member is <%= namelink User.posts_stats.first %>. </p> </div> <% if Forum.new.can_create? cuser %> <p> <%= link_to 'New Forum', new_forum_path, class: 'button' %> </p> <% end %>