en: access_denied: "Access denied, make sure you are logged in!" articles_article_views: "Views" bans_create: "Ban was successfully created." bans_update: "Ban was successfully updated." brackets_create: "Bracket was successfully created." brackets_update: "Bracket was successfully updated." articles_create: "Article was successfully created." articles_update: "Article was successfully updated." articles_revert: "Article reverted to version: {{version}}" articles_category: "Article category was successfully created." articles_category_update: "Article category was successfully updated." challenges_create: "Challenge was successfully created." challenges_cleared: "Challenges cleared." challenges_update: "Challenge was successfully updated." comments_create: "Comment was successfully created." comments_update: "Comment was successfully created." comments_invalid: "Comment invalid: " contests_create: "Contest was successfully created." contests_update: "Contest was successfully updated." contests_join: "Team successfully joined contest." contests_contester_update: "Contester was successfully updated." gather_create: "New Gather was started successfully." gathers_join: "You have joined the Gather." gathers_user_pick: "You have successfully selected a player for your team." gatherers_update: "Gather player successfully updated." files_create: "File was successfully created." files_update: "File was successfully updated." directories_create: "Directory was successfully created." directories_update: "Directory was successfully updated." scores_recalc: "All scores recalculated." groups_added: "Group added to the list." groups_acl_update: "Group ACL updated." groups_user_update: "Group member updated." forums_create: "Forum was successfully created." forums_update: "Forum was successfully updated." errors: "Errors: " issues_create: "Issue was successfully created." issues_update: "Issue was successfully updated." topics_locked: "Topic locked." logevent_create: "LogEvent was successfully created." logevent_update: "LogEvent was successfully updated." maps_create: "Map was successfully created." maps_update: "Map was successfully updated." matches_create: "Match was successfully created." matches_update: "Match was successfully updated." hltv_send: "Send HLTV" hltv_move: "Move HLTV" hltv_stop: "Stop HLTV" hltv_recording: "HLTV recording." hltv_stopped: "HLTV's stopped. Demos saved." hltv_moved: "HLTV moved." hltv_movedd: "HLTVs moved to: " message_create: "Message was successfully sent." movies_create: "Movie was successfully created." movies_update: "Movie was successfully updated." execute: "Executed: " pcws_create: "Pcw was successfully saved." matches_nofound: "Match cannot be found." hltv_notavailable: "No HLTV's available." hltv_sent: "SUCCESS. HLTV ({{hltv.ip}}:{{hltv.port}}) sent. Demo: {{hltv.recording}}" polls_create: "Poll was successfully created." polls_update: "Poll was successfully updated." posts_create: "Post was successfully created." posts_update: "Post was successfully updated." predictions_create: "Prediction was successfully created." servers_updated: "Servers updated." servers_create: "Server was successfully created." servers_update: "Server was successfully updated." server_destroy: "Server was removed successfully." invalid_message: "Invalid message." sites_create: "Site was successfully created." sites_update: "Site was successfully updated." applying_team: "Applying for team: " teams_create: "Team was successfully created." teams_update: "Team was successfully updated." topics_create: "Topic was successfully updated." topics_update: "Topic was successfully updated." tweets_refresh: "Tweetit refreshed." users_update: "User was successfully updated." accounts_locked: "Account locked." login_successful: "Login Successful" login_unsuccessful: "Login Unsuccessful" login_out: "Logged out." login_status: "Logged in as" passwords_sent: "Password has been sent." password_md5_scrypt: "Password has been upgraded to higher security level (MD5->SCRYPT)." password_corrupt: "Your password has become corrupt, please reset via forget password or contact admin." incorrect_information: "Incorrect Information." weeks_create: "Week was successfully created." weeks_update: "Week was successfully updated." votes_success: "Voted successfully." error: "error" prohibited: "prohibited" news: archive: "Archive" gather: status: joined: "You're currently in the Gather." widget: schedule: "Match Schedule" shoutbox: "Shoutbox" highlights: "Highlights" posts: "Latest Posts" poll: "Poll" profile: locals: "Locals" sessions: form: forgot_password: "Forgot password?" errors: template: header: "Please review the following errors:" helpers: submit: user: login: "Login" create: "Register" update: "Update Profile" post: new: "New Article" create: "Create Article" update: "Update Article" activerecord: models: gather: "Gather" attributes: article: title: "Title" user: username: "Username" email: "Email" raw_password: "Password" steamid: "Steam ID" errors: models: user: attributes: username: too_short: "is too short" invalid: "is invalid" raw_password: blank: "cannot be blank" email: invalid: "is invalid" steamid: invalid: "is invalid"