<% if @gather.status == Gather::STATE_RUNNING %> <% if @gatherer and @gatherer.can_destroy? cuser %>

Gather running, <%= Gather::FULL - @gather.gatherers.length %> more needed.

<%= link_to 'Leave Gather', @gatherer, confirm: 'Are you sure?', method: :delete, class: 'button tiny leave-gather' %> <% elsif (g = Gatherer.new(gather: @gather, user: cuser)).can_create?(cuser) %> <%= form_for g do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :gather_id %> <%= f.hidden_field :user_id %>

Gather running, <%= Gather::FULL - @gather.gatherers.length %> more needed.

You can download custom maps via the <%= link_to "Steam Workshop", "http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse?searchtext=&childpublishedfileid=0§ion=items&appid=4920&browsesort=trend&requiredtags%5B%5D=level" %>.

<% if cuser.gatherers.count < 5 %> <%= f.check_box :confirm %> I have read the <%= link_to "rules", article_url(Article::G_RULES) %>, installed NS and Teamspeak3. <% end %> Click to join gather!

<% end %> <% else %>

Log in to join the gather.

<% end %> <% elsif @gather.status == Gather::STATE_VOTING %>

Please vote captains and maps.

<% elsif @gather.status == Gather::STATE_PICKING %>

<% if @gatherer and @gatherer.captain? %> <% if @gatherer.turn? %> It is your turn, please pick a player from the lobby! <% else%> Wait for the other captain to pick. <% end %> <% else %> Captains are picking the teams, please wait. Are you a panda?
<% end %>

<% elsif @gather.status == Gather::STATE_FINISHED and @gather.server %>

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: <%= namelink @gather.map1.map if @gather.map1 %>, <%= (namelink @gather.map2.map) if @gather.map2 %>
Server: <% if @gather.server %> <%= @gather.server %> (<%= @gather.server.ip %>:<%= @gather.server.port %> ; password = <%= if @gather.server.password then @gather.server.password else "" end %>) <% end %>

<% if @gather.server and @gather.server.ip and @gather.server.password %>

<%= link_to "Click to join Server", "steam://run/4920//connect #{@gather.server.ip} #{@gather.server.password}", class: 'join button tiny' %>

<% end %> <% end %> <% if cuser and cuser.admin? %> <%= link_to "Admin Page", edit_gather_url, class: 'admin button' %> <% end %>