# == Schema Information # # Table name: users # # id :integer not null, primary key # birthdate :date # country :string(255) # email :string(255) # firstname :string(255) # lastip :string(255) # lastname :string(255) # lastvisit :datetime # password :string(255) # public_email :boolean default("0"), not null # steamid :string(255) # time_zone :string(255) # username :string(255) # version :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # team_id :integer # # Indexes # # index_users_on_lastvisit (lastvisit) # index_users_on_team_id (team_id) # require 'digest/md5' class User < ActiveRecord::Base include Extra VERIFICATION_TIME = 604800 #attr_protected :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :lastvisit, :lastip, :password, :version attr_accessor :raw_password #attribute :lastvisit, :string, default: DateTime.now belongs_to :team has_one :profile, :dependent => :destroy has_many :bans, :dependent => :destroy has_many :articles, :dependent => :destroy has_many :movies, :dependent => :destroy has_many :servers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :votes, :dependent => :destroy has_many :gatherers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :gathers, :through => :gatherers has_many :groupers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy has_many :groups, :through => :groupers has_many :shoutmsgs, :dependent => :destroy has_many :issues, :foreign_key => "author_id", :dependent => :destroy has_many :assigned_issues, :class_name => "Issue", :foreign_key => "assigned_id" has_many :posted_comments, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => "Comment" has_many :comments, -> { order("created_at ASC") }, :class_name => "Comment", :as => :commentable, :dependent => :destroy has_many :teamers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :active_teams, -> { where("teamers.rank >= ? AND teams.active = ?", Teamer::RANK_MEMBER, true) }, \ :through => :teamers, :source => "team" has_many :active_contesters, -> { where("contesters.active = ?", true) }, \ :through => :active_teams, :source => "contesters" has_many :active_contests, -> { where("contests.status != ?", Contest::STATUS_CLOSED) }, \ :through => :active_contesters, :source => "contest" has_many :matchers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :matches, :through => :matchers has_many :predictions, :dependent => :destroy has_many :challenges_received, :through => :active_contesters, :source => "challenges_received" has_many :challenges_sent, :through => :active_contesters, :source => "challenges_sent" has_many :upcoming_team_matches, -> { where("match_time > UTC_TIMESTAMP()") }, :through => :active_teams, :source => "matches" has_many :upcoming_ref_matches, -> { where("match_time > UTC_TIMESTAMP()") }, :class_name => "Match", :foreign_key => "referee_id" has_many :past_team_matches, -> { where("match_time < UTC_TIMESTAMP()") }, :through => :active_contesters, :source => "matches" has_many :past_ref_matches, -> { where("match_time < UTC_TIMESTAMP()") }, :class_name => "Match", :foreign_key => "referee_id" has_many :received_personal_messages, :class_name => "Message", :as => "recipient", :dependent => :destroy has_many :sent_personal_messages, :class_name => "Message", :as => "sender", :dependent => :destroy has_many :sent_team_messages, :through => :active_teams, :source => :sent_messages has_many :match_teams, :through => :matchers, :source => :teams scope :active, -> { where(banned: false) } scope :with_age, -> { where("DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(birthdate)), '%Y')+0 AS aged, COUNT(*) as num, username") .group("aged") .having("num > 8 AND aged > 0") } scope :country_stats, -> { select("country, COUNT(*) as num") .where("country is not null and country != '' and country != '--'") .group("country") .having("num > 15") .order("num DESC") } scope :posts_stats, -> { select("users.id, username, COUNT(posts.id) as num") .joins("LEFT JOIN posts ON posts.user_id = users.id") .group("users.id") .order("num DESC") } scope :banned, -> { joins("LEFT JOIN bans ON bans.user_id = users.id AND expiry > UTC_TIMESTAMP()") .conditions("bans.id IS NOT NULL") } scope :idle, -> { where("lastvisit < ?", 30.minutes.ago.utc) } scope :lately, -> { where("lastvisit > ?", 30.days.ago.utc) } before_validation :update_password validates_uniqueness_of :username, :email, :steamid validates_length_of :firstname, :in => 1..15, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :lastname, :in => 1..25, :allow_blank => true validates_length_of :username, :in => 2..20 validates_format_of :username, :with => /\A[A-Za-z0-9_\-\+]{2,20}\Z/ validates_presence_of :raw_password, :on => :create validates_length_of :email, :maximum => 50 validates_format_of :email, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i validates_length_of :steamid, :maximum => 30 validates_format_of :steamid, :with => /\A([0-9]{1,10}:){2}[0-9]{1,10}\Z/ validates_length_of :time_zone, :maximum => 100, :allow_blank => true, :allow_nil => true validates_inclusion_of [:public_email], :in => [true, false], :allow_nil => true validate :validate_team before_create :init_variables before_save :correct_steamid_universe accepts_nested_attributes_for :profile acts_as_reader acts_as_versioned non_versioned_columns << 'firstname' non_versioned_columns << 'lastname' non_versioned_columns << 'email' non_versioned_columns << 'password' non_versioned_columns << 'team_id' non_versioned_columns << 'lastvisit' non_versioned_columns << 'team_id' non_versioned_columns << 'country' non_versioned_columns << 'birthdate' non_versioned_columns << 'time_zone' non_versioned_columns << 'public_email' non_versioned_columns << 'created_at' def to_s username end def email_s email.gsub /@/, " (at) " end def country_s country_object = ISO3166::Country[country] if country_object country_object.translations[I18n.locale.to_s] || country_object.name else "Unknown" end end def realname if firstname and lastname "#{firstname} #{lastname}" elsif firstname firstname elsif lastname lastname else "" end end def from if profile.town && profile.town.length > 0 "#{profile.town}, #{country_s}" else "#{country_s}" end end def age return 0 unless birthdate a = Date.today.year - birthdate.year a-= 1 if Date.today < birthdate + a.years a end def idle "%d m" % [TimeDifference.between(DateTime.now, lastvisit).in_minutes.floor] end def current_layout profile.layout || 'default' end def joined created_at.strftime("%d %b %y") end def banned? type = Ban::TYPE_SITE Ban.where("expiry > UTC_TIMESTAMP() AND user_id = ? AND ban_type = ?", self.id, type).exists? end def admin? groups.exists? id: Group::ADMINS end def ref? groups.exists? id: Group::REFEREES end def staff? groups.exists? id: Group::STAFF end def caster? groups.exists? id: Group::CASTERS end # might seem redundant but allows for later extensions like forum moderators def moderator? groups.exists? id: Group::GATHER_MODERATORS end def gather_moderator? groups.exists? id: Group::GATHER_MODERATORS end def contributor? groups.exists? id: Group::CONTRIBUTORS end def allowed_to_ban? admin? or moderator? end def verified? true end def has_access? groups admin? or groups.exists?(:id => group) end def new_messages received_personal_messages.union(received_team_messages).unread_by(self) end def received_messages received_personal_messages.union(received_team_messages) end def received_team_messages Message.where(recipient_id: team_id, recipient_type: 'Team' ) end def sent_messages sent_personal_messages.union(sent_team_messages) end def upcoming_matches upcoming_team_matches.ordered | upcoming_ref_matches.ordered end def past_matches past_team_matches.unfinished.ordered | past_ref_matches.unfinished.ordered end def unread_issues issues.unread_by(self) end def validate_steamid errors.add :steamid unless steamid.nil? || (m = steamid.match(/\A([01]):([01]):(\d{1,10})\Z/)) && (id = m[3].to_i) && id >= 1 && id <= 2147483647 end def correct_steamid_universe if steamid.present? steamid[0] = "0" end end def validate_team if team and !active_teams.exists?({:id => team.id}) errors.add :team end end def init_variables self.public_email = false self.time_zone = "Amsterdam" end def update_password self.password = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(raw_password) if raw_password and raw_password.length > 0 end def send_new_password newpass = Verification.random_string 10 update_attribute :password, Digest::MD5.hexdigest(newpass) Notifications.password(self, newpass).deliver end def can_play? (gathers.count(:conditions => ["gathers.status > ?", Gather::STATE_RUNNING]) > 0) or created_at < 2.years.ago end def can_create? cuser true end def can_update? cuser cuser and (self == cuser or cuser.admin?) end def can_change_name? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def can_destroy? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def self.authenticate(username, password) where("LOWER(username) = LOWER(?)", username).where(:password => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password)).first end def self.get id id ? find(id) : "" end def self.historic steamid if u = User.find_by_sql(["SELECT * FROM user_versions WHERE steamid = ? ORDER BY updated_at", steamid]) and u.length > 0 User.find u[0]['user_id'] else nil end end def self.search(search) search ? where("LOWER(username) LIKE LOWER(?) OR steamid LIKE ?", "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%") : all end def self.refadmins Group.find(Group::REFEREES).users.order(:username) + Group.find(Group::ADMINS).users.order(:username) end def self.casters Group.find(Group::CASTERS).users.order(:username) end def self.params(params, cuser) params.require(:user).permit(:raw_password, :firstname, :lastname, :email, :steamid, :country, :birthdate, :timezone, :public_email, :filter, :team_id) end end