# == Schema Information # # Table name: articles # # id :integer not null, primary key # status :integer not null # text :text(16777215) # text_coding :integer default("0"), not null # text_parsed :text(16777215) # title :string(255) # version :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # category_id :integer # user_id :integer # # Indexes # # index_articles_on_category_id (category_id) # index_articles_on_created_at (created_at) # index_articles_on_created_at_and_status (created_at,status) # index_articles_on_user_id (user_id) # class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Exceptions include Extra STATUS_PUBLISHED = 0 STATUS_DRAFT = 1 RULES = 1044 HISTORY = 401 HOF = 402 SPONSORS = 403 LINKS = 404 COMPETITIVE = 405 PLUGIN = 426 EXTRA = 428 SB_RULES = 450 G_RULES = 464 COMPMOD = 998 scope :recent, -> { order('created_at DESC').limit(8) } scope :with_comments, -> { select("articles.*, COUNT(C.id) AS comment_num"). joins("LEFT JOIN comments C ON C.commentable_type = 'Article' AND C.commentable_id = articles.id"). group("articles.id") } scope :ordered, -> { order('articles.created_at DESC') } scope :limited, -> { limit(5) } scope :nodrafts, -> { where(status: STATUS_PUBLISHED) } scope :drafts, -> { where(status: STATUS_DRAFT) } scope :articles, -> { where(["category_id IN (SELECT id FROM categories WHERE domain = ?)", Category::DOMAIN_ARTICLES]) } scope :onlynews, -> { where(category_id: Category.select(:id).where.not(domain: Category::DOMAIN_NEWS)) } scope :category, -> (cat) { where(category_id: cat) } scope :domain, -> (domain) { includes(:category).where("categories.domain = '?'", domain) } #scope :nospecial, -> { where("category_id != ?", Category::SPECIAL) } scope :interviews, -> { where(category_id: Category::INTERVIEWS) } belongs_to :user belongs_to :category has_many :comments, as: :commentable, dependent: :destroy has_many :files, class_name: 'DataFile', dependent: :destroy validates_length_of :title, :in => 1..50 validates_length_of :text, :in => 1..16000000 validates_presence_of :user, :category validate :validate_status before_validation :init_variables, :if => Proc.new{ |model| model.new_record? } before_save :format_text after_save :send_notifications has_view_count acts_as_readable acts_as_versioned non_versioned_columns << 'category_id' non_versioned_columns << 'status' non_versioned_columns << 'user_id' def to_s title end def previous_article category.articles.nodrafts.first&.(where("id < ?", self.id).order("id DESC")) end def next_article category.articles.nodrafts.first&.(where("id > ?", self.id).order("id ASC")) end def statuses {STATUS_PUBLISHED => "Published", STATUS_DRAFT => "Draft"} end def validate_status errors.add :status, I18n.t(:invalid_status) unless statuses.include? status end def init_variables self.status = STATUS_DRAFT unless user.admin? self.text_coding = CODING_BBCODE if !user.admin? and text_coding = CODING_HTML end def format_text if text_coding == CODING_BBCODE self.text_parsed = bbcode_to_html(text) elsif text_coding == CODING_MARKDOWN self.text_parsed = BlueCloth.new(text).to_html end end def send_notifications if (new_record? or status_changed?) and status == STATUS_PUBLISHED case category.domain when Category::DOMAIN_NEWS Profile.includes(:user).all(conditions: "notify_news = 1").each do |p| Notifications.news p.user, self if p.user end when Category::DOMAIN_ARTICLES Profile.includes(:user).all(conditions: "notify_articles = 1").each do |p| Notifications.article p.user, self if p.user end end end end # FIXME def remove_readings Reading.delete_all ["readable_type = 'Category' AND readable_id = ?", category_id] end def can_show? cuser status != STATUS_DRAFT or (cuser and (user == cuser or cuser.admin?)) end def can_create? cuser cuser and !cuser.banned?(Ban::TYPE_MUTE) end def can_update? cuser, params = {} cuser and !cuser.banned?(Ban::TYPE_MUTE) and (cuser.admin? or (user == cuser and !params.keys.include? "status")) end def can_destroy? cuser cuser and cuser.admin? end def self.article_params params, cuser p = [:title, :category_id, :text, :text_coding] p << :status if cuser.admin? params.require(:article).permit(*p) end end