<% if @match.score1 and @match.score2%> <% if @match.score1 > @match.score2; c1 = 'green'; c2 = 'red' end %> <% if @match.score1 < @match.score2; c1 = 'red'; c2 = 'green' end %> <% if @match.score1 == @match.score2; c1 = 'yellow'; c2 = 'yellow' end %> <%= namelink @match.contester1.team if @match.contester1 %> <%= h @match.score1 %> - <%= h @match.score2 %> <%= namelink @match.contester2.team if @match.contester2 %> <% else %> <%= namelink @match.contester1.team if @match.contester1 %> vs <%= namelink @match.contester2.team if @match.contester2 %> <% end %>

<%= longtime @match.match_time %>

<%= cascade @match, [:contest, :server, :hltv, :demo, :referee, [@match.contester1, "team1_lineup"], [@match.contester2, "team2_lineup"], ["Man of the Match", :motm]] %>

Maps: <%= namelink @match.map1 %>, <%= namelink @match.map2 %>

<% if @match.hltv %>

<%= link_to "Connect to HLTV", "steam://connect/#{@match.hltv.addr}" %>

<% end %> <%# if cuser and @match.can_update? cuser, [:matchers_attributes] %> <%# if cuser and cuser.admin? %> <%#= link_to "Scoring and lineup", :action => "score", :id => @match %> <%# end %> <% if cuser and @match.can_update? cuser, [:report] %>

<%= link_to "Referee (Scoring, Line-Ups, Man of the match)", :controller => :matches, :action => "ref", :id => @match %>

<% end %> <%# if cuser and @match.can_update? cuser, [:hltv] %> <%#= link_to "Extras", :action => "extra", :id => @match %> <%# end %>

Predictions (<%= @match.predictions.count %>)

<% if @newpred.can_create? cuser %> <%= form_for @newpred do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :match_id %> <%= f.text_field :score1, :size => 1 %> - <%= f.text_field :score2, :size => 1 %>

<%= submit_tag "Save Prediction" %>

<% end %> <% else %>

<%= @match.contester1.team if @match.contester1 %>: <%= @match.preds(1) %>%
<%= @match.contester2.team if @match.contester2 %>: <%= @match.preds(2) %>%

<% end %>
<% unless @match.report.nil? or @match.report.empty? %>


<%= raw @match.report %>

<% end %> <%= add_comments @match %>