<%= link_to @gather do %>
<%= @gather.category.to_s %> Gather
<% end %>
<%= link_to @gather.previous_gather, class: 'button tiny' do %>
<%= icon 'chevron-left' %> Previous
<% end %>
<% if @gather.next_gather %>
<%= link_to @gather.next_gather, class: 'button tiny' do %>
Next <%= icon 'chevron-right' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @gather and @gather.status != Gather::STATE_FINISHED %>
- JavaScript enabled
- Read the <%= link_to "Gather Rules", article_url(Article::G_RULES) %>
- Remove yourself if you leave
- Vote for the best players
- Captain 1 = 2nd most voted
- Captain 2 = 1st most voted
Gather Info
- <%= link_to "Gather Spreadsheet", "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MNhP60WcTGA0xgpnmFCfRhlZWU106X6MgxLGgPt0N5A" %>
- <%= link_to "Fill out Spreadsheet", "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PHkGwcM9Z6Qut4voBkR71cSSi9vB7xx-cOF6JtW7lmk/viewform" %>
Voice Comunication
- <%= link_to "Teamspeak 3", "http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads" %>
- Server: ensl.org
- Channel password: ns2gather
<% end %>
<%= render_gather %>
<%= render partial: 'shoutmsgs/index', locals: { object: @gather } %>