<h1>Profile: <%= h @user.username %></h1>

<%= form_for @user, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
  <% f.fields_for :profile do |p| %>
    <div id="userTab">
      <ul id="userTab-nav" class="tabs">
        <li><a href="#userTabGeneral">General</a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabContact">Contact</a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabCountry"><%= t('profile.locals') %></a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabFavorites">Favorites</a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabSettings">Settings</a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabComputer">Computer</a></li>
        <li><a href="#userTabExtra">Extra</a></li>
        <li><a href="#notifications">Notify</a></li>

      <div class="box wide tabs">
        <div class="tab" id="userTabGeneral">
          <% if @user.errors.any? %>
            <div id="error_explanation">
                <%= pluralize(@user.errors.count, t(:error)) %>
                <% @user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
                  <li><%= msg %></li>
                <% end %>
          <% end %>
            <%= f.label :username, 'Username', :class => 'required' %><br />
            <%= f.text_field :username %>
            <%= f.label :raw_password, "Password" %><br />
            <%= f.password_field :raw_password %>
            <%= f.label :firstname %> (only available to members)<br />
            <%= f.text_field :firstname %>
            <%= f.label :lastname %> (only available to members)<br />
            <%= f.text_field :lastname %>
            <%= f.label :steamid %><br />
            <%= f.text_field :steamid %>
            <%= f.label :birthdate %><br />
            <%= date_select :user, :birthdate, :order => [:year, :month, :day], :default => @user.birthdate, :start_year => 1950 %>

        <div class="tab" id="userTabContact">
            <%= f.label :email %> (only available to admins)<br />
            <%= f.text_field :email %>
            <%= f.label :public_email %><br />
            <%= f.check_box :public_email %>
            <%= p.label :steam_profile, "Link to your Steam Profile" %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :steam_profile %>
            <%= p.label :irc %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :irc %>
            <%= p.label :msn %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :msn %>
            <%= p.label :icq %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :icq %>
            <%= p.label :web %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :web %>

        <div class="tab" id="userTabCountry">
            <%= f.label :country %><br />
            <%= country_code_select :user, :country %>
            <%= p.label :town %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :town %>
            <%= f.label :time_zone %><br />
            <%= f.time_zone_select :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all %>
            <br />
            Daylight savings will be observed automatically.

        <div class="tab" id="userTabFavorites">
            <%= p.label :singleplayer %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :singleplayer %>
            <%= p.label :multiplayer %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :multiplayer %>
            <%= p.label :food %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :food %>
            <%= p.label :beverage %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :beverage %>
            <%= p.label :hobby %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :hobby %>
            <%= p.label :music %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :music %>
            <%= p.label :book %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :book %>
            <%= p.label :movie %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :movie %>
            <%= p.label :tvseries %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :tvseries %>

        <div class="tab" id="userTabSettings">
            <%= p.label :res %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :res %>
            <%= p.label :sensitivity %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :sensitivity %>
            <%= p.label :monitor_hz %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :monitor_hz %>
            <%= p.label :scripts %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :scripts %>

        <div class="tab" id="userTabComputer">
            <%= p.label :cpu %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :cpu %>
            <%= p.label :gpu %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :gpu %>
            <%= p.label :ram %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :ram %>
            <%= p.label :psu %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :psu %>
            <%= p.label :motherboard %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :motherboard %>
            <%= p.label :soundcard %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :soundcard %>
            <%= p.label :hdd %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :hdd %>
            <%= p.label :case %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :case %>
            <%= p.label :monitor %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :monitor %>
            <%= p.label :mouse %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :mouse %>
            <%= p.label :mouse_pad %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :mouse_pad %>
            <%= p.label :keyboard %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :keyboard %>
            <%= p.label :head_phones %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :head_phones %>
            <%= p.label :speakers %><br />
            <%= p.text_field :speakers %>

        <div class="tab" id="userTabExtra">
            <%= p.label :achievements %><br />
            <%= p.text_area :achievements %>

            <%= p.label :signature %><br />
            <%= p.text_area :signature, :rows => 5, :cols => 50 %>

            <label>Avatar:</label><br />
            <%= p.file_field :avatar %>

        <div class="tab" id="notifications">
            <%= p.label :notify_news, "Notify me when news are posted" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_news %>

            <%= p.label :notify_articles, "Notify me of new articles" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_articles %>

            <%= p.label :notify_movies, "Notify me of new movies" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_movies %>

            <%= p.label :notify_gather, "Notify me when gather has 6 players" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_gather %>

            <%= p.label :notify_own_match, "Notify me of my team's matches" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_own_match %>

            <%= p.label :notify_any_match, "Notify me of any new match" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_any_match %>

            <%= p.label :notify_challenge, "Notify me of new challenges" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_challenge %>

            <%= p.label :notify_pms, "Notify me of private messages" %><br />
            <%= p.check_box :notify_pms %>
        <%= f.submit %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var tabber1 = new Yetii({id: 'userTab'});