# Read https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv # This is the base file # Change this depending where you are RACK_ENV=production RAILS_ENV=production # App secret for cookie encryption, blank is random APP_SECRET= APP_SECRET_KEY_BASE= # FIXME: This doesn't really belong here # Find a better solution. Since nginx needs all these variables for envsubst # and you don't really want to start multiple nginx instances. PRODUCTION_PORT=80 PRODUCTION_PORT_SSL=443 PRODUCTION_DOMAIN=www.ensl.org STAGING_PORT=5001 STAGING_PORT_SSL=5000 STAGING_DOMAIN=www.ensl.org STAGING_ROOT_DOMAIN=ensl.org # FIXME: SCRYPT_SALT_OPTS doesn't work yet SCRYPT_SALT_OPTS= # Options for: SCrypt::Engine.calibrate!(max_mem: 16 * 1024 * 1024) SCRYPT_MAX_TIME=0.01 # SMTP server MAIL_DOMAIN=ensl.org # App path inside docker APP_PATH=/var/www APP_PATH_PUBLIC=/var/www/public # Path to files. When Directory.recreate() is called it uses this as root. FILES_PATH=/var/www/public/files # Path to bundle directory # Gems are added here to avoid reinstalling them all the time. BUNDLE_PATH=/var/bundle # This is a temp directory for assets before they are copied back ASSETS_PATH=/home/web/assets # Set 1 to precompile assets ASSETS_PRECOMPILE=0 # Puma fails in cluster mode, so use 0 workers PUMA_WORKERS=0 # Threads and port PUMA_MIN_THREADS=1 PUMA_MAX_THREADS=16 # Puma port. Only really used internally except for dev. # This could be the same but because docker-compose exposes it, it has to change between envs. PUMA_PORT=4000 # Use higher timeout if debug fails PUMA_TIMEOUT=30 # Docker adds mysql to hosts MYSQL_HOST=db # This is used by both rails + mysql MYSQL_DATABASE=ensl # MariaDB creates user with these details. MYSQL_USER=ensl MYSQL_PASSWORD=ensl # Root MySQL password MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ensl MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% # More MySQL vars MYSQL_CONNECTION_POOL=32 # Test settings SELENIUM_HOST=selenium TEST_APP_HOST=test TEST_APP_PORT=3005 # New relic NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME=ENSL NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY= # Google calendar GOOGLE_API_KEY= GOOGLE_CALENDAR_ID= GOOGLE_CALENDAR=enabled # Steam web api key STEAM_WEB_API_KEY=