Luke Barratt
Switched web server to puma
Added styling to gathers page
Added styling to account page
Improved forms styling
2014-04-15 10:59:52 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Added form view styling
Improved articles styling
Improved bbcode to html formatting
HTML and CSS refactorings
Moved Extra into concerns
Changed repo URL to read-only for deploys
Fixes quotes in comments
2014-04-12 02:35:42 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Initial work using bourbon, neat, bitters and refills
2014-04-05 17:26:11 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Fixes repeated shout box submissions. Added delay of 2s between shouts
Fixes admin links
Fixes issue solution formatting
2014-04-05 01:37:52 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Purged git history and removed sensitive information.
2014-03-23 00:22:25 +00:00