diff --git a/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb b/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
index 4a259e2..3e63006 100644
--- a/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
@@ -16,18 +16,19 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def admin
raise AccessError unless cuser and cuser.admin?
+ # FIXME: something better?
@articles = {"Drafts" => Article.drafts.ordered, "Special" => Article.category(Category::SPECIAL).ordered}
def show
raise AccessError unless @article.can_show? cuser
@article.mark_as_read! for: cuser if cuser
# @article.record_view_count(request.remote_ip, cuser.nil?)
def new
@article = Article.new
- @article.text_coding = Article::CODING_HTML
raise AccessError unless @article.can_create? cuser
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def create
- @article = Article.new Article.article_params(params, cuser)
+ @article = Article.new(Article.article_params(params, cuser))
@article.user = cuser
raise AccessError unless @article.can_create? cuser
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
def update
- raise AccessError unless @article.can_update? cuser, Article.article_params(params, cuser)
+ raise AccessError unless @article.can_update?(cuser, Article.article_params(params, cuser))
if @article.update_attributes(Article.article_params(params, cuser))
flash[:notice] = t(:articles_update)
redirect_to @article
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
+ # TODO: link it somewhere
def cleanup
raise AccessError unless @article.can_update? cuser
@article.text = strip(@article.text)
diff --git a/app/models/article.rb b/app/models/article.rb
index 20f7e54..783746c 100644
--- a/app/models/article.rb
+++ b/app/models/article.rb
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
G_RULES = 464
+ attribute :text_coding, :integer, default: CODING_HTML
+ attribute :status, :integer, default: STATUS_DRAFT
scope :recent, -> { order('created_at DESC').limit(8) }
scope :with_comments, -> {
select("articles.*, COUNT(C.id) AS comment_num").
@@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
def init_variables
- self.status = STATUS_DRAFT unless user.admin?
- self.text_coding = CODING_BBCODE if !user.admin? and text_coding = CODING_HTML
+ self.status = STATUS_DRAFT unless user&.admin?
+ self.text_coding = CODING_BBCODE if (!user&.admin? and text_coding == CODING_HTML)
def format_text
diff --git a/app/views/about/adminpanel.html.erb b/app/views/about/adminpanel.html.erb
index f4b0099..783df4d 100644
--- a/app/views/about/adminpanel.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/about/adminpanel.html.erb
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
- Admin Menu
- - <%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Article Admin", controller: "articles", action: "admin" %>
- - <%= link_to "Files Admin", controller: "directories", action: "show", id: Directory.first %>
- -
- <%= link_to issues_path do %>
- Issues (<%= Issue.with_status(0).count %>)
- <% end %>
- - <%= link_to "Bans", bans_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Groups", groups_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Categories", categories_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Polls", polls_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Contests", contests_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Challenges", challenges_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Maps", maps_path %>
- - <%= link_to "Custom Article URLs", custom_urls_path %>
+ Admin Menu
+ - <%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Article Admin", controller: "articles", action: "admin" %>
+ <% if Directory.first %>
+ - <%= link_to "Files Admin", controller: "directories", action: "show", id: Directory.first %>
+ <% end %>
+ -
+ <%= link_to issues_path do %>
+ Issues (<%= Issue.with_status(0).count %>)
+ <% end %>
+ - <%= link_to "Bans", bans_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Groups", groups_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Categories", categories_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Polls", polls_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Contests", contests_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Challenges", challenges_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Maps", maps_path %>
+ - <%= link_to "Custom Article URLs", custom_urls_path %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/articles/news_archive.html.erb b/app/views/articles/news_archive.html.erb
index e3eb825..915a203 100644
--- a/app/views/articles/news_archive.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/articles/news_archive.html.erb
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
<%= render partial: 'list', locals: { articles: @news } %>
<% if cuser and cuser.admin? %>
- <%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path, class: 'button' %>
+<%= link_to 'New Article', new_article_path, class: 'button' %>
<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/controllers/articles_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/articles_controller_spec.rb
index 41623e3..e2840dc 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/articles_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/articles_controller_spec.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,150 @@
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe ArticlesController, type: :controller do
- it "renders the index template" do
- get :index
- expect(response).to render_template("index")
+ let!(:category) { create(:category, domain: Category::DOMAIN_NEWS) }
+ let!(:params) { FactoryBot.attributes_for(:article).merge!(category_id: category.id) }
+ let!(:invalid_params) { params.merge!(:title => (0..150).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join) }
+ let!(:article) { create(:article, category_id: category.id, user_id: admin.id) }
+ let!(:admin) { create(:user, :admin) }
+ let!(:user) { create(:user) }
+ describe 'GET #index' do
+ it "renders the template" do
+ get :index
+ expect(response).to render_template("index")
+ it "assigns categories" do
+ get :index
+ expect(assigns(:categories)).to eq(Category.ordered.nospecial.domain Category::DOMAIN_ARTICLES)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'GET #news_index' do
+ it "renders the news index" do
+ get :news_index
+ expect(response).to render_template("news_index")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'GET #news_archive' do
+ it "renders the news archive" do
+ get :news_archive
+ expect(response).to render_template("news_archive")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'GET #admin' do
+ it "renders the template" do
+ login_admin
+ get :admin
+ expect(response).to render_template("admin")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'GET #edit' do
+ let!(:article) { create(:article, category_id: category.id, user_id: admin.id) }
+ it "renders the template" do
+ login_admin
+ get :edit, params: {id: article.id}
+ expect(response).to render_template("edit")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'POST' do
+ describe 'with valid values' do
+ it "creates the model" do
+ login_admin
+ post :create, params: {:article => params}
+ # Article.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(params)
+ expect(Article.last).to have_attributes(params)
+ end
+ it "redirects correctly" do
+ login_admin
+ post :create, params: {:article => params}
+ expect(response).to redirect_to(article_path(Article.last))
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with invalid values' do
+ it "does not create the model" do
+ login_admin
+ count = Article.count
+ post :create, params: {:article => invalid_params}
+ # Article.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(params)
+ expect(Article.count).to eq(count)
+ end
+ it "redirects correctly" do
+ login_admin
+ post :create, params: {:article => invalid_params}
+ expect(response).to redirect_to(article_path(Article.last))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'PUT' do
+ describe 'with valid values' do
+ it "updates the model" do
+ login_admin
+ params = FactoryBot.attributes_for(:article).merge!(category_id: category.id)
+ put :update, params: {:id => article.id, :article => params}
+ # Article.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(params)
+ expect(Article.find(article.id).attributes).not_to eq(article.attributes)
+ end
+ it "redirects correctly" do
+ login_admin
+ put :update, params: {:id => article.id, :article => params}
+ expect(response).to redirect_to(article_path(Article.last))
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with invalid values' do
+ it "does not update the model" do
+ login_admin
+ put :update, params: {:id => article.id, :article => invalid_params}
+ expect(Article.find(article.id).attributes).to eq(article.attributes)
+ end
+ it "redirects correctly" do
+ login_admin
+ post :create, params: {:article => invalid_params}
+ expect(response).to redirect_to(article_path(Article.last))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'DELETE' do
+ describe 'with valid parameters' do
+ it "deletes the model" do
+ login_admin
+ count = Article.count
+ delete :destroy, params: {:id => article.id}
+ expect(Article.where(id: article.id).count).to eq(0)
+ expect(Article.count).to eq(count - 1)
+ # Article.any_instance.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(params)
+ end
+ it "redirects correctly" do
+ login_admin
+ delete :destroy, params: {:id => article.id}
+ expect(response).to redirect_to("where_i_came_from")
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'without access' do
+ it "does not delete the model" do
+ login(user.username)
+ count = Article.count
+ delete :destroy, params: {:id => article.id}
+ expect(Article.count).to eq(count)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/articles/new_article_spec.rb b/spec/features/articles/new_article_spec.rb
index 0bec90a..b47b471 100644
--- a/spec/features/articles/new_article_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/articles/new_article_spec.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ feature 'User creates new article', js: :true do
it 'creates an article successfully' do
fill_in attribute_translation(:article, :title), with: article[:title]
- fill_tinymce "#article_text", article[:text]
+ fill_tinymce "article_text", article[:text]
click_button I18n.t('helpers.submit.post.create')
expect(page).to have_content(I18n.t('articles_create'))
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ feature 'User creates new article', js: :true do
it 'creates an article with a text length greater than 65535 bytes' do
fill_in attribute_translation(:article, :title), with: article[:title]
- fill_tinymce "#article_text", long_text
+ fill_tinymce "article_text", long_text
click_button I18n.t('helpers.submit.post.create')
expect(page).to have_content(I18n.t('articles_create'))