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synced 2025-03-06 01:11:44 +00:00
* Initial bot commit * Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game. * Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots * Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly * Added round restart and new map detection for AI system Push before new project added for detour * Initial bot integration * Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing * Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors * Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables * Reworked nav profiles Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder * Improved bot door usage * Added weldable obstacles back into navigation Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers * Replaced fixed arrays with vectors * Resource node and hive lists are now vectors. * Further improved bot weld behaviour * Added dynamic reachability calculations When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses. * Added team-based reachability calculations Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point. * Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections * Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant. * Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code * Started Bot Swimming * Bots understand trigger_changetarget Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work * Push before trying to fix long-range connections * Implement new off-mesh connection system * Redid population of door triggers * Fixed trigger types and links to doors * Added lift and moving platform support * Lift improvements * Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it * Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at * Tweak lift and welder usage * Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together * Finish lift movement * Fixed dodgy path finding * Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage * Fix crash with path finding * Re-implement commander AI * Commander improvements * Improve commander sieging * Commander scanning tweak * Reimplemented regular marine AI * Start reimplementing alien AI * Implement gorge building behaviours * Start alien tactical decisioning * Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic * More alien role work * Adjusted base node definitions * Iterate Capper Logic * Alien assault AI * Alien Combat * Fix grenade throwing, better combat * Marine combat AI improvements * Commander improvements * Commander + nav improvements * Drop mines * Improved bot stuck detection * Commander supply improvements * Bot fill timing config * Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots * Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg" * Bug fixing with navigation * Fix skulk movement on ladders * Improved commander placement and tactical refresh * Fixed bug with ladder climbing * Doors block off-mesh connections * Finished doors blocking connections * Marine and alien tactical bug fixes * Add commander beacon back in * Start combat mode stuff * First pass at combat mode * Bots attack turrets * Fix ladder and wall climbing * Commander chat request * Improved skulk ladders * Added nav meshes for new bot code * Added bot configuration to listen server menu * Added bot config file * Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg * Added default bot settings to server.cfg * Include VS filter for bot files * Crash fixes * Bot improvements * Bot stability and mine placement improvements * Fixed crash on new map start with bots * Reverted Svencoop fix * Fixed crash, added more cvars * Performance improvement * Commander building improvements * Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command * Fixed doors not blocking connections * Added bot disabled guard to round start * Commander improvements, movement improvements * Tweaked level load sequence * Performance improvements * Bot load spread * Fixed commander update * Refactor bot frame handling * Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread * Minor bug fixes * Fix door detection, prep for test * Fixed commander siege spam * linux compile test * fix hardcoded inlcudes * O1 compile flag for detour - fix linux server crash * Revert detour compile flags to original for windows * linux build update * remove x64 build configs * update bot nav meshes and configs * fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees --------- Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
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207 lines
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// EvoBot - Neoptolemus' Natural Selection bot, based on Botman's HPB bot template
// bot_tactical.h
// Contains all helper functions for making tactical decisions
#pragma once
#include "AvHAIPlayer.h"
#include "AvHAIConstants.h"
// How frequently to update the global list of built structures (in seconds). 0 = every frame
static const float structure_inventory_refresh_rate = 0.2f;
// How frequently to update the global list of dropped marine items (in seconds). 0 = every frame
static const float item_inventory_refresh_rate = 0.2f;
bool AITAC_DeployableExistsAtLocation(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
std::vector<AvHAIBuildableStructure> AITAC_FindAllDeployables(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
std::vector<AvHAIBuildableStructure*> AITAC_FindAllDeployablesByRef(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure AITAC_FindClosestDeployableToLocation(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure* AITAC_FindClosestDeployableToLocationByRef(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure AITAC_FindFurthestDeployableFromLocation(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure* AITAC_FindFurthestDeployableFromLocationByRef(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure AITAC_GetDeployableFromEdict(const edict_t* Structure);
AvHAIBuildableStructure* AITAC_GetDeployableRefFromEdict(const edict_t* Structure);
AvHAIBuildableStructure AITAC_GetNearestDeployableDirectlyReachable(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, const Vector Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIBuildableStructure* AITAC_GetNearestDeployableDirectlyReachableByRef(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, const Vector Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
int AITAC_GetNumDeployablesNearLocation(const Vector& Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
void AITAC_PopulateHiveData();
void AITAC_RefreshHiveData();
void AITAC_PopulateResourceNodes();
void AITAC_RefreshResourceNodes();
void AITAC_UpdateMapAIData();
void AITAC_CheckNavMeshModified();
void AITAC_RefreshBuildableStructures();
AvHAIBuildableStructure* AITAC_UpdateBuildableStructure(CBaseEntity* Structure);
void AITAC_RefreshReachabilityForStructure(AvHAIBuildableStructure* Structure);
void AITAC_RefreshReachabilityForResNode(AvHAIResourceNode* ResNode);
void AITAC_RefreshReachabilityForHive(AvHAIHiveDefinition* Hive);
void AITAC_RefreshAllResNodeReachability();
void AITAC_RefreshReachabilityForItem(AvHAIDroppedItem* Item);
void AITAC_OnStructureCreated(AvHAIBuildableStructure* NewStructure);
void AITAC_OnStructureCompleted(AvHAIBuildableStructure* NewStructure);
void AITAC_OnStructureBeginRecycling(AvHAIBuildableStructure* RecyclingStructure);
void AITAC_OnStructureDestroyed(AvHAIBuildableStructure* DestroyedStructure);
void AITAC_LinkDeployedItemToAction(AvHAIPlayer* CommanderBot, const AvHAIDroppedItem* NewItem);
void AITAC_LinkStructureToPlayer(AvHAIBuildableStructure* NewStructure);
float AITAC_GetPhaseDistanceBetweenPoints(const Vector StartPoint, const Vector EndPoint);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetHiveAtIndex(int Index);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetHiveNearestLocation(const Vector SearchLocation);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetActiveHiveNearestLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetNonEmptyHiveNearestLocation(const Vector SearchLocation);
Vector AITAC_GetCommChairLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team);
edict_t* AITAC_GetCommChair(AvHTeamNumber Team);
Vector AITAC_GetTeamStartingLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team);
AvHAIResourceNode* AITAC_GetRandomResourceNode(AvHTeamNumber SearchingTeam, const unsigned int ReachabilityFlags);
AvHAIDroppedItem* AITAC_FindClosestItemToLocation(const Vector& Location, const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType, AvHTeamNumber SearchingTeam, const unsigned int ReachabilityFlags, float MinRadius, float MaxRadius, bool bConsiderPhaseDistance);
bool AITAC_ItemExistsInLocation(const Vector& Location, const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType, AvHTeamNumber SearchingTeam, const unsigned int ReachabilityFlags, float MinRadius, float MaxRadius, bool bConsiderPhaseDistance);
int AITAC_GetNumItemsInLocation(const Vector& Location, const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType, AvHTeamNumber SearchingTeam, const unsigned int ReachabilityFlags, float MinRadius, float MaxRadius, bool bConsiderPhaseDistance);
AvHAIDroppedItem* AITAC_GetDroppedItemRefFromEdict(edict_t* ItemEdict);
Vector AITAC_GetRandomBuildHintInLocation(const unsigned int StructureType, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius);
Vector AITAC_GetFloorLocationForHive(const AvHAIHiveDefinition* Hive);
int AITAC_GetNumHives();
int AITAC_GetNumTeamHives(AvHTeamNumber Team, bool bFullyCompletedOnly);
void AITAC_OnNavMeshModified();
AvHMessageID UTIL_StructureTypeToImpulseCommand(const AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType);
AvHMessageID UTIL_ItemTypeToImpulseCommand(const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType);
edict_t* AITAC_GetClosestPlayerOnTeamWithLOS(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector& Location, float SearchRadius, edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
bool AITAC_AnyPlayerOnTeamHasLOSToLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector& Location, float SearchRadius, edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
int AITAC_GetNumPlayersOnTeamWithLOS(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector& Location, float SearchRadius, edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
vector<AvHPlayer*> AITAC_GetAllPlayersOnTeamWithLOS(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector& Location, float SearchRadius, edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
bool AITAC_ShouldBotBeCautious(AvHAIPlayer* pBot);
// Clears out the marine and alien buildable structure maps, resource node and hive lists, and the marine item list
void AITAC_ClearMapAIData(bool bInitialMapLoad = false);
// Clear out all the hive information
void AITAC_ClearHiveInfo();
void AITAC_RefreshTeamStartingLocations();
void AITAC_ClearStructureNavData();
bool AITAC_AlienHiveNeedsReinforcing(const AvHAIHiveDefinition* Hive);
void AITAC_RefreshMarineItems();
void AITAC_UpdateMarineItem(CBaseEntity* Item, AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType);
void AITAC_OnItemDropped(const AvHAIDroppedItem* NewItem);
AvHAIDeployableStructureType UTIL_IUSER3ToStructureType(const int inIUSER3);
bool UTIL_ShouldStructureCollide(AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType);
float UTIL_GetStructureRadiusForObstruction(AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType);
unsigned char UTIL_GetAreaForObstruction(AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType, const edict_t* BuildingEdict);
bool UTIL_IsStructureElectrified(edict_t* Structure);
bool UTIL_StructureIsFullyBuilt(edict_t* Structure);
bool UTIL_StructureIsRecycling(edict_t* Structure);
bool AITAC_StructureCanBeUpgraded(edict_t* Structure);
AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetHiveFromEdict(const edict_t* Edict);
AvHAIResourceNode* AITAC_GetResourceNodeFromEdict(const edict_t* Edict);
// What percentage of all viable (can be reached by the requested team) resource nodes does the team currently own? Expressed as 0.0 - 1.0
float AITAC_GetTeamResNodeOwnership(const AvHTeamNumber Team, bool bIncludeBaseNodes);
int AITAC_GetNumResourceNodesNearLocation(const Vector Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIResourceNode* AITAC_FindNearestResourceNodeToLocation(const Vector Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
AvHAIResourceNode* AITAC_GetNearestResourceNodeToLocation(const Vector Location);
vector<AvHAIResourceNode*> AITAC_GetAllMatchingResourceNodes(const Vector Location, const DeployableSearchFilter* Filter);
bool UTIL_IsBuildableStructureStillReachable(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, const edict_t* Structure);
bool UTIL_IsDroppedItemStillReachable(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, const edict_t* Item);
AvHAIWeapon UTIL_GetWeaponTypeFromEdict(const edict_t* ItemEdict);
int AITAC_GetNumActivePlayersOnTeam(const AvHTeamNumber Team);
int AITAC_GetNumPlayersOfTeamInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 IgnoreClass);
bool AITAC_AnyPlayersOfTeamInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 IgnoreClass);
vector<AvHPlayer*> AITAC_GetAllPlayersOfTeamInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 IgnoreClass);
int AITAC_GetNumPlayersOfTeamAndClassInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 SearchClass);
int AITAC_GetNumPlayersOnTeamOfClass(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHUser3 SearchClass, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
vector<AvHPlayer*> AITAC_GetAllPlayersOnTeamOfClass(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHUser3 SearchClass, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer);
edict_t* AITAC_GetNearestPlayerOfClassInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 SearchClass);
vector<edict_t*> AITAC_GetAllPlayersOfClassInArea(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, const float SearchRadius, const bool bConsiderPhaseDist, const edict_t* IgnorePlayer, const AvHUser3 SearchClass);
AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetTeamHiveWithTech(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHMessageID Tech);
bool AITAC_TeamHiveWithTechExists(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHMessageID Tech);
AvHAIDeployableItemType UTIL_GetItemTypeFromEdict(const edict_t* ItemEdict);
bool UTIL_DroppedItemIsPrimaryWeapon(const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType);
AvHAIWeapon UTIL_GetWeaponTypeFromDroppedItem(const AvHAIDeployableItemType ItemType);
bool UTIL_StructureIsResearching(edict_t* Structure);
bool UTIL_StructureIsResearching(edict_t* Structure, const AvHMessageID Research);
bool UTIL_StructureIsUpgrading(edict_t* Structure);
bool AITAC_MarineResearchIsAvailable(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHMessageID Research);
bool AITAC_ElectricalResearchIsAvailable(edict_t* Structure);
Vector UTIL_GetNextMinePosition(edict_t* StructureToMine);
Vector UTIL_GetNextMinePosition2(edict_t* StructureToMine);
int UTIL_GetCostOfStructureType(AvHAIDeployableStructureType StructureType);
edict_t* AITAC_GetNearestHumanAtLocation(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector Location, const float MaxSearchRadius);
AvHAIDeployableStructureType UTIL_GetChamberTypeForHiveTech(AvHMessageID HiveTech);
bool AITAC_ResearchIsComplete(const AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHTechID Research);
bool AITAC_PhaseGatesAvailable(const AvHTeamNumber Team);
int AITAC_GetNumDeadPlayersOnTeam(const AvHTeamNumber Team);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetNearestHiveUnderActiveSiege(AvHTeamNumber SiegingTeam, const Vector SearchLocation);
edict_t* AITAC_GetMarineEligibleToBuildSiege(AvHTeamNumber Team, const AvHAIHiveDefinition* Hive);
edict_t* AITAC_GetNearestHiddenPlayerInLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector Location, const float MaxRadius);
const vector<AvHAIResourceNode*> AITAC_GetAllResourceNodes();
const vector<AvHAIResourceNode*> AITAC_GetAllReachableResourceNodes(AvHTeamNumber Team);
const vector<AvHAIHiveDefinition*> AITAC_GetAllHives();
const vector<AvHAIHiveDefinition*> AITAC_GetAllTeamHives(AvHTeamNumber Team, bool bFullyBuiltOnly);
const AvHAIHiveDefinition* AITAC_GetNearestTeamHive(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector SearchLocation, bool bFullyBuiltOnly);
bool AITAC_AnyPlayerOnTeamWithLOS(AvHTeamNumber Team, const Vector& Location, float SearchRadius);
bool AITAC_IsAlienBuilderNeeded(AvHAIPlayer* pBot);
bool AITAC_IsAlienCapperNeeded(AvHAIPlayer* pBot);
bool AITAC_IsAlienHarasserNeeded(AvHAIPlayer* pBot);
bool AITAC_ShouldBotBuildHive(AvHAIPlayer* pBot, AvHAIHiveDefinition** EligibleHive);
AvHAIDeployableStructureType AITAC_GetNextMissingUpgradeChamberForTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team, int& NumMissing);
void AITAC_OnTeamStartsModified();
edict_t* AITAC_AlienFindNearestHealingSource(AvHTeamNumber Team, Vector SearchLocation, edict_t* SearchingPlayer, bool bIncludeGorges);
bool AITAC_IsAlienUpgradeAvailableForTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team, HiveTechStatus DesiredTech);
int AITAC_GetNumWeaponsInPlay(AvHTeamNumber Team, AvHAIWeapon WeaponType);
edict_t* AITAC_GetLastSeenLerkForTeam(AvHTeamNumber Team, float& LastSeenTime);
bool AITAC_IsCompletedStructureOfTypeNearLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team, unsigned int StructureType, Vector SearchLocation, float SearchRadius);
bool AITAC_IsStructureOfTypeNearLocation(AvHTeamNumber Team, unsigned int StructureType, Vector SearchLocation, float SearchRadius);
#endif |