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synced 2025-03-06 17:31:17 +00:00
290 lines
12 KiB
290 lines
12 KiB
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "parsemsg.h"
#include "hudgl.h"
// Crosshair system based on OpenAG
// https://github.com/YaLTeR/OpenAG
int CHudCrosshairs::Init()
m_iFlags = HUD_ACTIVE;
cl_cross = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_color = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_color", "255 255 255", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_alpha", "255", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_thickness = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_thickness", "2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_size = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_size", "6", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_gap = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_gap", "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_outline = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_outline", "2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_outline_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_outline_alpha", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_outline_inner = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_outline_inner", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_radius = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_radius", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_color = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_color", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_thickness = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_thickness", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_alpha", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_outline = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_outline", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_outline_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_outline_alpha", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_circle_outline_inner = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_circle_outline_inner", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_dot_size = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_dot_size", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_dot_color = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_dot_color", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_dot_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_dot_alpha", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_dot_outline = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_dot_outline", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_dot_outline_alpha = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_dot_outline_alpha", "", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_line_top = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_line_top", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_line_bottom = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_line_bottom", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_line_left = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_line_left", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
cl_cross_line_right = CVAR_CREATE("cl_cross_line_right", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE);
return 0;
int CHudCrosshairs::VidInit()
return 1;
int CHudCrosshairs::Draw(float time)
if (cl_cross->value == 0.0f)
return 0;
unsigned char alpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_alpha->string, "%hhu", &alpha) != 1)
alpha = 255;
if (alpha == 0)
return 0;
if (gHUD.GetInTopDownMode())
return 0;
unsigned char r, g, b;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_color->string, "%hhu %hhu %hhu", &r, &g, &b) != 3) {
r = 0;
g = 255;
b = 0;
Vector2D center(ScreenWidth() / 2.0f, ScreenHeight() / 2.0f);
HudGL gl;
// Draw the outline.
// TODO: this contains a terrible amount of repeating complex code.
// Possible solution: can be changed to this with the one downside being in rare cases where cl_cross_thickness is high AND its alpha is <255, the center of each line will be slightly darker.
// Example below is for bottom line. Would also cause certain crosshairs that have outlines on invisible cross lines to not look right.
// gl.rectangle(Vector2D(center.x + offset, center.y + gap - half_width), Vector2D(center.x - offset, center.y + gap + size + half_width));
if (cl_cross_outline->value > 0.0f) {
unsigned char outalpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_outline_alpha->string, "%hhu", &outalpha) != 1)
outalpha = alpha;
gl.color(0, 0, 0, outalpha);
float size = cl_cross_size->value;
float gap = cl_cross_gap->value;
float half_thickness = cl_cross_thickness->value / 2.0f;
float half_width = cl_cross_outline->value / 2.0f;
float offset = half_thickness + half_width;
// Top line
if (cl_cross_line_top->value) {
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - offset, center.y - gap - size), Vector2D(center.x + offset, center.y - gap - size));
if (cl_cross_outline_inner->value == 0.0f)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y - gap - size + half_width), Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y - gap));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y - gap), Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y - gap - size + half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y - gap - size + half_width), Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y - gap - half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + offset, center.y - gap), Vector2D(center.x - offset, center.y - gap));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y - gap - half_width), Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y - gap - size + half_width));
// Bottom line
if (cl_cross_line_bottom->value) {
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - offset, center.y + gap + size), Vector2D(center.x + offset, center.y + gap + size));
if (cl_cross_outline_inner->value == 0.0f)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y + gap + size - half_width), Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y + gap));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y + gap), Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y + gap + size - half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y + gap + size - half_width), Vector2D(center.x + half_thickness, center.y + gap + half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + offset, center.y + gap), Vector2D(center.x - offset, center.y + gap));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y + gap + half_width), Vector2D(center.x - half_thickness, center.y + gap + size - half_width));
// Left line
if (cl_cross_line_left->value) {
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap - size, center.y - offset), Vector2D(center.x - gap - size, center.y + offset));
if (cl_cross_outline_inner->value == 0.0f)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap - size + half_width, center.y + half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x - gap, center.y + half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap, center.y - half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x - gap - size + half_width, center.y - half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap - size + half_width, center.y + half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x - gap - half_width, center.y + half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap, center.y + offset), Vector2D(center.x - gap, center.y - offset));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap - half_width, center.y - half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x - gap - size + half_width, center.y - half_thickness));
// Right line
if (cl_cross_line_right->value) {
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap + size, center.y - offset), Vector2D(center.x + gap + size, center.y + offset));
if (cl_cross_outline_inner->value == 0.0f)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap + size - half_width, center.y + half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x + gap, center.y + half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap, center.y - half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x + gap + size - half_width, center.y - half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap + size - half_width, center.y + half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x + gap + half_width, center.y + half_thickness));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap, center.y + offset), Vector2D(center.x + gap, center.y - offset));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap + half_width, center.y - half_thickness), Vector2D(center.x + gap + size - half_width, center.y - half_thickness));
unsigned char dotout;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_dot_outline->string, "%hhu", &dotout) != 1)
dotout = cl_cross_outline->value;
// Dot outline
if (cl_cross_dot_size->value > 0.0f && dotout > 0.0f) {
unsigned char dotoutalpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_outline_alpha->string, "%hhu", &dotoutalpha) != 1)
dotoutalpha = alpha;
gl.color(0, 0, 0, dotoutalpha);
float size = cl_cross_dot_size->value;
Vector2D offset = Vector2D(size / 2.0f, size / 2.0f);
float dot_half_width = dotout / 2.0f;
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - offset.x - dot_half_width, center.y - offset.y), Vector2D(center.x + offset.x + dot_half_width, center.y - offset.y));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + offset.x, center.y - offset.y + dot_half_width), Vector2D(center.x + offset.x, center.y + offset.y - dot_half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - offset.x, center.y - offset.y + dot_half_width), Vector2D(center.x - offset.x, center.y + offset.y - dot_half_width));
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - offset.x - dot_half_width, center.y + offset.y), Vector2D(center.x + offset.x + dot_half_width, center.y + offset.y));
unsigned char circleout;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_outline->string, "%hhu", &circleout) != 1)
circleout = cl_cross_outline->value;
// Circle outline
if (cl_cross_circle_radius->value > 0.0f && cl_cross_circle_thickness->value > 0.0f && circleout > 0.0f) {
unsigned char circleoutalpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_outline_alpha->string, "%hhu", &circleoutalpha) != 1)
circleoutalpha = alpha;
unsigned char circleoutinner;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_outline_inner->string, "%hhu", &circleoutinner) != 1)
circleoutinner = cl_cross_outline_inner->value;
gl.color(0, 0, 0, circleoutalpha);
auto radius = cl_cross_circle_radius->value;
if (circleoutinner == 0.0f)
radius += (cl_cross_circle_thickness->value * 0.5f) + (circleout * 0.5f);
gl.line_width(cl_cross_circle_thickness->value + circleout);
if (old_circle_radius != radius) {
// Recompute the circle points.
circle_points = HudGL::compute_circle(radius);
old_circle_radius = radius;
gl.circle(center, circle_points);
gl.color(r, g, b, alpha);
// Draw the crosshairs.
if (cl_cross_thickness->value > 0.0f) {
//clamp dot size to prevent using it as a full screen transparent mask for highlighting eneimies like with the /nvg night vision server plugin.
gl.line_width(min(cl_cross_thickness->value, ScreenHeight() * 0.3f));
float size = cl_cross_size->value;
float gap = cl_cross_gap->value;
if (cl_cross_line_top->value)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x, center.y - gap - size), Vector2D(center.x, center.y - gap));
if (cl_cross_line_bottom->value)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x, center.y + gap + size), Vector2D(center.x, center.y + gap));
if (cl_cross_line_left->value)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x - gap - size, center.y), Vector2D(center.x - gap, center.y));
if (cl_cross_line_right->value)
gl.line(Vector2D(center.x + gap + size, center.y), Vector2D(center.x + gap, center.y));
// Draw the circle.
if (cl_cross_circle_radius->value > 0.0f && cl_cross_circle_thickness->value > 0.0f) {
unsigned char circlealpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_alpha->string, "%hhu", &circlealpha) != 1)
circlealpha = alpha;
unsigned char circr, circg, circb;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_circle_color->string, "%hhu %hhu %hhu", &circr, &circg, &circb) == 3)
gl.color(circr, circg, circb, circlealpha);
gl.color(r, g, b, circlealpha);
float radius = cl_cross_circle_radius->value;
if (old_circle_radius != radius) {
// Recompute the circle points.
circle_points = HudGL::compute_circle(radius);
old_circle_radius = radius;
gl.circle(center, circle_points);
// Draw the dot.
if (cl_cross_dot_size->value > 0.0f) {
unsigned char dotalpha;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_dot_alpha->string, "%hhu", &dotalpha) != 1)
dotalpha = alpha;
unsigned char dotr, dotg, dotb;
if (sscanf(cl_cross_dot_color->string, "%hhu %hhu %hhu", &dotr, &dotg, &dotb) == 3)
gl.color(dotr, dotg, dotb, dotalpha);
gl.color(r, g, b, dotalpha);
//float size = cl_cross_dot_size->value;
//clamp dot size to prevent using it as a full screen transparent mask for highlighting eneimies like with the /nvg night vision server plugin.
float size = min(cl_cross_dot_size->value, ScreenHeight() * 0.2f);
Vector2D offset = Vector2D(size / 2.0f, size / 2.0f);
gl.rectangle(center - offset, center + offset);
return 0;