mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:42:31 +00:00
o Added a 0.4 second cooldown to hive +use git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@483 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
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//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHHive.cpp $
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:28:16 $
// $Log: AvHHive.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.20 2002/11/22 21:28:16 Flayra
// - mp_consistency changes
// Revision 1.19 2002/11/06 01:38:37 Flayra
// - Added ability for buildings to be enabled and disabled, for turrets to be shut down
// - Damage refactoring (TakeDamage assumes caller has already adjusted for friendly fire, etc.)
// Revision 1.18 2002/11/03 04:50:26 Flayra
// - Hard-coded gameplay constants instead of putting in skill.cfg
// Revision 1.17 2002/10/24 21:26:37 Flayra
// - Fixed hive wound animation when dying
// - Hives now choose a random spawn point instead of the first
// Revision 1.16 2002/10/16 20:53:21 Flayra
// - Hives have more health while growing
// Revision 1.15 2002/10/16 00:57:19 Flayra
// - Fixed hive not going solid sometimes (when player was in the way I think when construction complete)
// - Fixed exploit where hives can be manually sped up (oops!)
// Revision 1.14 2002/10/03 18:50:27 Flayra
// - Trigger "hive complete" alert
// - Trigger "hive is dying" alert
// Revision 1.13 2002/09/23 22:16:44 Flayra
// - Removed resource donation at hives
// Revision 1.12 2002/09/09 19:52:57 Flayra
// - Animations play properly
// - Hive can be hit once it starts gestating (hive becomes solid when gestating, not when complete)
// - Respawn fixes
// Revision 1.11 2002/08/16 02:36:01 Flayra
// - New damage system
// - Fixed bug where hive was absorbing too much damage in armor
// Revision 1.10 2002/08/02 21:59:36 Flayra
// - New alert system
// Revision 1.9 2002/07/26 23:04:19 Flayra
// - Generate numerical feedback for damage events
// Revision 1.8 2002/07/23 17:06:09 Flayra
// - Added ability for aliens to donate their resources at the hive, bind technology to a hive (so builders can choose the route), fixed bug where death animation played repeatedly
// Revision 1.7 2002/07/08 17:03:04 Flayra
// - Refactored reinforcements
// Revision 1.6 2002/07/01 21:33:48 Flayra
// - Hives can no longer be "used" to speed construction, wound sounds play on CHAN_BODY
// Revision 1.5 2002/06/25 18:00:14 Flayra
// - Play sequence for non-active hives
// Revision 1.4 2002/06/03 16:47:49 Flayra
// - Hives are base buildables now (bug with allowing use to speed building), added other hive anims for hurt, death, bad-touch, fixed bug where hives didn't get full health when they were initially built (after being killed once)
// Revision 1.3 2002/05/28 17:46:05 Flayra
// - Mark hives as persistent so they aren't deleted on level cleanup, new hive sight support, reinforcement refactoring and fixes
// Revision 1.2 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#include "mod/AvHHive.h"
#include "mod/AvHGamerules.h"
#include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h"
#include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h"
#include "mod/AvHAlienAbilityConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHHulls.h"
#include "mod/AvHMovementUtil.h"
#include "mod/AvHSoundListManager.h"
#include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h"
#include "mod/AvHParticleConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
#include "mod/AvHPlayerUpgrade.h"
#include "util/MathUtil.h"
#include <vector>
extern AvHSoundListManager gSoundListManager;
BOOL IsSpawnPointValid( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pSpot );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( keTeamHive, AvHHive );
extern int gRegenerationEventID;
const int kScaredAnimationIndex = 9;
AvHHive::AvHHive() : AvHBaseBuildable(TECH_HIVE, ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE, kesTeamHive, AVH_USER3_HIVE)
// This value should be the default in the .fgd
this->mMaxSpawnDistance = 2000;
this->mMaxHitPoints = 0;
this->mActive = false;
this->mSolid = false;
this->mSpawning = false;
this->mTimeLastWoundSound = -1;
this->mTechnology = MESSAGE_NULL;
this->mEnergy = 0.0f;
bool AvHHive::CanBecomeActive() const
return !this->mActive;// && (!this->mHasBeenKilled || !GetGameRules()->GetIsTournamentMode() || GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled());
void AvHHive::ConstructUse(CBaseEntity* inActivator, CBaseEntity* inCaller, USE_TYPE inUseType, float inValue)
int a = 0;
void AvHHive::DonateUse(CBaseEntity* inActivator, CBaseEntity* inCaller, USE_TYPE inUseType, float inValue)
// Player is trying to donate his resources to the pool
AvHPlayer* inActivatingPlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(inActivator);
if(inActivatingPlayer && (inActivator->pev->team == this->pev->team))
// Take some resources, give some resources
const float kResourcesToDonatePerUse = .4f;
float theResourcesToGive = min(inActivatingPlayer->GetResources(), kResourcesToDonatePerUse);
if(theResourcesToGive > 0.0f)
AvHTeam* theTeam = inActivatingPlayer->GetTeamPointer();
inActivatingPlayer->SetResources(inActivatingPlayer->GetResources() - theResourcesToGive);
theTeam->SetTeamResources(theTeam->GetTeamResources() + theResourcesToGive);
if(g_engfuncs.pfnRandomLong(0, 20) == 0)
PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL(0, this->edict(), gRegenerationEventID, 0, this->pev->origin, (float *)&g_vecZero, 1.0f, 0.0, /*theWeaponIndex*/ 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Just say "resources donated"
inActivatingPlayer->PlaybackNumericalEvent(kNumericalInfoResourcesDonatedEvent, 0);
AvHTeamNumber AvHHive::GetTeamNumber() const
return (AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team;
bool AvHHive::GetIsActive() const
return this->mActive;
bool AvHHive::GetIsOrganic() const
return true;
bool AvHHive::GetIsSpawning() const
return this->mSpawning;
int AvHHive::GetMaxSpawnDistance() const
return this->mMaxSpawnDistance;
int AvHHive::GetMoveType() const
float AvHHive::GetTimeLastContributed()
return this->mTimeLastContributed;
void AvHHive::SetTimeLastContributed(float inTime)
this->mTimeLastContributed = inTime;
int AvHHive::GetIdle1Animation() const
int theAnimation = -1;
theAnimation = 2;
return theAnimation;
int AvHHive::GetIdle2Animation() const
int theAnimation = -1;
theAnimation = 3;
return theAnimation;
int AvHHive::GetTakeDamageAnimation() const
int theAnimation = -1;
// Choose animation based on global time, so animation doesn't interrupt itself
float theTime = gpGlobals->time;
int theOffset = (int)(ceil(theTime) - theTime + .5f);
// Play wound animation.
theAnimation = 5 + theOffset;
// Use still-building flinch anims
theAnimation = 7 + theOffset;
return theAnimation;
int AvHHive::GetPointValue(void) const
return BALANCE_VAR(kScoringHiveValue);
int AvHHive::GetSpawnAnimation() const
return 0;
AvHMessageID AvHHive::GetTechnology() const
return this->mTechnology;
void AvHHive::SetTechnology(AvHMessageID inMessageID)
this->mTechnology = inMessageID;
void AvHHive::HiveAliveThink(void)
// For some reason, velocity is non-zero when created (meant they were showing up on motion-tracking)
this->pev->velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0);
bool theIsBuilding, theIsResearching;
float thePercentage;
AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(this->pev->iuser3, this->pev->iuser4, this->pev->fuser1, theIsBuilding, theIsResearching, thePercentage);
float theBuildTime = GetGameRules()->GetBuildTimeForMessageID(this->GetMessageID());
float theBuildPercentage = kHiveAliveThinkInterval/theBuildTime;
float theNewPercentage = min(thePercentage + theBuildPercentage, 1.0f);
// Play idle anims
// Set next think
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kHiveAliveThinkInterval;
void AvHHive::UpdateUmbra()
bool theIsUnderAttack = GetGameRules()->GetIsEntityUnderAttack(this->entindex());
if(this->mTimeOfNextUmbra == -1)
this->mTimeOfNextUmbra = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_LONG(5, 15);
if((this->mTimeOfNextUmbra != -1) && (gpGlobals->time > this->mTimeOfNextUmbra))
// If we're under attack, sometimes create umbra at hive
vec3_t theUmbraOrigin = this->pev->origin;
// else create umbra at random spawn
// if(!theIsUnderAttack)
// {
// CBaseEntity* theSpawnPoint = GetGameRules()->GetRandomHiveSpawnPoint(this, this->pev->origin, this->GetMaxSpawnDistance());
// if(theSpawnPoint)
// {
// VectorCopy(theSpawnPoint->pev->origin, theUmbraOrigin);
// }
// }
// Create umbra around it, play "scared" anim
this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(kScaredAnimationIndex, true);
void AvHHive::KeyValue(KeyValueData* pkvd)
if(FStrEq(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxspawndistance"))
this->mMaxSpawnDistance = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
void AvHHive::TriggerDeathAudioVisuals()
AvHSUPlayParticleEvent(kpsHiveDeath, this->edict(), this->pev->origin);
AvHSUExplodeEntity(this, matFlesh);
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_AUTO, kHiveDeathSound, 1.0, ATTN_IDLE);
// Play death animation (increment time just to make sure there's no idle anim played after killed and before death)
const float kDeathAnimationLength = 1.2f;
this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(10, true);
// Then explode
//this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kDeathAnimationLength;
void AvHHive::Precache(void)
void AvHHive::ProcessHealing()
// Regenerate nearby friendly aliens
CBaseEntity* theEntity = NULL;
const int theHiveHealRadius = BALANCE_VAR(kHiveHealRadius);
while((theEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(theEntity, this->pev->origin, theHiveHealRadius)) != NULL)
AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(theEntity);
if(thePlayer->GetIsRelevant() && (thePlayer->GetTeam() == this->GetTeamNumber()) && !thePlayer->GetIsBeingDigested())
// Hive heals percentage of player health
float theRegenPercentage = BALANCE_VAR(kHiveRegenerationPercentage);
int theMaxHealth = AvHPlayerUpgrade::GetMaxHealth(thePlayer->pev->iuser4, (AvHUser3)thePlayer->pev->iuser3, thePlayer->GetExperienceLevel());
float theRegenAmount = (theRegenPercentage*theMaxHealth);
thePlayer->Heal(theRegenAmount, true);
// Regenerate self
bool theDidHeal = false;
// If we aren't at full health, heal health
if(this->pev->health < this->mMaxHitPoints)
float theHiveRegenAmount = BALANCE_VAR(kHiveRegenerationAmount);
float theCombatModeScalar = /*GetGameRules()->GetIsCombatMode() ? (1.0f/BALANCE_VAR(kCombatModeTimeScalar)) :*/ 1.0f;
this->pev->health = min((float)this->mMaxHitPoints, this->pev->health + theHiveRegenAmount*theCombatModeScalar);
theDidHeal = true;
// Play regen event
// Play regeneration event
PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL(0, this->edict(), gRegenerationEventID, 0, this->pev->origin, (float *)&g_vecZero, 1.0f, 0.0, /*theWeaponIndex*/ 0, 0, 0, 0 );
void AvHHive::ResetEntity(void)
this->pev->health = this->mMaxHitPoints;
this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
// Reset parasites, etc.
this->pev->iuser4 = 0;
this->mTimeOfNextUmbra = -1;
// Reset fuser1 progress
this->pev->fuser1 = 0;
void AvHHive::ResetReinforcingPlayer(bool inSuccess)
this->mEnergy = 0.0f;
bool AvHHive::SetSolid(bool inForce)
// Check to make sure there aren't any players in the destination area
CBaseEntity* pList[128];
// Crank up the area just to be safe
Vector theMinArea = this->pev->origin + kHiveMinSize;
Vector theMaxArea = this->pev->origin + kHiveMaxSize;
// TODO: If players are blocking this area for too long, spawn hive and kill them
int theNumBlockingEntities = UTIL_EntitiesInBox(pList, 128, theMinArea, theMaxArea, FL_CLIENT);
if((theNumBlockingEntities == 0) || inForce)
this->pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;
this->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
UTIL_SetSize(this->pev, kHiveMinSize, kHiveMaxSize);
// pev->frame = 0;
// pev->body = 3;
// pev->sequence = 0;
// // ResetSequenceInfo( );
// pev->framerate = 0;
// UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, pev->origin);
// UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-20, -20, 0), Vector(20, 20, 28) );
this->mSolid = true;
return this->mSolid;
void AvHHive::SetHasBeenBuilt()
GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team, ALERT_HIVE_COMPLETE, this->entindex());
// Make hive support any unassigned upgrade technologies (happens after a hive supporting a technology is destroyed and then rebuilt)
AvHTeamNumber theTeam = (AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team;
AvHTeam* theTeamPointer = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(theTeam);
AvHAlienUpgradeListType theUpgrades = theTeamPointer->GetAlienUpgrades();
if(AvHGetNumUpgradesInCategoryInList(theUpgrades, ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_DEFENSE) > 0)
if(AvHGetNumUpgradesInCategoryInList(theUpgrades, ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MOVEMENT) > 0)
if(AvHGetNumUpgradesInCategoryInList(theUpgrades, ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_SENSORY) > 0)
bool AvHHive::StartSpawningForTeam(AvHTeamNumber inTeam, bool inForce)
bool theSuccess = false;
this->pev->team = inTeam;
this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
this->pev->rendermode = kRenderNormal;
this->pev->renderamt = 0;
SetBits(pev->flags, FL_MONSTER);
SetUpgradeMask(&this->pev->iuser4, MASK_BUILDABLE);
this->mSpawning = true;
this->pev->health = kBaseHealthPercentage*this->mBaseHealth;
// Looping, growing animation
this->pev->sequence = 0;
this->pev->frame = 0;
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kHiveAliveThinkInterval;
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
void AvHHive::Spawn()
this->pev->classname = MAKE_STRING(kesTeamHive);
//this->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
this->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
this->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
this->pev->flags = 0;
this->pev->iuser3 = AVH_USER3_HIVE;
this->mMaxHitPoints = GetGameRules()->GetBaseHealthForMessageID(ALIEN_BUILD_HIVE);
SET_MODEL( ENT(this->pev), kHiveModel);
//this->pev->scale = 2;
// this->pev->sequence = 0;
// this->pev->frame = 0;
// ResetSequenceInfo();
void AvHHive::SetActive()
this->mActive = true;
this->mSpawning = false;
this->mTimeLastContributed = gpGlobals->time;
// Start animating
this->pev->sequence = 1;
this->pev->frame = 0;
// Play spawn sound here
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_AUTO, kHiveSpawnSound, 1.0, ATTN_IDLE);
// Note: this isn't being created for the first hive because this sound plays before the map is totally up
UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(this->pev), this->pev->origin, kHiveAmbientSound, 1.0f, 2.0, 0, 100);
void AvHHive::SetInactive()
// Set this so hives can be drawn translucently at hive locations for aliens
this->pev->effects &= ~EF_NODRAW;
this->mActive = false;
this->mSpawning = false;
this->mSolid = false;
this->mTimeLastContributed = -1;
this->mTechnology = MESSAGE_NULL;
this->pev->health = 0;
this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
this->pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time;
this->pev->solid = SOLID_NOT;
this->pev->team = TEAM_IND;
SetUpgradeMask(&this->pev->iuser4, MASK_BUILDABLE, false);
this->pev->rendermode = kRenderTransAlpha;
this->pev->renderamt = 0;
// Stop animation
this->pev->sequence = 0;
this->pev->frame = 0;
this->pev->framerate = 0;
// No longer built at all
this->pev->fuser1 = 0.0f;
// Stop looping
UTIL_EmitAmbientSound(ENT(this->pev), this->pev->origin, kHiveAmbientSound, 1.0f, .5, SND_STOP, 100);
ClearBits (pev->flags, FL_MONSTER); // why are they set in the first place???
int AvHHive::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
const float kWoundSoundInterval = 1.0f;
int theReturnCode = 0;
if(this->mActive || this->mSpawning)
//CBaseEntity* theAttackingEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevAttacker);
//if(GetGameRules()->CanEntityDoDamageTo(theAttackingEntity, this))
theReturnCode = AvHBaseBuildable::TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType);
if(theReturnCode > 0)
const float kDyingThreshold = .4f;
if(this->pev->health < kDyingThreshold*this->mMaxHitPoints)
GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team, ALERT_HIVE_DYING, this->entindex());
GetGameRules()->TriggerAlert((AvHTeamNumber)this->pev->team, ALERT_UNDER_ATTACK, this->entindex());
if((this->mTimeLastWoundSound == -1) || ((this->mTimeLastWoundSound + kWoundSoundInterval) < gpGlobals->time))
// Pick a random wound sound to play
//int theIndex = RANDOM_LONG(0, kNumWoundSounds - 1);
//char* theSoundToPlay = kWoundSoundList[theIndex];
//EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_AUTO, kHiveDeathSound, 1.0, ATTN_IDLE);
//EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_AUTO, "misc/hive_wound1.wav", 1.0, ATTN_IDLE);
// Emit hive damaged sound
gSoundListManager.PlaySoundInList(kHiveWoundSoundList, this, CHAN_BODY);
this->mTimeLastWoundSound = gpGlobals->time;
return theReturnCode;
bool AvHHive::GetCanReinforce() const
return (this->GetIsBuilt() && this->IsAlive() && !GetGameRules()->GetIsCombatMode());
bool AvHHive::GetSpawnLocationForPlayer(CBaseEntity* inPlayer, Vector& outLocation) const
bool theSuccess = false;
CBaseEntity* theSpawnPoint = GetGameRules()->GetRandomHiveSpawnPoint(inPlayer, this->pev->origin, this->GetMaxSpawnDistance());
outLocation = theSpawnPoint->pev->origin;
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
bool AvHHive::GetTriggerAlertOnDamage() const
return false;
AvHTeamNumber AvHHive::GetReinforceTeamNumber() const
return AvHBaseBuildable::GetTeamNumber();
//void AvHHive::UpdateReinforcements()
// // If hive is active
// if(this->GetIsActive())
// {
// // Test to make sure our reinforcing player is still valid
// AvHPlayer* theReinforcingPlayer = this->GetReinforcingPlayer();
// if(theReinforcingPlayer)
// {
// AvHPlayMode thePlayMode = theReinforcingPlayer->GetPlayMode();
// if((theReinforcingPlayer->pev->team != this->pev->team) || (thePlayMode == PLAYMODE_UNDEFINED) || (thePlayMode == PLAYMODE_READYROOM) || (thePlayMode == PLAYMODE_OBSERVER))
// {
// this->mReinforcingPlayer = -1;
// }
// }
// // If hive isn't spawning a player in currently
// if(this->mReinforcingPlayer == -1)
// {
// // Find player on this team that's been waiting the longest
// AvHPlayer* thePlayerToSpawn = NULL;
// FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*);
// if(theEntity->GetTeam() == this->GetTeamNumber())
// {
// {
// if(!thePlayerToSpawn || (theEntity->GetTimeLastPlayModeSet() < thePlayerToSpawn->GetTimeLastPlayModeSet()))
// {
// thePlayerToSpawn = theEntity;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// END_FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName);
// // Spawn the one waiting the longest
// if(thePlayerToSpawn)
// {
// // Set the player to be reinforcing
// this->mReinforcingPlayer = thePlayerToSpawn->entindex();
// thePlayerToSpawn->SetPlayMode(PLAYMODE_REINFORCING);
// // Play hive animation, play effect for player?
// this->pev->sequence = 4;
// this->pev->frame = 0;
// ResetSequenceInfo();
// }
// }
// // else hive is spawning a player
// else
// {
// // Is player still valid, or has he left the server/team?
// AvHPlayer* thePlayer = this->GetReinforcingPlayer();
// if(thePlayer && (thePlayer->GetTeam() == this->GetTeamNumber()))
// {
// if(thePlayer->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_REINFORCING)
// {
// // Has enough time passed to bring the player in?
// const float kHiveRespawnTime = GetGameRules()->GetAlienRespawnTime();
// if(gpGlobals->time > (thePlayer->GetTimeLastPlayModeSet() + kHiveRespawnTime))
// {
// this->ResetReinforcingPlayer(true);
// // Take away points from the player if possible
// float theNewPointTotal = max(thePlayer->GetResources() - GetGameRules()->GetGameplay().GetAlienRespawnCost(), 0.0f);
// thePlayer->SetResources(theNewPointTotal);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// this->mReinforcingPlayer = -1;
// }
// }
// }
// }
void AvHHive::CreateUmbra(vec3_t& inOrigin)
AvHSUCreateUmbraCloud(inOrigin, AvHTeamNumber(this->pev->team), this);
// Don't create another for a bit
this->mTimeOfNextUmbra = -1;
void AvHHive::CueRespawnEffect(AvHPlayer* inPlayer)
// Play hive animation, play effect for player?
this->pev->sequence = 4;
this->pev->frame = 0;
// Create umbra around spawning players, but not until after late-join period (to avoid a ton of umbras all at once)
float AvHHive::GetReinforceTime() const
const float kMaxRespawnTime = BALANCE_VAR(kAlienRespawnTime);
float theRespawnTime = (kMaxRespawnTime - kMaxRespawnTime*this->mEnergy);
// puzl 0000854
// Decrease respawn wait time for aliens (NS: Classic)
// With one hive, for every player above six on the alien team,
// reduce the per-player respawn wait time by two-thirds of a second.
// With two hives, make the reduction one-third of a second.
// With three (or more, in the case of weird custom maps) hives, do not apply it.
AvHTeam* theTeam = GetGameRules()->GetTeam(GetTeamNumber());
int thePlayerModifier = theTeam->GetPlayerCount() - BALANCE_VAR(kAlienRespawnPlayerModifier);
int theHiveCount = GetGameRules()->GetNumActiveHives(GetTeamNumber());
if ( thePlayerModifier > 0 && theHiveCount < 3 )
float theTimeModifier = BALANCE_VAR(kAlienRespawnTimeModifier);
// For one hive double the modifier
if ( theHiveCount == 1 )
theTimeModifier *= 2.0f;
theRespawnTime -= theTimeModifier * (float)thePlayerModifier;
theRespawnTime = min(max(theRespawnTime, 0.0f), kMaxRespawnTime);
return theRespawnTime;
bool AvHHive::Energize(float inEnergyAmount)
bool theSuccess = false;
// Only energize when a player is in the cue
if(this->GetIsBuilt() && this->GetReinforcingPlayer())
if(this->mEnergy < 1.0f)
this->mEnergy += inEnergyAmount;
this->mEnergy = min(max(0.0f, this->mEnergy), 1.0f);
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
void AvHHive::HiveTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther)
AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(inOther);
if(thePlayer && (thePlayer->pev->team != this->pev->team))
// Play scared animation, it recoils from human touch
this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(kScaredAnimationIndex, true);
void AvHHive::TeleportUse(CBaseEntity* inActivator, CBaseEntity* inCaller, USE_TYPE inUseType, float inValue)
if ( this->GetIsSpawning() )
const float kHiveScanInterval = 1.0f;
AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(inActivator);
if(thePlayer && (thePlayer->pev->team == this->pev->team) && (thePlayer->GetUser3() != AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO) && thePlayer->GetCanUseHive() )
vector<int> theHives;
vector<int> theHivesUnderAttack;
if((this->mLastTimeScannedHives == -1) || (gpGlobals->time > (this->mLastTimeScannedHives + kHiveScanInterval)))
this->mTeleportHiveIndex = -1;
float theFarthestDistance = 0.0f; //sqrt((kMaxMapDimension*2)*(kMaxMapDimension*2));
// Loop through the hives for this team, look for the farthest one (hives under attack take precedence)
FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kesTeamHive, AvHHive*)
if((theEntity->pev->team == this->pev->team) && theEntity != this )
bool theHiveIsUnderAttack = GetGameRules()->GetIsEntityUnderAttack(theEntity->entindex());
// allow teleport to any built hive, or unbuilt hives under attack.
if(!theEntity->GetIsSpawning() || ( theEntity->GetIsSpawning() && theHiveIsUnderAttack ) )
if ( theHiveIsUnderAttack )
this->mLastTimeScannedHives = gpGlobals->time;
vector<int> *tmpPtr=&theHives;
if ( theHivesUnderAttack.size() > 0 )
if ( tmpPtr->size() > 0 ) {
int myIndex=this->entindex();
for ( int i=0; i < tmpPtr->size(); i++ ) {
int hiveIndex=(*tmpPtr)[i];
if ( hiveIndex > myIndex ) {
if ( this->mTeleportHiveIndex == -1 ) {
// If we have a valid hive index, jump the player to it
if(this->mTeleportHiveIndex != -1)
// Play sound at this entity
EMIT_SOUND(this->edict(), CHAN_AUTO, kAlienSightOnSound, 1.0f, ATTN_NORM);
// Move him to it!
AvHHive* theHive = NULL;
AvHSUGetEntityFromIndex(this->mTeleportHiveIndex, theHive);
CBaseEntity* theSpawnEntity = GetGameRules()->GetRandomHiveSpawnPoint(thePlayer, theHive->pev->origin, theHive->GetMaxSpawnDistance());
Vector theMinSize;
Vector theMaxSize;
thePlayer->GetSize(theMinSize, theMaxSize);
int theOffset = AvHMUGetOriginOffsetForUser3(AvHUser3(thePlayer->pev->iuser3));
Vector theOriginToSpawn = theSpawnEntity->pev->origin;
theOriginToSpawn.z += theOffset;
if(AvHSUGetIsEnoughRoomForHull(theOriginToSpawn, AvHMUGetHull(false, thePlayer->pev->iuser3), thePlayer->edict()))
thePlayer->pev->velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0);
// Play teleport sound before and after
EMIT_SOUND(inActivator->edict(), CHAN_AUTO, kAlienSightOffSound, 1.0f, ATTN_NORM);