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pierow 58358d0927
Bot integration for v3.3b8 ()
* Initial bot commit

* Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game.
* Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots
* Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly

* Added round restart and new map detection for AI system

Push before new project added for detour

* Initial bot integration

* Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing
* Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors

* Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables

* Reworked nav profiles

Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder

* Improved bot door usage

* Added weldable obstacles back into navigation

Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers

* Replaced fixed arrays with vectors

* Resource node and hive lists are now vectors.
* Further improved bot weld behaviour

* Added dynamic reachability calculations

When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses.

* Added team-based reachability calculations

Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point.

* Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections

* Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections

Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant.

* Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code

* Started Bot Swimming

* Bots understand trigger_changetarget

Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work

* Push before trying to fix long-range connections

* Implement new off-mesh connection system

* Redid population of door triggers

* Fixed trigger types and links to doors

* Added lift and moving platform support

* Lift improvements

* Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it
* Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at

* Tweak lift and welder usage

* Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together

* Finish lift movement

* Fixed dodgy path finding

* Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage

* Fix crash with path finding

* Re-implement commander AI

* Commander improvements

* Improve commander sieging

* Commander scanning tweak

* Reimplemented regular marine AI

* Start reimplementing alien AI

* Implement gorge building behaviours

* Start alien tactical decisioning

* Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic

* More alien role work

* Adjusted base node definitions

* Iterate Capper Logic

* Alien assault AI

* Alien Combat

* Fix grenade throwing, better combat

* Marine combat AI improvements

* Commander improvements

* Commander + nav improvements

* Drop mines

* Improved bot stuck detection

* Commander supply improvements

* Bot fill timing config

* Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots

* Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg"

* Bug fixing with navigation

* Fix skulk movement on ladders

* Improved commander placement and tactical refresh

* Fixed bug with ladder climbing

* Doors block off-mesh connections

* Finished doors blocking connections

* Marine and alien tactical bug fixes

* Add commander beacon back in

* Start combat mode stuff

* First pass at combat mode

* Bots attack turrets

* Fix ladder and wall climbing

* Commander chat request

* Improved skulk ladders

* Added nav meshes for new bot code

* Added bot configuration to listen server menu

* Added bot config file

* Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg

* Added default bot settings to server.cfg

* Include VS filter for bot files

* Crash fixes

* Bot improvements

* Bot stability and mine placement improvements

* Fixed crash on new map start with bots

* Reverted Svencoop fix

* Fixed crash, added more cvars

* Performance improvement

* Commander building improvements

* Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command

* Fixed doors not blocking connections

* Added bot disabled guard to round start

* Commander improvements, movement improvements

* Tweaked level load sequence

* Performance improvements

* Bot load spread

* Fixed commander update

* Refactor bot frame handling

* Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread

* Minor bug fixes

* Fix door detection, prep for test

* Fixed commander siege spam

* linux compile test

* fix hardcoded inlcudes

* O1 compile flag for detour
- fix linux server crash

* Revert detour compile flags to original for windows

* linux build update

* remove x64 build configs

* update bot nav meshes and configs

* fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees


Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
2024-03-21 14:17:18 -04:00

171 lines
7.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "AvHPlayer.h"
#include "AvHAIConstants.h"
// How far a bot can be from a useable object when trying to interact with it. Used also for melee attacks
static const float max_player_use_reach = 55.0f;
// Minimum time a bot can wait between attempts to use something in seconds (when not holding the use key down)
static const float min_player_use_interval = 0.5f;
// Minimum time a bot can wait between attempts to use something in seconds (when not holding the use key down)
static const float max_player_jump_height = 62.0f;
Player Status Checks
// Is the player currently a Skulk?
bool IsPlayerSkulk(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently a Gorge?
bool IsPlayerGorge(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently a Lerk?
bool IsPlayerLerk(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently a Fade?
bool IsPlayerFade(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently an Onos?
bool IsPlayerOnos(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently a Marine (not commander)? Includes both light and heavy marines
bool IsPlayerMarine(const edict_t* Player);
bool IsPlayerMarine(const AvHPlayer* Player);
// Is the player currently a Marine (not commander)? Includes both light and heavy marines
bool IsPlayerAlien(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player the commander?
bool IsPlayerCommander(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently climbing a wall?
bool IsPlayerClimbingWall(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player in the ready room (i.e. not in the map proper)?
bool IsPlayerInReadyRoom(const edict_t* Player);
// Returns true if the player is not in the ready room, is on a team, is alive, is not being digested, and is not commander
bool IsPlayerActiveInGame(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player a human?
bool IsPlayerHuman(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player a bot (includes non-EvoBot fake clients)?
bool IsPlayerBot(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player dead and waiting to respawn?
bool IsPlayerDead(const edict_t* Player);
// Is player stunned by Onos stomp?
bool IsPlayerStunned(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently spectating?
bool IsPlayerSpectator(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently being digested by an Onos?
bool IsPlayerBeingDigested(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player an Onos and currently digesting someone?
bool IsPlayerDigesting(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently gestating?
bool IsPlayerGestating(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player affected by parasite?
bool IsPlayerParasited(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player being marked through walls to enemies through being sighted by an ally or affected by motion tracking?
bool IsPlayerMotionTracked(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player currently on a ladder? Always false for Skulks and Lerks as they can't climb ladders
bool IsPlayerOnLadder(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player an onos under the effect of charge?
bool IsPlayerCharging(const edict_t* Player);
// Is the player buffed by catalysts (for marines) or primal scream (for aliens)?
bool IsPlayerBuffed(const edict_t* Player);
void AIPlayer_Say(edict_t* pEntity, int teamonly, const char* Msg);
// Returns the player's max armour, based on armour research levels (marines) or class and carapace level (aliens)
int GetPlayerMaxArmour(const edict_t* Player);
// Returns the player's current energy (between 0.0 and 1.0)
float GetPlayerEnergy(const edict_t* Player);
// Can the player duck? Skulks, gorges and lerks cannot
bool CanPlayerCrouch(const edict_t* Player);
// Returns player resources (for marines will be team resources)
int GetPlayerResources(const edict_t* Player);
// For combat mode, returns the player's current experience
int GetPlayerCombatExperience(const edict_t* Player);
// For combat mode, returns the player's current level
int GetPlayerCombatLevel(const AvHPlayer* Player);
// Returns the player radius based on their current state
float GetPlayerRadius(const AvHPlayer* Player);
float GetPlayerRadius(const edict_t* Player);
// Returns the hull index that should be used for this player when performing hull traces. Depends on if player is crouching right now or not
int GetPlayerHullIndex(const edict_t* Player);
// Returns the hull index that should be used for this player when performing hull traces, can manually specify if it's their crouching hull index or not
int GetPlayerHullIndex(const edict_t* Player, const bool bIsCrouching);
// How fast the player current regenerates energy, taking adrenaline upgrades into account
float GetPlayerEnergyRegenPerSecond(edict_t* Player);
// Expresses the combined health and armour of a player vs max
float GetPlayerOverallHealthPercent(const edict_t* Player);
// Gets the world position of the player's viewpoint (origin + view_ofs)
Vector GetPlayerEyePosition(const edict_t* Player);
// Player's current height based on their player class, can manually specify if you want the crouched height or not
float GetPlayerHeight(const edict_t* Player, const bool bIsCrouching);
// The origin offset from the bottom of the player's collision box, depending on crouching or not
Vector GetPlayerOriginOffsetFromFloor(const edict_t* pEdict, const bool bIsCrouching);
// The bottom-centre of the player's collision box
Vector GetPlayerBottomOfCollisionHull(const edict_t* pEdict);
// The top-centre of the player's collision box based on their player class and if they're currently crouching
Vector GetPlayerTopOfCollisionHull(const edict_t* pEdict);
// The top-centre of the player's collision box based on their player class, manually specifying if they're crouching or not
Vector GetPlayerTopOfCollisionHull(const edict_t* pEdict, const bool bIsCrouching);
// Based on current movement inputs from the player, what direction are they trying to move? Ignores actual velocity.
Vector GetPlayerAttemptedMoveDirection(const edict_t* Player);
// The player's index into the clients array (see game_state.h)
int GetPlayerIndex(AvHPlayer* Player);
// Returns true if the supplied edict is a player (bot or human)
bool IsEdictPlayer(const edict_t* edict);
bool IsPlayerTouchingEntity(const edict_t* Player, const edict_t* TargetEntity);
bool IsPlayerInUseRange(const edict_t* Player, const edict_t* Target);
bool PlayerHasHeavyArmour(const edict_t* Player);
bool PlayerHasJetpack(edict_t* Player);
bool PlayerHasWeapon(const AvHPlayer* Player, const AvHAIWeapon DesiredCombatWeapon);
bool PlayerHasEquipment(edict_t* Player);
bool PlayerHasSpecialWeapon(const AvHPlayer* Player);
bool UTIL_PlayerHasLOSToEntity(const edict_t* Player, const edict_t* Target, const float MaxRange, const bool bUseHullSweep);
bool UTIL_PlayerHasLOSToLocation(const edict_t* Player, const Vector Target, const float MaxRange);
bool PlayerHasAlienUpgradeOfType(const edict_t* Player, const HiveTechStatus TechType);
float GetPlayerCloakAmount(const edict_t* Player);
bool IsPlayerReloading(const AvHPlayer* Player);
bool IsPlayerStandingOnPlayer(const edict_t* Player);
// If the player is gestating, will return the target evolution. Otherwise, returns the iuser3
AvHUser3 GetPlayerActiveClass(const AvHPlayer* Player);
edict_t* UTIL_GetNearestLadderAtPoint(const Vector SearchLocation);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderNormal(edict_t* pEdict);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderNormal(Vector SearchLocation);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderCentrePoint(edict_t* pEdict);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderCentrePoint(const Vector SearchLocation);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderTopPoint(edict_t* pEdict);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderTopPoint(const Vector SearchLocation);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestLadderBottomPoint(edict_t* pEdict);
Vector UTIL_GetNearestSurfaceNormal(Vector SearchLocation);