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<A HREF="FMUSIC.html#Functions"><H5>[API function]</A></H5>
<H2><A NAME="FMUSIC_LoadSongEx">FMUSIC_LoadSongEx</A></H2>
To load a module or bank with a given filename. FMUSIC Supports loading of <BR>
- .MOD (protracker/fasttracker modules)<BR>
- .S3M (screamtracker 3 modules)<BR>
- .XM (fasttracker 2 modules)<BR>
- .IT (impulse tracker modules)<BR>
- .MID (MIDI files)<BR>
- .RMI (MIDI files)<BR>
- .SGT (DirectMusic segment files)<BR>
- .FSB (FMOD Sample Bank files)<BR>
<B>FMUSIC_MODULE * F_API </B><B> </B><B>FMUSIC_LoadSongEx</B><B>(</B><BR>
<B>const char *</B><I>name_or_data</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>offset</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>length</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>unsigned int </B><B> </B><I>mode</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>const int *</B><I>samplelist</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>samplelistnum</I><BR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>name_or_data</I></TD>
<TD>Name of song or pointer to data containing song to load (if loading from memory and not file). On PlayStation 2 data must be 16 byte aligned if loading from memory.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>offset</I></TD>
<TD>Optional. 0 by default. If > 0, this value is used to specify an offset in a file, so fmod will seek before opening.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>length</I></TD>
<TD>Optional. 0 by default. If > 0, this value is used to specify the length of a memory block when using FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, or it is the length of a file or file segment if the offset parameter is used. On PlayStation 2 this must be 16 byte aligned for memory loading.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>mode</I></TD>
<TD>Mode for opening song. With module files, only FSOUND_LOADMEMORY, FSOUND_NONBLOCKING, FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL, or FSOUND_LOOP_OFF are supported. For FSB files, FSOUND_2D, FSOUND_HW3D, FSOUND_FORCEMONO also work.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>samplelist</I></TD>
<TD>Optional. Pointer to array of sample indicies to load. Leave as NULL if you want all samples to be loaded (default behaviour). See Remarks for more on this.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>samplelistnum</I></TD>
<TD>Optional. Number of entries in the samplelist array.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, a FMUSIC_MODULE handle is returned.<BR>
On failure, NULL is returned.<BR>
Loading a song from a memory handle is dangerous in one respect, if the data is corrupted or truncated, then FMUSIC could crash internally trying to load it.<BR>
On PlayStation 2 the data and length pointer must be 16 byte aligned for DMA purposes.<BR>
The samplelist and samplelistnum parameters are useful for limiting the amount of data fmod loads. This feature is for the FSB format only. It is especially useful if you have a bank of sounds and want to randomize the loading a bit by telling which sounds to load with random values, and consequently which not to load.<BR>
On PlayStation 2, samplelistnum has a limit of 1536 entries.<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation2, GameCube<BR>
<H3>See Also</H3>
<A HREF="FMUSIC_FreeSong.html">FMUSIC_FreeSong</A>
<A HREF="FMUSIC_LoadSong.html">FMUSIC_LoadSong</A>
<HR><BR><FONT SIZE="-2">This document copyright ©Firelight Technologies, Pty, Ltd, 1999-2002. All rights reserved.</FONT><BR>
<FONT SIZE="-2">Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:26 2005
by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.</FONT><BR>