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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: Utility functions loosely wrapping the STL
// $Workfile: STLUtil.cpp$
// $Date: 2002/07/26 21:43:04 $
// $Log: STLUtil.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.6 2002/07/26 21:43:04 flayra
// - Updates to get particles and sounds working under Linux
// Revision 1.5 2002/07/26 01:51:23 Flayra
// - Linux support for FindFirst/FindNext
// Revision 1.4 2002/05/23 04:03:11 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
// Revision 1.5 2002/05/14 18:48:16 Charlie
// - More utility functions
// Revision 1.4 2002/05/01 00:52:34 Charlie
// - Added BuildAbridgedString
#include "util/STLUtil.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stdarg.h"
// For FindFirst/FindNext functionality in BuildFileList
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows.h"
#include "util/LinuxSupport.h"
string LowercaseString(const string& ioString)
string theReturnString = ioString;
return theReturnString;
string LowercaseString(string& ioString)
int theLength = ioString.length();
for(int i = 0; i < theLength; i++)
char theCurrentChar = ioString[i];
ioString[i] = tolower(theCurrentChar);
return ioString;
string UppercaseString(const string& ioString)
string theReturnString = ioString;
return theReturnString;
string UppercaseString(string& ioString)
int theLength = ioString.length();
for(int i = 0; i < theLength; i++)
char theCurrentChar = ioString[i];
ioString[i] = toupper(theCurrentChar);
return ioString;
int MakeIntFromString(string& inString)
int theInt = 0;
if(inString.length() > 0)
sscanf(inString.c_str(), "%d", &theInt);
return theInt;
float MakeFloatFromString(string& inString)
float theFloat = 0;
if(inString.length() > 0)
sscanf(inString.c_str(), "%f", &theFloat);
return theFloat;
bool MakeBytesFromHexPairs(const string& inHex, unsigned char* ioBytes, int numBytes)
bool theSuccess = true;
if(inHex.size() != numBytes*2)
theSuccess = false;
for(int index = 0; index < numBytes; ++index)
int theByte = 0;
for(int strpos = index*2; strpos < (index+1)*2; ++strpos)
theByte *= 16;
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
theByte += inHex[strpos] - '0';
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C':
case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
theByte += inHex[strpos] - 'A' + 10;
theSuccess = false;
ioBytes[index] = theByte;
return theSuccess;
string MakeStringFromInt(int inNumber)
char theBuffer[kMaxStrLen];
sprintf(theBuffer, "%d", inNumber);
return string(theBuffer);
string MakeStringFromFloat(float inNumber, int inNumDecimals)
// Build format specfier like "%.2f" (where 2 is inNumDecimals)
string theFormatSpecfier("%.");
theFormatSpecfier += MakeStringFromInt(inNumDecimals);
theFormatSpecfier += string("f");
char theBuffer[kMaxStrLen];
sprintf(theBuffer, theFormatSpecfier.c_str(), inNumber);
return string(theBuffer);
bool MakeHexPairsFromBytes(const unsigned char* inBytes, string& ioHex, int numBytes)
bool theSuccess = true;
string theString;
int theNumber;
for(int index = 0; index < numBytes*2; ++index)
theNumber = inBytes[index/2];
if(index % 2)
theNumber %= 16;
theNumber /= 16;
if(theNumber > 15 || theNumber < 0)
theSuccess = false;
case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4:
case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9:
theString += ('0' + theNumber);
case 10: case 11: case 12:
case 13: case 14: case 15:
theString += ('A' + theNumber - 10);
return theSuccess;
string BuildAbridgedString(const string& inString, int inMaxLen)
ASSERT(inMaxLen > 0);
string theAbridgedString = inString;
// If inString is longer then inMaxLen
if(inString.length() > (unsigned int)inMaxLen)
// For short max strings, just truncate past inMaxLen (it would be ridiculous to have more then half the string be "...")
if(inMaxLen <= 7)
theAbridgedString = inString.substr(0, inMaxLen-1);
// else
// Cut off all characters pass inMaxLen - 3
theAbridgedString = inString.substr(0, inMaxLen-4);
// Tack on "..."
theAbridgedString += "...";
return theAbridgedString;
// Pass in relative path, do search on path including mod directory, return files relative to mod directory
bool BuildFileList(const string& inBaseDirectoryName, const string& inDirectoryName, const string& inFileExtension, CStringList& outList)
#ifdef WIN32
const string kDelimiter("\\");
const string kDelimiter("/");
bool theSuccess = false;
string theBaseDirectoryName = inBaseDirectoryName;
string theDirectoryName = inDirectoryName;
#ifdef WIN32
// Replace all forward slashes with \\'s if needed
std::replace(theBaseDirectoryName.begin(), theBaseDirectoryName.end(), '/', '\\');
std::replace(theDirectoryName.begin(), theDirectoryName.end(), '/', '\\');
string theFullDirName = theBaseDirectoryName + theDirectoryName;
int theEndOffset = theDirectoryName.find_last_of(kDelimiter);
string theBaseDirName = theDirectoryName.substr(0, theEndOffset);
theFullDirName += inFileExtension;
#ifdef WIN32
WIN32_FIND_DATA theFindData;
HANDLE theFileHandle;
theFileHandle = FindFirstFile(theFullDirName.c_str(), &theFindData);
if (theFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
string theFoundFilename = string(theFindData.cFileName);
string theFoundFilename;
FIND_DATA theFindData;
const char* theFullDirNameCStr = theFullDirName.c_str();
int theRC = FindFirstFile(theFullDirNameCStr, &theFindData);
if(theRC != -1)
string theFoundFilename = string(theFindData.cFileName);
CString theCString;
string theFullFileName = theBaseDirName + string("/") + theFoundFilename;
// Precache requires / in the filename
std::replace(theFullFileName.begin(), theFullFileName.end(), '\\', '/');
theCString = theFullFileName;
theSuccess = true;
#ifdef WIN32
while(FindNextFile(theFileHandle, &theFindData));
while(FindNextFile(0, &theFindData));
//DIR theDirp = opendir(theDirName.c_str());
// while(theDirp)
// {
// int theErrno = 0;
// if ((dp = readdir(theDirp)) != NULL) {
// if (strcmp(dp->d_name, name) == 0) {
// closedir(theDirp);
// return FOUND;
// }
// } else {
// if (theErrno == 0) {
// closedir(theDirp);
// return NOT_FOUND;
// }
// closedir(theDirp);
// return READ_ERROR;
// }
// }
// return OPEN_ERROR;
return theSuccess;
int32 sprintf(string& outString, const char* inPattern, ...)
va_list theParameters;
int32 theResult;
va_start(theParameters, inPattern);
char theCharArray[kMaxStrLen];
theResult = ::vsprintf(theCharArray, inPattern, theParameters);
outString = theCharArray;
return theResult;
int SafeStrcmp(const char* inStringOne, const char* inStringTwo)
int theReturnValue = -1;
if(inStringOne && inStringTwo)
theReturnValue = strcmp(inStringOne, inStringTwo);
return theReturnValue;
// Remove leading and trailing spaces.
// Remove trailing \r\n
void TrimString(string& ioString)
int theStartChopIndex = 0;
int theEndChopIndex = ioString.length();
// Now remove any leading spaces
while((theStartChopIndex < (signed)ioString.length()) && (ioString[theStartChopIndex] == ' '))
// Remove trailing newlines, carriage returns, or spaces
while((theEndChopIndex > 0) && ((ioString[theEndChopIndex-1] == '\r') || (ioString[theEndChopIndex-1] == '\n') || (ioString[theEndChopIndex-1] == ' ')))
int theLength = theEndChopIndex - theStartChopIndex;
if(theLength > 0)
string theTrimmedString = ioString.substr(theStartChopIndex, theLength);
ioString = theTrimmedString;