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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: Base NS turret, used for all types of automated enemy detection
// $Workfile: AvHTurret.cpp$
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:24:59 $
// $Log: AvHTurret.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.12 2002/11/22 21:24:59 Flayra
// - Fixed turret factory abuse, where turrets became active after recycling the nearby turret factory before turret was fully contructed.
// - Fixed bug where siege turrets became re-activated after building a regular turret factory nearby.
// Revision 1.11 2002/11/06 01:39:21 Flayra
// - Turrets now need an active turret factory to be active
// Revision 1.10 2002/10/03 19:10:19 Flayra
// - Turret intervals sped up again
// Revision 1.9 2002/09/25 20:52:24 Flayra
// - Performance improvements
// Revision 1.8 2002/09/23 22:36:37 Flayra
// - Turrets now reacquire closer targets intermittently
// Revision 1.7 2002/08/31 18:01:03 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.6 2002/08/16 02:49:00 Flayra
// - New damage model
// Revision 1.5 2002/07/23 17:34:07 Flayra
// - Turrets track range in 2D, turrets can not require LOS if desired (for siege)
// Revision 1.4 2002/07/01 21:23:00 Flayra
// - Added generic vertical FOV to allow alien turrets to shoot very high and low
// Revision 1.3 2002/06/03 17:02:30 Flayra
// - Reduced turret volume
// Revision 1.2 2002/05/28 18:11:59 Flayra
// - Put in slower, randomish rate of fire for turrets for sound variance and drama, don't play ping if no ping sound specified (crashing with offensive tower)
// Revision 1.1 2002/05/23 02:32:57 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#include "AvHTurret.h"
#include "AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h"
#include "AvHServerUtil.h"
#include "AvHCloakable.h"
#include "../util/MathUtil.h"
const float kPingInterval = 3.0f;
const float kPingVolume = .4f;
const float kTurretThinkInterval = .05f;
const float kTurretSearchScalar = kTurretThinkInterval*(-90.0f/180)*M_PI;
const float kTurretUpdateEnemyInterval = .25f;
AvHTurret::AvHTurret(AvHTechID inTechID, AvHMessageID inMessageID, char* inClassName, int inUser3) : AvHBaseBuildable(inTechID, inMessageID, inClassName, inUser3)
void AvHTurret::Init()
this->m_hEnemy = 0;
this->m_flFieldOfView = 0;
this->mTimeOfLastAttack = -1;
this->mTimeOfNextAttack = -1;
this->mTimeOfLastUpdateEnemy = -1;
this->m_fTurnRate = 0;
this->mGoalQuat = this->mCurQuat = Quat(0, 0, 0, 1);
this->mNextPingTime = 0;
this->mEnabled = false;
void AvHTurret::ResetEntity()
char* AvHTurret::GetActiveSound() const
return NULL;
char* AvHTurret::GetAlertSound() const
return NULL;
char* AvHTurret::GetPingSound() const
return NULL;
int AvHTurret::GetPointValue(void) const
return BALANCE_VAR(kScoringTurretValue);
int AvHTurret::GetSetEnabledAnimation() const
return -1;
int AvHTurret::GetActiveAnimation() const
return 1;
int AvHTurret::GetSpawnAnimation() const
return 0;
int AvHTurret::GetDeployAnimation() const
return -1;
bool AvHTurret::GetEnabledState() const
return this->mEnabled;
int AvHTurret::GetTakeDamageAnimation() const
return -1;
int AvHTurret::GetIdle1Animation() const
return -1;
int AvHTurret::GetIdle2Animation() const
return -1;
int AvHTurret::GetKilledAnimation() const
return 5;
bool AvHTurret::GetRequiresLOS() const
return true;
int AvHTurret::GetDamageType() const
// Turrets to half damage to heavy players
int AvHTurret::IRelationship (CBaseEntity* inTarget)
int theRelationship = R_NO;
// Ignore the roaches for heaven's sake
if(!FClassnameIs( inTarget->pev, "monster_cockroach" ))
// Don't shoot at cloaked players
AvHCloakable* theCloakable = dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable*>(inTarget);
if(theCloakable && theCloakable->GetIsCloaked())
theRelationship = R_NO;
// Shoot all monsters that aren't on our team
CBaseMonster* theMonsterPointer = dynamic_cast<CBaseMonster*>(inTarget);
if(theMonsterPointer && (theMonsterPointer->pev->team != this->pev->team))
theRelationship = R_DL;
// Look at own team vs. incoming team
AvHTeamNumber inTeam = (AvHTeamNumber)inTarget->pev->team;
if(inTeam != TEAM_IND)
if(inTeam == this->pev->team)
theRelationship = R_AL;
// Don't keep switching targets constantly
theRelationship = R_DL;
//theRelationship = CSentry::IRelationship(inTarget);
return theRelationship;
bool AvHTurret::GetIsValidTarget(CBaseEntity* inEntity) const
bool theTargetIsValid = false;
if((inEntity->pev->team != this->pev->team) && (inEntity->pev->team != 0) && (inEntity->pev->takedamage))
float theDistanceToCurrentEnemy = AvHSUEyeToBodyXYDistance(this->pev, inEntity);
if(theDistanceToCurrentEnemy <= this->GetXYRange())
// Players are targettable when
AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(inEntity);
if(!thePlayer || !thePlayer->GetIsCloaked() || !thePlayer->GetIsBeingDigested()) //added digestion - elven
// TODO: Check to be sure enemy is still visible
theTargetIsValid = true;
AvHCloakable* theCloakable = dynamic_cast<AvHCloakable*>(inEntity);
if(!theCloakable || (theCloakable->GetOpacity() > 0.0f))
theTargetIsValid = true;
return theTargetIsValid;
void AvHTurret::Ping(void)
// Make the pinging noise every second while searching
if(this->mNextPingTime == 0)
this->mNextPingTime = gpGlobals->time + kPingInterval;
else if(this->mNextPingTime <= gpGlobals->time)
char* thePingSound = this->GetPingSound();
this->mNextPingTime = gpGlobals->time + kPingInterval;
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_ITEM, thePingSound, kPingVolume, ATTN_STATIC);
//EyeOn( );
// else if (m_eyeBrightness > 0)
// {
// EyeOff( );
// }
// FInViewCone - returns true is the passed ent is in
// the caller's forward view cone. The dot product is performed
// in 2d, making the view cone infinitely tall.
BOOL AvHTurret::FInViewCone(CBaseEntity* inEntity)
Vector2D vec2LOS;
float flDot;
UTIL_MakeVectors ( pev->angles );
vec2LOS = ( inEntity->pev->origin - pev->origin ).Make2D();
vec2LOS = vec2LOS.Normalize();
flDot = DotProduct (vec2LOS , gpGlobals->v_forward.Make2D() );
if ( flDot > this->m_flFieldOfView )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// FInViewCone - returns true is the passed vector is in
// the caller's forward view cone. The dot product is performed
// in 2d, making the view cone infinitely tall.
BOOL AvHTurret::FInViewCone(Vector* inOrigin)
Vector2D vec2LOS;
float flDot;
UTIL_MakeVectors ( pev->angles );
vec2LOS = ( *inOrigin - pev->origin ).Make2D();
vec2LOS = vec2LOS.Normalize();
flDot = DotProduct (vec2LOS , gpGlobals->v_forward.Make2D() );
if ( flDot > this->m_flFieldOfView )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// This function takes a lot of CPU, so make sure it's not called often! Don't call this function directly, use UpdateEnemy instead whenever possible.
CBaseEntity* AvHTurret::FindBestEnemy()
CBaseEntity* theEntityList[100];
int theMaxRange = this->GetXYRange();
Vector delta = Vector(theMaxRange, theMaxRange, theMaxRange);
CBaseEntity* theCurrentEntity = NULL;
CBaseEntity* theBestPlayer = NULL;
CBaseEntity* theBestStructure = NULL;
float theCurrentEntityRange = 100000;
// Find only monsters/clients in box, NOT limited to PVS
int theCount = UTIL_EntitiesInBox(theEntityList, 100, this->pev->origin - delta, this->pev->origin + delta, FL_CLIENT | FL_MONSTER);
for(int i = 0; i < theCount; i++ )
theCurrentEntity = theEntityList[i];
if((theCurrentEntity != this) && theCurrentEntity->IsAlive())
// the looker will want to consider this entity
// don't check anything else about an entity that can't be seen, or an entity that you don't care about.
if(this->IRelationship(theCurrentEntity ) != R_NO && FInViewCone(theCurrentEntity) && !FBitSet(theCurrentEntity->pev->flags, FL_NOTARGET))
AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(theCurrentEntity);
if(!thePlayer || thePlayer->GetCanBeAffectedByEnemies())
// Find nearest enemy
float theRangeToTarget = VectorDistance2D(this->pev->origin, theCurrentEntity->pev->origin);
if(theRangeToTarget < theCurrentEntityRange)
// FVisible is expensive, so defer until necessary
if(!this->GetRequiresLOS() || FVisible(theCurrentEntity))
theCurrentEntityRange = theRangeToTarget;
if ( thePlayer )
theBestPlayer = theCurrentEntity;
theBestStructure = theCurrentEntity;
return (theBestPlayer != NULL ) ? theBestPlayer : theBestStructure;
// Return degrees from center turret can aim up or down
int AvHTurret::GetVerticalFOV() const
return 30;
void AvHTurret::UpdateEnemy()
// If enabled
// If time to find new enemy
float theCurrentTime = gpGlobals->time;
if((this->mTimeOfLastUpdateEnemy == -1) || (theCurrentTime > (this->mTimeOfLastUpdateEnemy + kTurretUpdateEnemyInterval)))
// Find new best enemy
this->m_hEnemy = this->FindBestEnemy();
this->mTimeOfLastUpdateEnemy = theCurrentTime;
// Clear current enemy
this->m_hEnemy = NULL;
void AvHTurret::ActiveThink(void)
// Advance model frame
// Find enemy, or reacquire dead enemy
// If we have a valid enemy
// If enemy is in FOV
Vector theVecMid = this->EyePosition();
//AvHSUPlayParticleEvent("JetpackEffect", this->edict(), theVecMid);
CBaseEntity* theEnemyEntity = this->m_hEnemy;
Vector theVecMidEnemy = theEnemyEntity->BodyTarget(theVecMid);
//AvHSUPlayParticleEvent("JetpackEffect", theEnemyEntity->edict(), theVecMidEnemy);
// calculate dir and dist to enemy
Vector theVecDirToEnemy = theVecMidEnemy - theVecMid;
Vector theAddition = theVecMid + theVecDirToEnemy;
Vector theVecLOS = theVecDirToEnemy.Normalize();
// Update our goal angles to direction to enemy
Vector theVecDirToEnemyAngles;
VectorAngles(theVecDirToEnemy, theVecDirToEnemyAngles);
// Set goal quaternion
this->mGoalQuat = Quat(theVecDirToEnemyAngles);
// Is the turret looking at the target yet?
float theRadians = (this->GetVerticalFOV()/180.0f)*3.1415f;
float theCosVerticalFOV = cos(theRadians);
Vector theCurrentAngles;
if(DotProduct(theVecLOS, gpGlobals->v_forward) > theCosVerticalFOV)
// If enemy is visible
bool theEnemyVisible = FBoxVisible(this->pev, this->m_hEnemy->pev, theVecMidEnemy) || !this->GetRequiresLOS();
if(theEnemyVisible && this->m_hEnemy->IsAlive())
// If it's time to attack
if((this->mTimeOfNextAttack == -1) || (gpGlobals->time >= this->mTimeOfNextAttack))
// Shoot and play shoot animation
Shoot(theVecMid, theVecDirToEnemy, theEnemyEntity->pev->velocity);
// Set time for next attack
// spin the barrel when acquired but not firing
else if(this->GetBaseClassAnimatesTurret())
this->pev->sequence = 2;
// Set next active think
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kTurretThinkInterval;
// else we have no enemy, go back to search think
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kTurretThinkInterval;
bool AvHTurret::GetBaseClassAnimatesTurret() const
return true;
void AvHTurret::SearchThink(void)
this->pev->sequence = 2;
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + kTurretThinkInterval;
// If we have a target and we're still healthy
if(this->m_hEnemy != NULL)
if(!this->m_hEnemy->IsAlive() )
this->m_hEnemy = NULL;// Dead enemy forces a search for new one
// Acquire Target
// If we've found a target, spin up the barrel and start to attack
if(this->m_hEnemy != NULL)
//this->m_flSpinUpTime = 0;
// else
// {
// // generic hunt for new victims
// this->m_vecGoalAngles.y = (this->m_vecGoalAngles.y + 0.1*this->m_fTurnRate);
// if(this->m_vecGoalAngles.y >= 360)
// {
// m_vecGoalAngles.y -= 360;
// }
// }
void AvHTurret::TurretUpdate()
void AvHTurret::SetNextAttack()
this->mTimeOfNextAttack = gpGlobals->time + this->GetRateOfFire();
int AvHTurret::MoveTurret(void)
ASSERT(this->m_fTurnRate > 0);
// We have an enemy, track towards goal angles
if(this->m_hEnemy != NULL)
float theRate = this->m_fTurnRate*kTurretThinkInterval;
this->mCurQuat = ConstantRateLerp(this->mCurQuat, this->mGoalQuat, theRate);
// generic hunt for new victims
// Create transformation quat that will rotate current quat
float axis[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
Quat rot(kTurretSearchScalar, axis);
this->mCurQuat = rot*this->mCurQuat;
// Reset height
Vector theAngles;
//SetBoneController(0, m_vecCurAngles.y - pev->angles.y );
SetBoneController(0, theAngles.y - pev->angles.y );
SetBoneController(1, -theAngles.x);
return 0;
void AvHTurret::CheckEnabledState()
this->SetEnabledState(true, true);
void AvHTurret::SetHasBeenBuilt()
void AvHTurret::SetEnabledState(bool inState, bool inForce)
if(!GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_RECYCLING))
if((inState != this->mEnabled) || inForce)
this->mEnabled = inState;
int theEnabledAnimation = this->GetSetEnabledAnimation();
if(theEnabledAnimation >= 0)
float theSpeed = this->mEnabled ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
this->PlayAnimationAtIndex(theEnabledAnimation, true, theSpeed);
this->m_hEnemy = NULL;
float theTimeToAnimate = max(gpGlobals->time + kTurretThinkInterval, this->GetTimeAnimationDone());
this->pev->nextthink = theTimeToAnimate;
float AvHTurret::GetRateOfFire() const
float theVariance = RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 0.2);
float theBaseROF = BALANCE_VAR(kTurretBaseRateOfFire);
return theBaseROF + theVariance;
void AvHTurret::Setup()
this->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 1;
this->pev->frame = 0;
this->pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
this->mNextPingTime = 0;
this->m_flFieldOfView = VIEW_FIELD_FULL;
this->m_fTurnRate = BALANCE_VAR(kTurretTrackingRate);
// This is the visual difference between model origin and gun barrel, it's needed to orient the barrel and hit targets properly
this->pev->view_ofs.z = 48;
SetBits(this->pev->flags, FL_MONSTER);
this->SetBoneController(0, 0);
this->SetBoneController(1, 0);
this->mEnabled = false;
void AvHTurret::Spawn()