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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHPlayer.h $
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:18:33 $
// $Log: AvHPlayer.h,v $
// Revision 1.65 2002/11/22 21:18:33 Flayra
// - Potentially fixed strange Onos collision crash
// - Don't allow player to join team after he's seen another team
// - "lastinv" support
// - Fixed perma-cloak bug after losing last sensory chamber whilst cloaked
// - Started fixing commander PAS problem
// - Fixed readyroom "ghost player" exploit when F4 during REIN
// - Draw damage in debug, never otherwise
// Revision 1.64 2002/11/15 04:42:50 Flayra
// - Regenerate now returns true if healing was successful
// - Logging changes and fixes
// Revision 1.63 2002/11/13 01:49:08 Flayra
// - Proper death message logging for Psychostats
// Revision 1.62 2002/11/12 18:44:54 Flayra
// - Added mp_logdetail support for damage messages
// - Changed the alien ability anti-exploit code to try to co-exist with scripters
// Revision 1.61 2002/11/12 02:28:39 Flayra
// - Fixed problems with armor not being updated when armor upgrades completed
// - Aliens now keep same percentage of health and armor when morphing
// - Much better logging, up to standard
// - Don't add enemy buildings to hive sight unless parasited (solves blip spam)
// - Removed draw damage from public build
// - Changes to minimap to less overflows at end of big games
// Revision 1.60 2002/10/25 21:48:01 Flayra
// - Added more auth masks
// - Moved mSkin to pev->skin so playerclass could hold what used to be mPlayMode could be used to quickly perform culling, to try to prevent overflowage at the end of large games
// Revision 1.59 2002/10/24 21:40:02 Flayra
// - Reworked jetpack effect
// - Authicons update
// - Set builder for alien buildings, so turret kills can credit builder
// - Alien easter eggs
// - Network optimizations after game reset on huge (20-32) player games
// - Allow server ops to disable auth icons
// - Alien energy tweaks
// - Show unbuilt hives in hive sight
// - Move alien energy updating fully into shared code
// - Tried to fix full health ring showing for dead selected players
// - Moved help text client-side
// - Cache info_locations and gamma until map change
// - Skin fixes
// Revision 1.58 2002/10/20 21:10:57 Flayra
// - Optimizations
// Revision 1.57 2002/10/16 01:05:38 Flayra
// - Sent health as short for big aliens
// - Fixed sayings not triggering commander alerts
// - Now name changes are queued until the next match
// - Added authmask support
// - Egg idle sounds play more frequently, refactored too
// - Fixed preserving model in ready room after game end
// - Profiling of AddToFullPack
// - Fix for falling through lifts when morphing on them (untested)
// Revision 1.56 2002/10/03 19:32:06 Flayra
// - Reworked orders completely
// - Send max resources to players
// - Heavy armor sped up slightly
// - Kill players who illegally try to use alien abilities
// - Moved energy to a new variable, send health for aliens
// - Only freeze players during countdown
// - Removed slowdown when taking damage
// - Send blips in two messages, one friendly and one enemy (old bad hack)
// Revision 1.55 2002/09/25 20:50:06 Flayra
// - Added 3 new sayings
// - Frame-rate independent updating
// - Don't allow player to kill self while commanding
// Revision 1.54 2002/09/23 22:27:52 Flayra
// - Added skin support
// - Added client connected/disconnected hooks for particle system propagation optimizations
// - Removed power armor, added heavy armor
// - Fixed death animations
// - Added hook to see if commander has given an order and to see if he's idle
// - Bound resources for aliens
// - Soldiers asking for ammo and health trigger commander alert
// - Added gestation anims
// - Slowed down Onos movement
// - When cheats are enabled, purchases are free
// Revision 1.53 2002/09/09 20:04:53 Flayra
// - Added commander voting
// - Commander score is now the average of the rest of his players (reverted back when he leaves CC)
// - Fixed bug where upgrades were getting removed and then add repeatedly
// - Added multiple skins for marines
// - Play sound when aliens lose an upgrade
// - Changed fov to 90 for all aliens for software compatibility
// - Added hiveinfo drawing
// - Tweaked marine and alien speeds (to compensate for loss of drastic alien fov)
// Revision 1.52 2002/08/31 18:01:02 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.51 2002/08/16 02:42:57 Flayra
// - New damage types
// - Much more efficient blip calculation (at least it should be, I haven't measured it so who really knows)
// - New way of representing ensnare state for shared code (disabling jumping, jetpacking)
// - Removed old overwatch code
// - Store health in fuser2 for drawing health for commander
// - Swap bile bomb and umbra
// Revision 1.50 2002/08/09 01:10:30 Flayra
// - Keep previous model when a game is over and going back to ready room
// - Refactoring for scoreboard
// - Support for "jump" animation
// - Freeze player before game starts
// - Reset score when leaving a team
// Revision 1.49 2002/08/02 21:52:17 Flayra
// - Cleaned up jetpacks, made webbing useful again, help messages, added "orderself" cheat, changed gestation messages for new tooltip system, added GetHasAvailableUpgrades() for help system, removed particle template messages, slowed down particle template update rate to reduce overflows (woo!)
// Revision 1.48 2002/07/26 23:07:54 Flayra
// - Numerical feedback
// - New artwork for marine, with jetpack as body group (this code doesn't work)
// - Misc. fixes (alien vision mode not being preserved when it should, and staying when it shouldn't)
// Revision 1.47 2002/07/23 17:17:57 Flayra
// - Added power armor, added "talking" state for hive sight, changes for new resource model, removed max buildings, create buildings with random orientation, added stimpack, tweaked redemption, added new hive sight info
// Revision 1.46 2002/07/08 17:15:39 Flayra
// - Added validation of all impulses (assumes invalid by default, instead of valid), reset players like all other entities, ensnaring fixes, players are temporarily invulnerable when they spawn, preserve health and armor when using command station, fixed up redemption, add hooks for commander voting and going back to the ready room, models can't be changed via the console anymore
// Revision 1.45 2002/07/01 21:43:16 Flayra
// - Removed outdated adrenaline concept, added new alien sight mode, primal scream, removed flashlight battery message, fixed morphing problems for level 5 (and others), tweaked marine and alien speeds, fixed triple speed upgrade problem, disabled overwatch, moved player assets out of precache() (wasn't being called reliably), get full energy after a lifeform change, hive sight only draws out of sight now, added scent of fear
// Revision 1.44 2002/06/25 18:13:57 Flayra
// - Added death animations, added more general animation support, leaps do damage, general construct effects, new alien inventory system, added charging, info_locations, galloping, new alien building code, better morphing system (prevents getting stuck), more builder error messages, clear deaths on game end, hide health while gestating
// Revision 1.43 2002/06/10 20:03:13 Flayra
// - Updated for new minimap (remember killed position). Updated blood so marines aren't bloody, and aliens emit yellow blood. Removed slowing when hit (now players fly back when hit though), UpdateBlips() hack (fix when time)
// Revision 1.42 2002/05/28 18:03:41 Flayra
// - Refactored size for role code for movement chambers, deal with inventory properly (entity leak), increased web ensnaring effects (put weapon away!), reinforcement refactoring, tweaked speeds so marines are a little slower, and speed upgrade works properly again (now level 1 can generally outrun marines), added recycling support, play destroy egg sound when killed when morphing, new hive sight, EffectivePlayerClassChanged() refactoring
// Revision 1.41 2002/05/23 02:33:20 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#include "../dlls/extdll.h"
#include "../dlls/util.h"
#include "../dlls/cbase.h"
#include "../dlls/player.h"
#include "../dlls/trains.h"
#include "../dlls/nodes.h"
#include "../dlls/weapons.h"
#include "../dlls/soundent.h"
#include "../dlls/monsters.h"
#include "../engine/shake.h"
#include "../dlls/decals.h"
#include "../dlls/gamerules.h"
#include "AvHConstants.h"
#include "AvHTeam.h"
#include "AvHMessage.h"
#include "AvHSharedTypes.h"
#include "AvHBasePlayerWeapon.h"
#include "AvHEntityHierarchy.h"
#include "AvHOrder.h"
#include "AvHSpecials.h"
#include "../common/usercmd.h"
#include "../types.h"
#include "AvHTechTree.h"
#include "../common/weaponinfo.h"
#include "AvHVisibleBlipList.h"
#include "AvHBaseInfoLocation.h"
#include "AvHCloakable.h"
#include "AvHMessageList.h"
#include "../util/Balance.h"
#include <set> //for balance information below...
class AvHPlayer : public CBasePlayer, public AvHCloakable, public BalanceChangeListener
// AvHPlayer stuff
void AddDebugEnemyBlip(float inX, float inY, float inZ);
void PrintWeaponListToClient(CBaseEntity *theAvHPlayer);
virtual void AddPoints( int score, BOOL bAllowNegativeScore );
virtual void AwardKill( entvars_t* pevTarget);
virtual int BloodColor(void);
bool BuildTech(AvHMessageID inBuildID, const Vector& inWorldPos);
void ClearBlips();
void ClientDisconnected();
bool DropItem(const char* inItemName = NULL);
bool GroupMessage(AvHMessageID inGroupMessage);
bool GetCenterPositionForGroup(int inGroupNumber, float& outX, float& outY);
virtual void GetAnimationForActivity(int inActivity, char outAnimation[64], bool inGaitSequence = false);
bool GetInReadyRoom(void) const;
AvHPlayer* GetCommander(void);
AvHPlayMode GetPlayMode(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetHasLeftReadyRoom() const;
bool GetHasJetpack() const;
bool GetHasHeavyArmor() const;
bool GetHasAvailableUpgrades() const;
bool GetHasPowerArmor() const;
int GetHull() const;
virtual int GiveAmmo( int iAmount, char *szName, int iMax );
bool GetShouldResupplyAmmo();
float GetCurrentWeaponAmmoPercentage();
virtual int GetMaxWalkSpeed() const;
int GetScore() const;
void SetScore(int inScore);
void PickSkin();
void SetSkin(int inSkin);
bool GetCanCommand(string& outErrorMessage);
bool GetCanReceiveResources() const;
bool GetCanUseHive() const;
void SetTimeOfLastHiveUse(float time);
void SetPlayMode(AvHPlayMode inPlayMode, bool inForceSpawn = false);
bool GetHasBeenSpectator(void) const;
void InitializeFromTeam(float inHealthPercentage = 1.0f, float inArmorPercentage = 1.0f);
bool GetIsAlien(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetIsMarine(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetIsInTopDownMode(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetIsBeingDigested() const;
bool GetIsDigesting() const;
bool GetIsEntityInSight(CBaseEntity* inEntity);
bool GetIsValidReinforcementFor(AvHTeamNumber inTeam) const;
AvHTeamNumber GetTeam(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
float GetKilledX() const;
float GetKilledY() const;
AvHTeam* GetTeamPointer(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetIsAlienSightActive() const;
AvHClassType GetClassType(void) const;
bool GetCurrentWeaponCannotHolster() const;
//Activity GetDeathActivity(void);
bool GetEnemySighted(void) const;
bool GetIsFiring(void) const;
bool GetIsInOverwatch(void) const;
bool GetIsSpectatingTeam(AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber) const;
bool GetIsSpectatingPlayer(int inPlayerNumber) const;
bool GiveCombatModeUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inInstantaneous = false);
bool GetHasCombatModeUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID) const;
bool GetIsRelevant(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetCanBeAffectedByEnemies() const;
bool GetIsSelected(int inEntityIndex) const;
bool RemoveSelection(int inEntityIndex);
void SetSelection(int inEntityIndex, bool inClearPreviousSelection = true);
bool GetIsMetabolizing() const;
void SetTimeOfMetabolizeEnd(float inTime);
virtual float GetOpacity() const;
bool GetIsSpectator() const;
void SetIsSpectator();
float GetLastTimeInCommandStation() const;
bool GetIsSpeaking(void) const;
AvHMessageID GetLastSaying() const;
bool GetOrdersRequested(void) const;
bool GetOrderAcknowledged(void) const;
string GetPlayerName() const;
bool GetHasGivenOrder() const;
void SetHasGivenOrder(bool inState);
int GetPointValue(void) const;
vec3_t GetVisualOrigin() const;
int GetRespawnCost() const;
void AwardExperienceForObjective(float inHealthChange, AvHMessageID inMessageID);
float GetExperience() const;
void SetExperience(float inExperience);
int GetExperienceLevel() const;
AvHServerPlayerData* GetServerPlayerData();
virtual bool GetHasItem(const char *szName);
virtual void GiveNamedItem(const char *szName, bool inSendMessage = false);
int GetNumberOfItems();
void GiveResources(float inResources);
float GetTimeLastF4() const;
void SetTimeLastF4(float inTime);
float GetTimeStartedTopDown() const;
float GetTimeOfLastConstructUse() const;
void SetTimeOfLastConstructUse(float inTime);
float GetTimeOfLastSignificantCommanderAction() const;
void LogEmitRoleChange();
void LogPlayerAction(const char* inActionDescription, const char* inActionData);
void LogPlayerActionPlayer(CBasePlayer* inAttackingPlayer, const char* inAction);
void LogPlayerAttackedPlayer(CBasePlayer* inAttackingPlayer, const char* inWeaponName, float inDamage);
void LogPlayerKilledPlayer(CBasePlayer* inAttackingPlayer, const char* inWeaponName);
void StartLeap();
AvHUser3 GetPreviousUser3(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
AvHUser3 GetUser3(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
AvHMessageID GetEvolution(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
bool GetSpecialPASOrigin(Vector& outOrigin);
void GiveTeamUpgrade(AvHMessageID inUpgrade, bool inGive = true);
bool HolsterWeaponToUse();
void Kick();
virtual void Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib );
void NextWeapon();
void ResetEntity(void);
bool PayPurchaseCost(int inCost);
void PlaybackNumericalEvent(int inEventID, int inNumber);
bool PlayHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inSound) const;
bool PlayHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inSound, float x, float y) const;
void PlayHUDStructureNotification(AvHMessageID inMessageID, const Vector& inLocation);
void PlayRandomRoleSound(string inSoundListName, int inChannel = CHAN_AUTO, float inVolume = 1.0f);
void PlayerConstructUse();
void SetCurrentCommand(const struct usercmd_s* inCommand);
void SetDebugCSP(weapon_data_t* inWeaponData);
void SetPendingCommand(char* inCommand);
void TriggerProgressBar(int inEntityID, int inParam, int inPercent=0);
float GetTimeOfLastTeleport() const;
void SetTimeOfLastTeleport(float inTime);
bool SwitchWeapon(const char* inString);
virtual void StartObserver( Vector vecPosition, Vector vecViewAngle );
virtual void StartObservingIfNotAlready(void);
void StartTopDownMode(void);
bool StopTopDownMode(void);
bool SetBeingDigestedMode(bool inBeingDigested);
bool GetIsCloaked() const;
bool GetIsPartiallyCloaked() const;
void TriggerUncloak();
//Nexus interface - replaces all old auth information
bool GetIsAuthorized(AvHAuthAction inAction, int inParameter) const;
int GetAuthenticationMask();
bool GetIsMember(const AvHPlayerAuthentication inAuthGroup);
bool GetAllowAuth() const;
void SetAllowAuth(bool inAllowAuth);
void SetAuthCheatMask(int inAuthCheatMask);
bool GetIsMember(const string& inAuthGroup) const;
//END Nexus interface
float GetTimeLastPlaying() const;
bool GetHasSeenTeam(AvHTeamNumber inNumber) const;
void SetHasSeenTeam(AvHTeamNumber inNumber);
float GetTimeOfLastSporeDamage() const;
void SetTimeOfLastSporeDamage(float inTime);
// Quick ensnare system...add something better?
bool GetIsEnsnared() const;
bool GetIsAbleToAct() const;
void DropAmmo(char *pszAmmoType, int iAmmoAmt, int iMax, int iWeaponID, Vector vecAngles);
void EffectivePlayerClassChanged();
void NeedsTeamUpdate();
void SendTeamUpdate();
// Returns true if successful. Fails if the player is too ensnared already
bool SetEnsnareState(bool inState);
bool GetIsStunned() const;
bool SetIsStunned(bool inState, float inTime = 0.0f);
bool GetIsCatalysted() const;
void SetIsCatalysted(bool inState, float inTime = 0.0f);
bool Energize(float inEnergyAmount);
bool Heal(float inAmount, bool inPlaySound = true, bool dcHealing = false);
bool Regenerate(float inRegenerationAmount, bool inPlaySound = true, bool dcHealing = false);
bool GetIsScreaming();
void StartScreaming();
//void UpgradeArmorLevel(void);
// CBasePlayer stuff
virtual void ImpulseCommands( void );
virtual void ItemPostFrame(void);
virtual void Jump( void );
virtual void ObserverModeIllegal();
virtual void PackDeadPlayerItems(void);
virtual void PreThink( void );
virtual void Spawn( void );
//virtual BOOL SwitchWeapon( CBasePlayerItem* pWeapon );
virtual void TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType);
virtual int TakeDamage( entvars_t* pevInflictor, entvars_t* pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType);
//virtual const char* TeamID( void );
virtual void UpdateClientData( void );
virtual float GetCloakTime() const;
virtual int GetExperienceLevelsSpent() const;
virtual void SetExperienceLevelsSpent(int inSpentLevels);
virtual string GetNetworkID() const;
virtual void SetNetworkID(string& inNetworkID);
virtual string GetNetworkAddress() const;
virtual void SetNetworkAddress(string& inNetworkAddress);
virtual bool GetIsTemporarilyInvulnerable() const;
AvHTechTree& GetCombatNodes();
MessageIDListType& GetPurchasedCombatUpgrades();
bool Redeem();
bool GetCanBeResupplied() const;
bool Resupply(bool inGiveHealth = false);
void SetDesiredNetName(string inDesiredNetName);
void SetDesiredRoomType(int inRoomType, bool inForceUpdate = false);
// Gets origin of the player after changing the iuser3.
void GetNewOrigin(AvHUser3 inNewUser3, bool inDucking, vec3_t& outOrigin) const;
float GetResources(bool inIncludeSpectating = false) const;
void SetUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, bool inForceChange = false, bool inGiveWeapons = true);
void SetResources(float inResources, bool inPlaySound = false);
// Send messages to player's screen
bool SendMessage(const char* pMessage, SHOWMESSAGE_TYPE type = NORMAL);
bool SendMessageOnce(const char* pMessage, SHOWMESSAGE_TYPE type = NORMAL);
bool SendMessageNextThink(const char* pMessage);
virtual int GetEffectivePlayerClass();
void BecomePod();
void SetModelFromState();
int GetDigestee() const;
void SetDigestee(int inPlayerID);
void StartDigestion(int inDigestee);
void StopDigestion(bool inDigested);
void ProcessEntityBlip(CBaseEntity* inEntity);
void SetPosition(const Vector& inNewPosition);
virtual char* GetPlayerModelKeyName();
void GetSize(Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize) const;
void SetSizeForUser3();
void GetViewForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, bool inIsDucking, float& outFOV, float& outOffset) const;
void SetViewForUser3();
void SetWeaponsForUser3();
bool RunClientScript(const string& inScriptName);
void TriggerFog(int inFogEntity, float inFogExpireTime);
void UpdateInventoryEnabledState(int inNumActiveHives, bool inForceUpdate = false);
virtual bool GetCanUseWeapon() const;
void PropagateServerVariables();
bool GetUsedKilled() { return mUsedKilled; }
void SetUsedKilled(bool bKilled ) { mUsedKilled = bKilled; }
void ClearOrders() { mClientOrders.clear(); }
// : 0000953
bool JoinTeamCooledDown(float inCoolDownTime);
bool GetHasSeenATeam();
void AcquireOverwatchTarget();
bool AttemptToBuildAlienStructure(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void ClearRoleAbilities();
void ClearUserVariables();
CBaseEntity* CreateAndDrop(const char* inItemName);
void DeployCurrent();
bool ExecuteAlienMorphMessage(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inInstantaneous);
bool ExecuteCombatMessage(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool& outIsAvailable, bool inForce = false);
bool ExecuteMessage(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inInstantaneous = false, bool inForce = false);
float GetAlienAdjustedEventVolume() const;
bool GetCanGestate(AvHMessageID inMessageID, string& outErrorMessage);
bool GetDoesCurrentStateStopOverwatch() const;
bool QueryEnemySighted(CBaseEntity* inEntity);
bool GetHasActiveAlienWeaponWithImpulse(AvHMessageID inMessageID) const;
bool GetRandomGameStartedTick(float inApproximateFrameRate);
bool GetPurchaseAllowed(AvHMessageID inUpgrade, int& outCost, string* outErrorMessage = NULL) const;
int GetRelevantWeight(void) const;
int GetRelevantWeightForWeapon(AvHBasePlayerWeapon* inWeapon) const;
void GetSpeeds(int& outBaseSpeed, int& outUnemcumberedSpeed) const;
void GiveCombatUpgradesOnSpawn();
bool GiveOrderToSelection(AvHOrderType inOrder, Vector inNormRay);
void GiveOrderToSelection(AvHOrder& inOrder);
void GiveUpgrade(AvHMessageID inUpgrade);
void HandleOverwatch(void);
void HandleResearch();
void HolsterCurrent();
void InitializeTechNodes();
void HandleTopDownInput();
void ProcessEvolution();
void ProcessCombatDeath();
void ProcessResourceAdjustment(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void ResetBehavior(bool inRemoveFromTeam);
void ResetGameNewMap();
void ResetPlayerPVS();
void SetCombatNodes(const AvHTechTree& inTechNodes);
void SetLifeformCombatNodesAvailable(bool inAvailable);
void ValidateClientMoveEvents();
void InternalAlienThink();
void InternalAlienUpgradesThink();
void InternalAlienUpgradesCloakingThink();
void InternalAlienUpgradesPheromonesThink();
void InternalAlienUpgradesRegenerationThink();
void InternalCommanderThink();
void InternalBoundResources();
void InternalCommonThink();
void InternalCombatThink();
void InternalDigestionThink();
void InternalEnemySightedPreThink();
void InternalFogThink();
void InternalHUDThink();
void InternalMarineThink();
void InternalPreThink();
void InternalProgressBarThink();
void InternalSpeakingThink();
void InternalMovementThink();
void EXPORT PlayerTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther);
bool PlaySaying(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool ProcessClickEvent(bool inLMB, float inWorldX, float inWorldY);
void ProcessTechUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void Research(AvHMessageID inMessageID, int inEntityIndex);
void Evolve(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inInstantaneous = false);
void PurchaseCombatUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void RecalculateSpeed(void);
void ReloadWeapon(void);
void RemoveCombatUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void RemoveCombatUpgradesPremptedBy(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
void ResetOverwatch();
void RevertHealthArmorPercentages();
void SaveHealthArmorPercentages();
void SetMoveTypeForUser3();
//bool SpawnReinforcements(void);
void TurnOverwatchTowardsTarget(CBaseEntity* theTarget);
void TurnOffOverwatch();
void TurnOnOverwatch();
void UpdateAmbientSounds();
//void UpdateArmor();
void UpdateAlienUI();
void UpdateMarineUI();
void UpdateBlips();
void UpdateDebugCSP();
void UpdateEffectiveClassAndTeam();
void UpdateEntityHierarchy();
void UpdateExperienceLevelsSpent();
void UpdateFirst();
void UpdateFog();
void UpdateGamma();
void UpdateInfoLocations();
void UpdateParticleTemplates();
void UpdateOrders();
void UpdateOverwatch();
void UpdatePendingClientScripts();
void UpdateProgressBar();
void UpdateVUser4();
void UpdateSetSelect();
void UpdateSpawnScreenFade();
void UpdateSoundNames();
void UpdateTechNodes();
void UpdateTopDownMode();
void Init();
//BalanceChangeListener implementation
void InitBalanceVariables(void);
void UpdateBalanceVariables(void);
bool shouldNotify(const string& name, const BalanceValueType type) const;
void balanceCleared(void) const;
void balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const float value) const;
void balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const int value) const;
void balanceValueInserted(const string& name, const string& value) const;
void balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const float old_value, const float new_value) const;
void balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const int old_value, const int new_value) const;
void balanceValueChanged(const string& name, const string& old_value, const string& default_value) const;
void balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const float old_value) const;
void balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const int old_value) const;
void balanceValueRemoved(const string& name, const string& old_value) const;
float mResources;
bool mFirstUpdate;
bool mNewMap;
bool mHasSeenTeamA;
bool mHasSeenTeamB;
string mQueuedThinkMessage;
bool mClientInOverwatch;
bool mInOverwatch;
bool mOverwatchEnabled;
int mOverwatchTarget;
float mTimeOfLastOverwatchPreventingAction;
float mTimeLastSeenOverwatchTarget;
Vector mOverwatchFacing;
bool mOverwatchFiredThisThink;
// : 0000953
float mTimeLastJoinTeam;
// alien upgrades
float mTimeOfLastHiveUse;
float mTimeOfLastRegeneration;
float mTimeOfLastDCRegeneration;
float mTimeOfLastPheromone;
float mTimeOfLastUse;
float mTimeLeapEnd;
Vector mPositionBeforeTopDown;
Vector mAnglesBeforeTopDown;
Vector mViewAnglesBeforeTopDown;
Vector mViewOfsBeforeTopDown;
string mAnimExtensionBeforeTopDown;
bool mClientInTopDownMode;
bool mInTopDownMode;
int mTimeStartedTopDown;
float mTimeOfLastF4;
float mTimeOfLastSaying;
AvHMessageID mLastSaying;
bool mIsSpeaking;
bool mOrdersRequested;
bool mOrderAcknowledged;
float mTimeOfLastEnemySighting;
bool mEnemySighted;
float mTimeOfLastMovementSound;
bool mTriggerUncloak;
bool mHasLeftReadyRoom;
bool mHasBeenSpectator;
char* mPendingCommand;
struct usercmd_s mCurrentCommand;
bool mAttackOneDown;
bool mAttackTwoDown;
Vector mAttackOnePressedWorldPos;
Vector mAttackTwoPressedWorldPos;
Vector mMouseWorldPos;
bool mPlacingBuilding;
EntityListType mSelected;
EntityListType mClientSelected;
EntityInfo mTrackingEntity;
EntityInfo mClientTrackingEntity;
EntityListType mClientGroups[kNumHotkeyGroups];
AvHAlertType mClientGroupAlerts[kNumHotkeyGroups];
int mClientRequests[kNumRequestTypes];
EntityListType mClientSelectAllGroup;
OrderListType mClientOrders;
AvHEntityHierarchy mClientEntityHierarchy;
// Research nodes for commander
AvHTechTree mClientTechNodes;
MessageIDListType mClientTechDelta;
AvHTechSlotListType mClientTechSlotList;
AvHMessageID mClientResearchingTech;
float mClientGamma;
StringList mSentMessageList;
AvHVisibleBlipList mFriendlyBlips;
AvHVisibleBlipList mEnemyBlips;
AvHVisibleBlipList mClientFriendlyBlips;
AvHVisibleBlipList mClientEnemyBlips;
int mClientCommander;
Vector mSpecialPASOrigin;
Vector mClientSpecialPASOrigin;
float mTimeOfLastPASUpdate;
bool mClientIsAlien;
bool mAlienSightActive;
float mTimeOfLastTeleport;
float mTimeOfLastRedeem;
float mJetpackEnergy;
bool mJetpacking;
weapon_data_t mClientDebugCSPInfo;
weapon_data_t mDebugCSPInfo;
float mClientNextAttack;
float mTimeToBeUnensnared;
float mLastTimeEnsnared;
int mMaxWalkSpeed;
int mMaxGallopSpeed;
vec3_t mLastGallopViewDirection;
float mTimeToBeFreeToMove;
float mTimeToEndCatalyst;
float mLastTimeInCommandStation;
float mLastTimeCheckedRedemption;
float mLastTimeRedemptionTriggered;
float mLastTimeStartedPlaying;
float mTimeOfLastHelpText;
bool mLastHelpWasGeneral;
float mLastPowerArmorThink;
float mLastInventoryThink;
int mNumHives;
float mTimeLastPlaying;
float mTimeGestationStarted;
AvHUser3 mPreviousUser3;
float mSavedJetpackEnergy;
AvHMessageID mEvolution;
float mHealthPercentBefore;
float mArmorPercentBefore;
StringList mClientSoundNames;
bool mIsScreaming;
float mTimeStartedScream;
float mKilledX, mKilledY;
int mNumParticleTemplatesSent;
float mTimeOfLastParticleTemplateSending;
int mClientProgressBarEntityIndex;
int mProgressBarEntityIndex;
int mProgressBarParam;
int mProgressBarCompleted;
float mTimeProgressBarTriggered;
float mTimeOfLastFogTrigger;
float mFogExpireTime;
int mCurrentFogEntity;
int mClientCurrentFogEntity;
AvHBaseInfoLocationListType mClientInfoLocations;
HiveInfoListType mClientHiveInfo;
AvHAlienUpgradeListType mClientUpgrades;
StringList mPendingClientScripts;
bool mHasGivenOrder;
float mTimeOfLastSignificantCommanderAction;
int mPreThinkTicks;
float mPreThinkFrameRate;
string mDesiredNetName;
int mClientMenuTechSlots;
float mTimeOfLastClassAndTeamUpdate;
bool mEffectivePlayerClassChanged;
bool mNeedsTeamUpdate;
bool mSendTeamUpdate;
bool mSendSpawnScreenFade;
int mDigestee;
float mTimeOfLastDigestDamage;
float mTimeOfLastCombatThink;
int mDesiredRoomType;
int mClientDesiredRoomType;
float mTimeOfLastConstructUseAnimation;
float mTimeOfLastConstructUse;
float mTimeOfLastResupply;
float mTimeOfMetabolizeEnd;
AvHMessageID mLastSelectEvent;
Vector mPositionBeforeLastGotoGroup;
float mTimeOfLastSporeDamage;
float mTimeOfLastTouchDamage;
string mLastMessageSent;
float mExperience;
float mClientPercentToNextLevel;
int mExperienceLevelsSpent;
int mClientExperienceLevelsSpent;
MessageIDListType mPurchasedCombatUpgrades;
MessageIDListType mGiveCombatUpgrades;
AvHTechTree mCombatNodes;
int mScore;
int mSavedCombatFrags;
float mLastUpdateTime;
string mNetworkAddress;
int mLastModelIndex;
string mNetworkID;
int mMarineHUDUpgrades;
int mNumMovement;
int mNumSensory;
int mNumDefense;
struct ServerVariable
const cvar_t* mCvar;
int mLastValueSent;
bool mForceResend;
std::vector<ServerVariable> mServerVariableList;
bool mUsedKilled;
//TODO: remove this system from AvHPlayer and create an
// explicit balance forwarding class registered to each
// client instead. This functionality is tangential to
// AvHPlayer's role as a game entity and AvHPlayer has
// far too much responsibility (included in over 60 source
// files?!?). Other functionality should also be examined
// and refactored if appropriate.
mutable bool mBalanceMessagePending; //are we in the middle of a set of changes?
mutable std::set<string> mBalanceRemovalList;
mutable BalanceFloatCollection mBalanceMapFloats;
mutable BalanceIntCollection mBalanceMapInts;
mutable BalanceStringCollection mBalanceMapStrings;
float mNextBalanceVarUpdate;
bool mAllowAuth;
int mAuthCheatMask;
int mCachedAuthenticationMask;
typedef vector<AvHPlayer*> PlayerListType;