pierow 8fde5dc37c NS preset switcher WIP
- needs sv_allow_shaders and hl25 at the moment and it piggybacks off the hl25 overbright shader using the average gamma ramp setting for ns maps.
2024-01-30 01:02:16 -05:00

115 lines
1.8 KiB

"label" "Apply NS 3.2 config"
"command" "engine nspreset 1"
"label" "Apply NS 3.3 config"
"command" "engine nspreset 2"
"label" "Apply competitive config"
"command" "engine nspreset 3"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame"
"command" "ResumeGame"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"label" "#Menu_ReadyRoom"
"command" "engine menureadyroom"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect"
"command" "Disconnect"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
// "4"
// {
// "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame"
// "command" "OpenNewGameDialog"
// "notmulti" "1"
// }
// "5"
// {
// "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame"
// "command" "OpenLoadGameDialog"
// "notmulti" "1"
// }
// "6"
// {
// "label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame"
// "command" "OpenSaveGameDialog"
// "notmulti" "1"
// "OnlyInGame" "1"
// }
"label" ""
"command" ""
"notmulti" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList"
"command" "OpenPlayerListDialog"
"OnlyInGame" "1"
"notmulti" "0"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer"
"command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers"
"command" "OpenServerBrowser"
//"name" "LoadDemo"
//"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayDemo"
//"command" "OpenLoadDemoDialog"
"label" ""
"command" ""
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame"
"command" "OpenChangeGameDialog"
"notsteam" "1"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Options"
"command" "OpenOptionsDialog"
"label" "#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit"
"command" "Quit"