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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHActionButtons.cpp$
// $Date: 2002/06/10 19:47:55 $
// $Log: AvHActionButtons.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.11 2002/06/10 19:47:55 Flayra
// - Removed accelerator character, now these are bindable via commands
// Revision 1.10 2002/05/23 02:34:00 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#include "AvHActionButtons.h"
#include "ui/UITags.h"
#include "ui/UIUtil.h"
#include "../util/STLUtil.h"
#include "AvHMessage.h"
#include "AvHClientUtil.h"
#include "AvHClientVariables.h"
#include "AvHSharedUtil.h"
const int kLineWidth = 1;
//const char kAcceleratorCharacter = '-';
ActionButton::ActionButton(const char* text,int x,int y) : StaticLabel(0, 0) //Button(text, x, y)
this->mMessageID = MESSAGE_NULL;
this->mCost = 0;
this->mTechEnabled = true;
this->mCostMet = true;
// this->mResearched = false;
this->mBusy = false;
this->mMouseOver = false;
this->mButtonIndex = 0;
void ActionButton::cursorEntered()
this->mMouseOver = true;
void ActionButton::cursorExited()
this->mMouseOver = false;
void ActionButton::getPos(int& x, int& y)
Panel* theParent = this->getParent();
theParent->getPos(x, y);
int theLocalX, theLocalY;
StaticLabel::getPos(theLocalX, theLocalY);
x += theLocalX;
y += theLocalY;
bool ActionButton::GetBusy() const
return this->mBusy;
bool ActionButton::GetMouseOver() const
return this->mMouseOver;
bool ActionButton::GetCostMet() const
return this->mCostMet;
string ActionButton::GetHelpText() const
return this->mHelpText;
bool ActionButton::GetTechEnabled() const
return this->mTechEnabled;
AvHMessageID ActionButton::GetMessageID() const
return this->mMessageID;
bool ActionButton::GetLabelForMessage(AvHMessageID inMessage, string& outLabel)
bool theSuccess = false;
// Localize prereq, without IT's prereq
string theKey = string(kTechNodeLabelPrefix) + MakeStringFromInt((int)inMessage);
if(LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), outLabel))
// Remove it's accelerator if it has one
//std::remove(outLabel.begin(), outLabel.end(), kAcceleratorCharacter);
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
void ActionButton::UpdateEnabledAndResearchState(const AvHTechTree& inTechNodes)
// Get cost
bool theResearchable;
float theTime;
inTechNodes.GetResearchInfo(this->mMessageID, theResearchable, this->mCost, theTime);
this->mTechEnabled = theResearchable;
this->mResearched = false;
AvHTechID theTechID = TECH_NULL;
if(inTechNodes.GetTechForMessage(this->mMessageID, theTechID))
this->mResearched = inTechNodes.GetIsTechResearched(theTechID);
// Run through the tech nodes and look up their label and help text, storing them for drawing
void ActionButton::Localize(const AvHTechTree& inTechNodes)
if(this->mMessageID == MESSAGE_NULL)
this->mHelpText = "";
this->mCost = 0;
char theNumber[8];
sprintf(theNumber, "%d", (int)this->mMessageID);
string theNumberString(theNumber);
// If localize string fails, set the label to "<no desc>"
string theText;
string theKey = string(kTechNodeLabelPrefix) + theNumberString;
LocalizeString(theKey.c_str(), theText);
// Localize help string
this->mHelpText = "";
string theCostAndTimeText;
if(gHUD.GetHelpForMessage(this->mMessageID, this->mHelpText, theCostAndTimeText))
// Add hotkey accelerator
if(this->mButtonIndex >= 0)
char theHotkeyChar = ' ';
int theCol = this->mButtonIndex % kNumActionButtonCols;
int theRow = this->mButtonIndex / kNumActionButtonCols;
if(AvHActionButtons::ButtonIndexToHotKey(theCol, theRow, theHotkeyChar))
// Display as caps, looks nicer
theHotkeyChar = toupper(theHotkeyChar);
string theHotkeyText = string("(") + theHotkeyChar + string(")");
this->mHelpText += string(" ");
this->mHelpText += theHotkeyText;
if (theCostAndTimeText != "")
this->mHelpText += string("\n") + theCostAndTimeText;
// new line after hotkey
this->mHelpText += " \n";
bool theFirstPrereq = true;
// If there is a prerequisite that isn't researched, add this to help message
AvHTechID thePrereqID1;
AvHTechID thePrereqID2;
if(inTechNodes.GetPrequisitesForMessage(this->mMessageID, thePrereqID1, thePrereqID2))
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
AvHTechID theCurrentPrereq = ((i == 0) ? thePrereqID1 : thePrereqID2);
if(theCurrentPrereq != TECH_NULL)
//this->mTechEnabled = false;
// Localize "prerequisite:"
string thePrequisiteText;
if(LocalizeString(kPrerequisitePrefix, thePrequisiteText))
// Get message from this tech
AvHMessageID theMessageWithThisTech = MESSAGE_NULL;
if(inTechNodes.GetMessageForTech(theCurrentPrereq, theMessageWithThisTech))
string thePrereqTech;
if(GetLabelForMessage(theMessageWithThisTech, thePrereqTech))
// Add extra blank line before first prereq
this->mHelpText += " \n";
this->mHelpText += kTooltipBoldPreString;
this->mHelpText += thePrequisiteText;
this->mHelpText += "\n";
theFirstPrereq = false;
// Prereqs draw as bold
this->mHelpText += kTooltipBoldPreString;
this->mHelpText += " - ";
this->mHelpText += thePrereqTech;
this->mHelpText += "\n";
// Blank line between hotkey/prereq and description
this->mHelpText += " \n";
// Add description
AvHUser3 theUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE;
if(AvHSHUMessageIDToUser3(this->mMessageID, theUser3))
string theDescription;
if(gHUD.GetTranslatedUser3Description(theUser3, true, theDescription))
this->mHelpText += theDescription;
this->mHelpText += " \n";
void ActionButton::SetBusy(bool inBusy)
this->mBusy = false;
void ActionButton::SetButtonIndex(int inButtonIndex)
this->mButtonIndex = inButtonIndex;
void ActionButton::SetEnabledState(bool inEnabledState)
this->mTechEnabled = inEnabledState;
void ActionButton::SetMessageID(AvHMessageID inMessageID)
this->mMessageID = inMessageID;
void ActionButton::UpdateEnabledState(int inCurrentPoints, int inEnergy)
bool theCostsEnergy = AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy(this->mMessageID);
int theValue = theCostsEnergy ? inEnergy : inCurrentPoints;
if(theValue >= this->mCost)
this->mCostMet = true;
this->mCostMet = false;
// TODO: Change how it draws when enabled or not
void ActionButton::paint()
//if(!this->mResearched && !this->mBusy)
if(this->mMessageID != MESSAGE_NULL)
void ActionButton::paintBackground()
// if(!this->mTechEnabled || !this->mEnoughPoints)
// {
// int theX, theY;
// this->getPos(theX, theY);
// int theWidth, theHeight;
// this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight);
// //FillRGBA(theX, theY, theWidth, theHeight, 200, 100, 100, 100);
// FillRGBA(0, 0, theWidth, theHeight, 200, 100, 100, 100);
// //vguiSimpleBox(theX, theY, theX + theWidth, theY + theHeight, 200, 100, 100, 100);
// }
AvHActionButtons::AvHActionButtons() : mTextImage("")
this->mTechFont = NULL;
this->mResources = 0;
this->mEnergy = 0;
this->mBusy = false;
this->mButtonArray = new ActionButton*[kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols];
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
// Every button is parented to the action buttons component
string theText = string("tech: ") + MakeStringFromInt(i+1);
this->mButtonArray[i] = new ActionButton(theText.c_str(), 0, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
delete this->mButtonArray[i];
delete [] this->mButtonArray;
void AvHActionButtons::ClearButtons()
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
// 4x3 array
const int kMaxNumActionButtons = 12;
char kHotKeyAKA[kMaxNumActionButtons] = {'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'z', 'x', 'c', 'v'};
const char* AvHActionButtons::GetHotKeyAKA()
char* theHotKeyAKA = kHotKeyAKA;
char* theCustomHotKeyAKA = cl_cmhotkeys->string;
if(strlen(theCustomHotKeyAKA) >= kMaxNumActionButtons)
theHotKeyAKA = theCustomHotKeyAKA;
return theHotKeyAKA;
bool AvHActionButtons::ButtonIndexToHotKey(int inCol, int inRow, char& outChar)
bool theSuccess = false;
const char* theHotKeyAKA = AvHActionButtons::GetHotKeyAKA();
if((inCol >= 0) && (inCol < kNumActionButtonCols) && (inRow >= 0) && (inRow < kNumActionButtonRows))
int theIndex = inCol + inRow*kNumActionButtonCols;
ASSERT(theIndex >= 0);
ASSERT(theIndex < kMaxNumActionButtons);
outChar = theHotKeyAKA[theIndex];
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// Hard-code hotkeys to be in analagous key array
bool AvHActionButtons::HotKeyToButtonIndex(char inChar, int& outCol, int& outRow)
bool theSuccess = false;
int theChar = tolower(inChar);
const char* theHotKeyAKA = AvHActionButtons::GetHotKeyAKA();
for(int i = 0; i < kMaxNumActionButtons; i++)
if(theChar == theHotKeyAKA[i])
outCol = i % kNumActionButtonCols;
outRow = i / kNumActionButtonCols;
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
int AvHActionButtons::GetNumCols() const
return kNumActionButtonCols;
int AvHActionButtons::GetNumRows() const
return kNumActionButtonRows;
ActionButton* AvHActionButtons::GetActionButtonAtPos(int inCol, int inRow)
ASSERT(inCol >= 0);
ASSERT(inRow >= 0);
ASSERT(inCol < kNumActionButtonCols);
ASSERT(inRow < kNumActionButtonRows);
int theIndex = inCol + inRow*kNumActionButtonCols;
return this->mButtonArray[theIndex];
// Run through the tech nodes and look up their label and help text, storing them for drawing
void AvHActionButtons::Localize()
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
bool AvHActionButtons::SetButton(int inButtonOffset, AvHMessageID inMessageID)
bool theSuccess = false;
if(inButtonOffset < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols)
ActionButton* theCurrentActionButton = this->mButtonArray[inButtonOffset];
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// Sets the button to the research tech, unless the tech has already been researched, in case it will set it to TECH_NULL
//bool AvHActionButtons::SetResearchButton(int inButtonOffset, AvHMessageID inMessageID)
// // If researched, set it to MESSAGE_NULL so it isn't displayed
// AvHMessageID theAdjustedID = inMessageID;
// bool theIsResearched = this->mTechNodes.GetIsTechResearched(inTechID);
// if(theIsResearched)
// {
// theAdjustedID = MESSAGE_NULL;
// }
// return this->SetButton(inButtonOffset, theAdjustedID);
//bool AvHActionButtons::SetTechIfOtherTechResearched(int inButtonOffset, AvHTechID inTechID, AvHTechID inResearchedTech)
// // If other tech isn't researched, don't display
// bool theSuccess = false;
// if(inButtonOffset < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols)
// {
// ActionButton* theCurrentActionButton = this->mButtonArray[inButtonOffset];
// bool theOtherTechIsResearched = this->mTechNodes.GetIsTechResearched(inResearchedTech);
// theCurrentActionButton->SetTechID(inTechID, theOtherTechIsResearched);
// theSuccess = true;
// }
// return theSuccess;
void AvHActionButtons::SetTechNodes(const AvHTechTree& inTechNodes)
if(this->mTechNodes != inTechNodes)
this->mTechNodes = inTechNodes;
void AvHActionButtons::SetEnergy(int inEnergy)
this->mEnergy = inEnergy;
void AvHActionButtons::SetResources(int inResources)
this->mResources = inResources;
// this->UpdateEnabledState();
void AvHActionButtons::UpdateEnabledState()
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
this->mButtonArray[i]->UpdateEnabledState(this->mResources, this->mEnergy);
void AvHActionButtons::UpdateEnabledAndResearchState()
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
void AvHActionButtons::addInputSignal(InputSignal* s)
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
void AvHActionButtons::setFgColor(int r,int g,int b,int a)
Panel::setFgColor(r, g, b, a);
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
this->mButtonArray[i]->setFgColor(r, g, b, a);
void AvHActionButtons::setBgColor(int r,int g,int b,int a)
Panel::setBgColor(r, g, b, a);
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
this->mButtonArray[i]->setBgColor(r, g, b, a);
void AvHActionButtons::setFont(Font* inFont)
this->mTechFont = inFont;
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
void AvHActionButtons::setFont(Scheme::SchemeFont schemeFont)
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
void AvHActionButtons::setPos(int inX, int inY)
Panel::setPos(inX, inY);
// TODO: Tell every button what it's new pos is
void AvHActionButtons::SetButtonsToGrid()
int theWidth, theHeight;
Panel::getSize(theWidth, theHeight);
int theButtonWidth = theWidth/kNumActionButtonCols;
int theButtonHeight = theHeight/kNumActionButtonRows;
// Tell every button what it's new size is
for(int theRow = 0; theRow < kNumActionButtonRows; theRow++)
for(int theCol = 0; theCol < kNumActionButtonCols; theCol++)
int i = theCol + theRow*kNumActionButtonCols;
this->mButtonArray[i]->SetStaticSize(theButtonWidth, theButtonHeight);
// this->mButtonArray[i]->setSize(theButtonWidth, theButtonHeight); // to fix was commented
this->mButtonArray[i]->setPos(theCol*theButtonWidth, theRow*theButtonHeight);
void AvHActionButtons::setSize(int inWidth,int inHeight)
Panel::setSize(inWidth, inHeight);
void AvHActionButtons::setVisible(bool inState)
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
void AvHActionButtons::paint()
// for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
// {
// this->mButtonArray[i]->paint();
// }
void AvHActionButtons::paintBackground()
// Color theColor;
// this->getBgColor(theColor);
// int r, g, b, a;
// theColor.getColor(r, g, b, a);
// a = 255 - a;
// int theWidth, theHeight;
// this->getSize(theWidth, theHeight);
// // Draw grid, but not edges, only middle lines (not first or last)
// for(int theCol = 1; theCol < kNumActionButtonCols; theCol++)
// {
// int theX = ((float)theCol/kNumActionButtonCols)*theWidth;
// FillRGBA(theX, 0, 1, theHeight, r, g, b, a);
// }
// for(int theRow = 1; theRow < kNumActionButtonRows; theRow++)
// {
// int theY = ((float)theRow/kNumActionButtonRows)*theHeight;
// FillRGBA(0, theY, theWidth, 1, r, g, b, a);
// }
void AvHActionButtons::SetBusy(bool inBusy)
this->mBusy = inBusy;
for(int i = 0; i < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols; i++)
ActionButton* theButton = this->mButtonArray[i];
void AvHActionButtons::SetEnabledState(int inButtonOffset, bool inEnabledState)
if(inButtonOffset < kNumActionButtonRows*kNumActionButtonCols)
ActionButton* theCurrentActionButton = this->mButtonArray[inButtonOffset];
this->mType = "ActionButtons";
void AvHUIActionButtons::AllocateComponent(const TRDescription& inDescription)
this->mActionButtonsComponent = new AvHActionButtons();
// Destructor automatically removes component from the engine
delete this->mActionButtonsComponent;
this->mActionButtonsComponent = NULL;
Panel* AvHUIActionButtons::GetComponentPointer(void)
return this->mActionButtonsComponent;
const string& AvHUIActionButtons::GetType(void) const
return this->mType;
bool AvHUIActionButtons::SetClassProperties(const TRDescription& inDesc, Panel* inComponent, CSchemeManager* inSchemeManager)
bool theSuccess = false;
AvHActionButtons* theActionButtons = dynamic_cast<AvHActionButtons*>(inComponent);
// read custom attributes here
UIPanel::SetClassProperties(inDesc, inComponent, inSchemeManager);
// Get tech font to use
std::string theSchemeName;
if(inDesc.GetTagValue(UITagScheme, theSchemeName))
const char* theSchemeCString = theSchemeName.c_str();
SchemeHandle_t theSchemeHandle = inSchemeManager->getSchemeHandle(theSchemeCString);
Font* theFont = inSchemeManager->getFont(theSchemeHandle);
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;