pierow 58358d0927
Bot integration for v3.3b8 (#156)
* Initial bot commit

* Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game.
* Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots
* Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly

* Added round restart and new map detection for AI system

Push before new project added for detour

* Initial bot integration

* Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing
* Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors

* Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables

* Reworked nav profiles

Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder

* Improved bot door usage

* Added weldable obstacles back into navigation

Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers

* Replaced fixed arrays with vectors

* Resource node and hive lists are now vectors.
* Further improved bot weld behaviour

* Added dynamic reachability calculations

When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses.

* Added team-based reachability calculations

Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point.

* Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections

* Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections

Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant.

* Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code

* Started Bot Swimming

* Bots understand trigger_changetarget

Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work

* Push before trying to fix long-range connections

* Implement new off-mesh connection system

* Redid population of door triggers

* Fixed trigger types and links to doors

* Added lift and moving platform support

* Lift improvements

* Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it
* Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at

* Tweak lift and welder usage

* Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together

* Finish lift movement

* Fixed dodgy path finding

* Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage

* Fix crash with path finding

* Re-implement commander AI

* Commander improvements

* Improve commander sieging

* Commander scanning tweak

* Reimplemented regular marine AI

* Start reimplementing alien AI

* Implement gorge building behaviours

* Start alien tactical decisioning

* Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic

* More alien role work

* Adjusted base node definitions

* Iterate Capper Logic

* Alien assault AI

* Alien Combat

* Fix grenade throwing, better combat

* Marine combat AI improvements

* Commander improvements

* Commander + nav improvements

* Drop mines

* Improved bot stuck detection

* Commander supply improvements

* Bot fill timing config

* Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots

* Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg"

* Bug fixing with navigation

* Fix skulk movement on ladders

* Improved commander placement and tactical refresh

* Fixed bug with ladder climbing

* Doors block off-mesh connections

* Finished doors blocking connections

* Marine and alien tactical bug fixes

* Add commander beacon back in

* Start combat mode stuff

* First pass at combat mode

* Bots attack turrets

* Fix ladder and wall climbing

* Commander chat request

* Improved skulk ladders

* Added nav meshes for new bot code

* Added bot configuration to listen server menu

* Added bot config file

* Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg

* Added default bot settings to server.cfg

* Include VS filter for bot files

* Crash fixes

* Bot improvements

* Bot stability and mine placement improvements

* Fixed crash on new map start with bots

* Reverted Svencoop fix

* Fixed crash, added more cvars

* Performance improvement

* Commander building improvements

* Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command

* Fixed doors not blocking connections

* Added bot disabled guard to round start

* Commander improvements, movement improvements

* Tweaked level load sequence

* Performance improvements

* Bot load spread

* Fixed commander update

* Refactor bot frame handling

* Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread

* Minor bug fixes

* Fix door detection, prep for test

* Fixed commander siege spam

* linux compile test

* fix hardcoded inlcudes

* O1 compile flag for detour
- fix linux server crash

* Revert detour compile flags to original for windows

* linux build update

* remove x64 build configs

* update bot nav meshes and configs

* fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees


Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
2024-03-21 14:17:18 -04:00

545 lines
20 KiB

#include "AvHAIConfig.h"
#include "AvHAIMath.h"
#include "AvHServerUtil.h"
#include <unordered_map>
BotFillTiming CurrentBotFillTiming = FILLTIMING_ALLHUMANS;
std::unordered_map<std::string, TeamSizeDefinitions> TeamSizeMap;
bot_skill BotSkillLevels[4];
char BotPrefix[32] = "";
extern cvar_t avh_botskill;
extern cvar_t avh_botallowlerk;
extern cvar_t avh_botallowfade;
extern cvar_t avh_botallowonos;
extern cvar_t avh_botcommanderwait;
extern cvar_t avh_botlerkcooldown;
extern cvar_t avh_botmaxstucktime;
float CONFIG_GetCommanderWaitTime()
return avh_botcommanderwait.value;
float CONFIG_GetLerkCooldown()
return avh_botlerkcooldown.value;
bool CONFIG_IsLerkAllowed()
return avh_botallowlerk.value > 0;
bool CONFIG_IsFadeAllowed()
return avh_botallowfade.value > 0;
bool CONFIG_IsOnosAllowed()
return avh_botallowonos.value > 0;
float CONFIG_GetMaxStuckTime()
return avh_botmaxstucktime.value;
string CONFIG_GetBotPrefix()
return string(BotPrefix);
int CONFIG_GetTeamASizeForMap(const char* MapName)
std::string s = MapName;
std::unordered_map<std::string, TeamSizeDefinitions>::const_iterator got = TeamSizeMap.find(s);
if (got == TeamSizeMap.end())
return TeamSizeMap["default"].TeamASize;
return got->second.TeamASize;
int CONFIG_GetTeamBSizeForMap(const char* MapName)
std::string s = MapName;
std::unordered_map<std::string, TeamSizeDefinitions>::const_iterator got = TeamSizeMap.find(s);
if (got == TeamSizeMap.end())
return TeamSizeMap["default"].TeamBSize;
return got->second.TeamBSize;
AvHMessageID CONFIG_GetHiveTechAtIndex(const int Index)
if (Index < 0 || Index > 2) { return MESSAGE_NULL; }
return ChamberSequence[Index];
bot_skill CONFIG_GetBotSkillLevel()
int index = clampi((int)avh_botskill.value, 0, 3);
return BotSkillLevels[index];
void CONFIG_ParseConfigFile()
BotSkillLevels[0].marine_bot_reaction_time = 0.4f;
BotSkillLevels[0].marine_bot_aim_skill = 0.1f;
BotSkillLevels[0].marine_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.1f;
BotSkillLevels[0].marine_bot_view_speed = 0.5f;
BotSkillLevels[0].alien_bot_reaction_time = 0.4f;
BotSkillLevels[0].alien_bot_aim_skill = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[0].alien_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[0].alien_bot_view_speed = 0.75f;
BotSkillLevels[1].marine_bot_reaction_time = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[1].marine_bot_aim_skill = 0.5f;
BotSkillLevels[1].marine_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.4f;
BotSkillLevels[1].marine_bot_view_speed = 1.0f;
BotSkillLevels[1].alien_bot_reaction_time = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[1].alien_bot_aim_skill = 0.5f;
BotSkillLevels[1].alien_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.5f;
BotSkillLevels[1].alien_bot_view_speed = 1.3f;
BotSkillLevels[2].marine_bot_reaction_time = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[2].marine_bot_aim_skill = 0.6f;
BotSkillLevels[2].marine_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.6f;
BotSkillLevels[2].marine_bot_view_speed = 1.5f;
BotSkillLevels[2].alien_bot_reaction_time = 0.2f;
BotSkillLevels[2].alien_bot_aim_skill = 0.8f;
BotSkillLevels[2].alien_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 0.8f;
BotSkillLevels[2].alien_bot_view_speed = 1.5f;
BotSkillLevels[3].marine_bot_reaction_time = 0.1f;
BotSkillLevels[3].marine_bot_aim_skill = 1.0f;
BotSkillLevels[3].marine_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 1.0f;
BotSkillLevels[3].marine_bot_view_speed = 2.0f;
BotSkillLevels[3].alien_bot_reaction_time = 0.1f;
BotSkillLevels[3].alien_bot_aim_skill = 1.0f;
BotSkillLevels[3].alien_bot_motion_tracking_skill = 1.0f;
BotSkillLevels[3].alien_bot_view_speed = 2.0f;
string BotConfigFile = string(getModDirectory()) + "/nsbots.ini";
const char* filename = BotConfigFile.c_str();
std::ifstream cFile(filename);
if (cFile.is_open())
std::string line;
int CurrSkillIndex = 0;
while (getline(cFile, line))
line.erase(std::remove_if(line.begin(), line.end(), ::isspace),
if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty())
auto delimiterPos = line.find("=");
auto key = line.substr(0, delimiterPos);
auto value = line.substr(delimiterPos + 1);
if (key.compare("TeamSize") == 0)
auto mapDelimiterPos = value.find(":");
if (mapDelimiterPos == std::string::npos)
auto mapName = value.substr(0, mapDelimiterPos);
auto teamSizes = value.substr(mapDelimiterPos + 1);
auto sizeDelimiterPos = teamSizes.find("/");
if (sizeDelimiterPos == std::string::npos)
auto marineSize = teamSizes.substr(0, sizeDelimiterPos);
auto alienSize = teamSizes.substr(sizeDelimiterPos + 1);
int iMarineSize = atoi(marineSize.c_str());
int iAlienSize = atoi(alienSize.c_str());
if (iMarineSize >= 0 && iMarineSize <= 32 && iAlienSize >= 0 && iAlienSize <= 32)
TeamSizeMap[mapName].TeamASize = atoi(marineSize.c_str());
TeamSizeMap[mapName].TeamBSize = atoi(alienSize.c_str());
if (key.compare("prefix") == 0)
sprintf(BotPrefix, value.c_str());
if (key.compare("BotFillTiming") == 0)
int FillSetting = atoi(value.c_str());
FillSetting = clampi(FillSetting, 0, 2);
CurrentBotFillTiming = (BotFillTiming)FillSetting;
if (key.compare("BotSkillLevel") == 0)
CurrSkillIndex = std::stoi(value.c_str());
CurrSkillIndex = clampi(CurrSkillIndex, 0, 3);
if (key.compare("MarineReactionTime") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].marine_bot_reaction_time = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("AlienReactionTime") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].alien_bot_reaction_time = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("MarineAimSkill") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].marine_bot_aim_skill = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("AlienAimSkill") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].alien_bot_aim_skill = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("MarineMovementTracking") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].marine_bot_motion_tracking_skill = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("AlienMovementTracking") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].alien_bot_motion_tracking_skill = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
if (key.compare("MarineViewSpeed") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].marine_bot_view_speed = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 5.0f);
if (key.compare("AlienViewSpeed") == 0)
float NewValue = std::stof(value.c_str());
BotSkillLevels[CurrSkillIndex].alien_bot_view_speed = clampf(NewValue, 0.0f, 5.0f);
if (key.compare("ChamberSequence") == 0)
AvHMessageID HiveOneTech = MESSAGE_NULL;
AvHMessageID HiveTwoTech = MESSAGE_NULL;
AvHMessageID HiveThreeTech = MESSAGE_NULL;
auto firstTechDelimiter = value.find("/");
if (firstTechDelimiter == std::string::npos)
auto FirstTech = value.substr(0, firstTechDelimiter);
auto NextTechs = value.substr(firstTechDelimiter + 1);
auto SecondTechDelimiter = NextTechs.find("/");
if (SecondTechDelimiter == std::string::npos)
auto SecondTech = NextTechs.substr(0, SecondTechDelimiter);
auto ThirdTech = NextTechs.substr(SecondTechDelimiter + 1);
if (FirstTech.compare("movement") == 0)
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (FirstTech.compare("defense") == 0)
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (FirstTech.compare("sensory") == 0)
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
if (SecondTech.compare("movement") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (SecondTech.compare("defense") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (SecondTech.compare("sensory") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
if (ThirdTech.compare("movement") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_MOVEMENT_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (ThirdTech.compare("defense") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_DEFENSE_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
else if (ThirdTech.compare("sensory") == 0)
if (std::find(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER) != AvailableTechs.end())
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), ALIEN_BUILD_SENSORY_CHAMBER), AvailableTechs.end());
if (HiveOneTech == MESSAGE_NULL)
int random = rand() % AvailableTechs.size();
HiveOneTech = AvailableTechs[random];
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), HiveOneTech), AvailableTechs.end());
if (HiveTwoTech == MESSAGE_NULL)
int random = rand() % AvailableTechs.size();
HiveTwoTech = AvailableTechs[random];
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), HiveTwoTech), AvailableTechs.end());
if (HiveThreeTech == MESSAGE_NULL)
int random = rand() % AvailableTechs.size();
HiveThreeTech = AvailableTechs[random];
AvailableTechs.erase(std::remove(AvailableTechs.begin(), AvailableTechs.end(), HiveTwoTech), AvailableTechs.end());
ChamberSequence[0] = HiveOneTech;
ChamberSequence[1] = HiveTwoTech;
ChamberSequence[2] = HiveThreeTech;
ALERT(at_console, "nsbots.ini was not found in the NS mod folder. You can regenerate it with the console command 'sv_regenbotini'");
BotFillTiming CONFIG_GetBotFillTiming()
return CurrentBotFillTiming;
void CONFIG_RegenerateIniFile()
string BotConfigFile = string(getModDirectory()) + "/nsbots.ini";
const char* filename = BotConfigFile.c_str();
FILE* NewConfigFile = fopen(filename, "w+");
if (!NewConfigFile)
ALERT(at_console, "Unable to write to %s, please ensure the user has privileges\n", filename);
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "### General bot settings ###\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# What prefix to put in front of a bot's name (can leave blank)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "prefix=[BOT]\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# When should the server start adding bots? Note: bots will always be added after round start regardless\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# 0 = On map load (after 5 second grace period)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# 1 = When all humans have joined a team (i.e. no more humans left in ready room)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# 2 = When the round has started (after countdown)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "BotFillTiming = 1\n\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "### Skill Settings ###\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Bot skill settings. You can define as many settings as you like and reference them by name\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Format is BotSkillName = name, followed by one of the following:\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# ReactionTime = How quickly in seconds the bot will react to sighting enemies\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# AimSkill = How accurately the bot can lock sights on you after seeing you (0.0 - 1.0)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# MovementTracking = How accurately the bot can follow a moving target (0.0 - 1.0)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# ViewSpeed = How fast the bot can swivel its view (0.1 - 2.0)\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Set the difficulty using the 'mp_botskill' cvar (0 - 3)\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "BotSkillLevel=0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineReactionTime=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineAimSkill=0.1\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineMovementTracking=0.1\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineViewSpeed=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienReactionTime=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienAimSkill=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienMovementTracking=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienViewSpeed=0.75\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "BotSkillLevel=1\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineReactionTime=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineAimSkill=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineMovementTracking=0.4\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineViewSpeed=1.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienReactionTime=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienAimSkill=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienMovementTracking=0.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienViewSpeed=1.3\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "BotSkillLevel=2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineReactionTime=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineAimSkill=0.6\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineMovementTracking=0.6\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineViewSpeed=1.5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienReactionTime=0.2\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienAimSkill=0.8\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienMovementTracking=0.8\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienViewSpeed=1.5\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "BotSkillLevel=3\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineReactionTime=0.1\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineAimSkill=1.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineMovementTracking=1.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "MarineViewSpeed=2.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienReactionTime=0.1\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienAimSkill=1.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienMovementTracking=1.0\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "AlienViewSpeed=2.0\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Desired team sizes. Only used if bot fill mode is 'fillteams'\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Format is TeamSize=mapname:nummarines/numaliens\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# 'default' will be used if playing a map not listed below\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=default:7/7\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=ns_machina:8/8\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=ns_ragnarok:8/8\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_faceoff:4/4\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_core:4/4\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_pulse:6/6\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_ulysses:6/6\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_niveus:5/5\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "TeamSize=co_kestrel:5/5\n\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "### Alien Settings ###\n\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Preferred chamber sequence. Valid entries are 'defense', 'movement' and 'sensory'. Separate sequence with forward slash\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# You can also use ? for random, so if you want movement always first but then defense and sensory at random, use\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# ChamberSequence:movement/?/?\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# Or if you want sensory always last, but movement and defence random, use\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "# ChamberSequence=?/?/sensory\n");
fprintf(NewConfigFile, "ChamberSequence=defense/movement/sensory\n");