mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:12:07 +00:00
* Initial bot commit * Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game. * Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots * Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly * Added round restart and new map detection for AI system Push before new project added for detour * Initial bot integration * Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing * Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors * Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables * Reworked nav profiles Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder * Improved bot door usage * Added weldable obstacles back into navigation Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers * Replaced fixed arrays with vectors * Resource node and hive lists are now vectors. * Further improved bot weld behaviour * Added dynamic reachability calculations When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses. * Added team-based reachability calculations Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point. * Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections * Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant. * Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code * Started Bot Swimming * Bots understand trigger_changetarget Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work * Push before trying to fix long-range connections * Implement new off-mesh connection system * Redid population of door triggers * Fixed trigger types and links to doors * Added lift and moving platform support * Lift improvements * Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it * Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at * Tweak lift and welder usage * Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together * Finish lift movement * Fixed dodgy path finding * Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage * Fix crash with path finding * Re-implement commander AI * Commander improvements * Improve commander sieging * Commander scanning tweak * Reimplemented regular marine AI * Start reimplementing alien AI * Implement gorge building behaviours * Start alien tactical decisioning * Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic * More alien role work * Adjusted base node definitions * Iterate Capper Logic * Alien assault AI * Alien Combat * Fix grenade throwing, better combat * Marine combat AI improvements * Commander improvements * Commander + nav improvements * Drop mines * Improved bot stuck detection * Commander supply improvements * Bot fill timing config * Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots * Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg" * Bug fixing with navigation * Fix skulk movement on ladders * Improved commander placement and tactical refresh * Fixed bug with ladder climbing * Doors block off-mesh connections * Finished doors blocking connections * Marine and alien tactical bug fixes * Add commander beacon back in * Start combat mode stuff * First pass at combat mode * Bots attack turrets * Fix ladder and wall climbing * Commander chat request * Improved skulk ladders * Added nav meshes for new bot code * Added bot configuration to listen server menu * Added bot config file * Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg * Added default bot settings to server.cfg * Include VS filter for bot files * Crash fixes * Bot improvements * Bot stability and mine placement improvements * Fixed crash on new map start with bots * Reverted Svencoop fix * Fixed crash, added more cvars * Performance improvement * Commander building improvements * Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command * Fixed doors not blocking connections * Added bot disabled guard to round start * Commander improvements, movement improvements * Tweaked level load sequence * Performance improvements * Bot load spread * Fixed commander update * Refactor bot frame handling * Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread * Minor bug fixes * Fix door detection, prep for test * Fixed commander siege spam * linux compile test * fix hardcoded inlcudes * O1 compile flag for detour - fix linux server crash * Revert detour compile flags to original for windows * linux build update * remove x64 build configs * update bot nav meshes and configs * fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees --------- Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
776 lines
23 KiB
776 lines
23 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "DetourNavMesh.h"
#include "DetourCommon.h"
#include "DetourMath.h"
#include "DetourNavMeshBuilder.h"
#include "DetourAlloc.h"
#include "DetourAssert.h"
static unsigned short MESH_NULL_IDX = 0xffff;
struct BVItem
unsigned short bmin[3];
unsigned short bmax[3];
int i;
static int compareItemX(const void* va, const void* vb)
const BVItem* a = (const BVItem*)va;
const BVItem* b = (const BVItem*)vb;
if (a->bmin[0] < b->bmin[0])
return -1;
if (a->bmin[0] > b->bmin[0])
return 1;
return 0;
static int compareItemY(const void* va, const void* vb)
const BVItem* a = (const BVItem*)va;
const BVItem* b = (const BVItem*)vb;
if (a->bmin[1] < b->bmin[1])
return -1;
if (a->bmin[1] > b->bmin[1])
return 1;
return 0;
static int compareItemZ(const void* va, const void* vb)
const BVItem* a = (const BVItem*)va;
const BVItem* b = (const BVItem*)vb;
if (a->bmin[2] < b->bmin[2])
return -1;
if (a->bmin[2] > b->bmin[2])
return 1;
return 0;
static void calcExtends(BVItem* items, const int /*nitems*/, const int imin, const int imax,
unsigned short* bmin, unsigned short* bmax)
bmin[0] = items[imin].bmin[0];
bmin[1] = items[imin].bmin[1];
bmin[2] = items[imin].bmin[2];
bmax[0] = items[imin].bmax[0];
bmax[1] = items[imin].bmax[1];
bmax[2] = items[imin].bmax[2];
for (int i = imin+1; i < imax; ++i)
const BVItem& it = items[i];
if (it.bmin[0] < bmin[0]) bmin[0] = it.bmin[0];
if (it.bmin[1] < bmin[1]) bmin[1] = it.bmin[1];
if (it.bmin[2] < bmin[2]) bmin[2] = it.bmin[2];
if (it.bmax[0] > bmax[0]) bmax[0] = it.bmax[0];
if (it.bmax[1] > bmax[1]) bmax[1] = it.bmax[1];
if (it.bmax[2] > bmax[2]) bmax[2] = it.bmax[2];
inline int longestAxis(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short z)
int axis = 0;
unsigned short maxVal = x;
if (y > maxVal)
axis = 1;
maxVal = y;
if (z > maxVal)
axis = 2;
return axis;
static void subdivide(BVItem* items, int nitems, int imin, int imax, int& curNode, dtBVNode* nodes)
int inum = imax - imin;
int icur = curNode;
dtBVNode& node = nodes[curNode++];
if (inum == 1)
// Leaf
node.bmin[0] = items[imin].bmin[0];
node.bmin[1] = items[imin].bmin[1];
node.bmin[2] = items[imin].bmin[2];
node.bmax[0] = items[imin].bmax[0];
node.bmax[1] = items[imin].bmax[1];
node.bmax[2] = items[imin].bmax[2];
node.i = items[imin].i;
// Split
calcExtends(items, nitems, imin, imax, node.bmin, node.bmax);
int axis = longestAxis(node.bmax[0] - node.bmin[0],
node.bmax[1] - node.bmin[1],
node.bmax[2] - node.bmin[2]);
if (axis == 0)
// Sort along x-axis
qsort(items+imin, inum, sizeof(BVItem), compareItemX);
else if (axis == 1)
// Sort along y-axis
qsort(items+imin, inum, sizeof(BVItem), compareItemY);
// Sort along z-axis
qsort(items+imin, inum, sizeof(BVItem), compareItemZ);
int isplit = imin+inum/2;
// Left
subdivide(items, nitems, imin, isplit, curNode, nodes);
// Right
subdivide(items, nitems, isplit, imax, curNode, nodes);
int iescape = curNode - icur;
// Negative index means escape.
node.i = -iescape;
static int createBVTree(dtNavMeshCreateParams* params, dtBVNode* nodes, int /*nnodes*/)
// Build tree
float quantFactor = 1 / params->cs;
BVItem* items = (BVItem*)dtAlloc(sizeof(BVItem)*params->polyCount, DT_ALLOC_TEMP);
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; i++)
BVItem& it = items[i];
it.i = i;
// Calc polygon bounds. Use detail meshes if available.
if (params->detailMeshes)
int vb = (int)params->detailMeshes[i*4+0];
int ndv = (int)params->detailMeshes[i*4+1];
float bmin[3];
float bmax[3];
const float* dv = ¶ms->detailVerts[vb*3];
dtVcopy(bmin, dv);
dtVcopy(bmax, dv);
for (int j = 1; j < ndv; j++)
dtVmin(bmin, &dv[j * 3]);
dtVmax(bmax, &dv[j * 3]);
// BV-tree uses cs for all dimensions
it.bmin[0] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmin[0] - params->bmin[0])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
it.bmin[1] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmin[1] - params->bmin[1])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
it.bmin[2] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmin[2] - params->bmin[2])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
it.bmax[0] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmax[0] - params->bmin[0])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
it.bmax[1] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmax[1] - params->bmin[1])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
it.bmax[2] = (unsigned short)dtClamp((int)((bmax[2] - params->bmin[2])*quantFactor), 0, 0xffff);
const unsigned short* p = ¶ms->polys[i*params->nvp * 2];
it.bmin[0] = it.bmax[0] = params->verts[p[0] * 3 + 0];
it.bmin[1] = it.bmax[1] = params->verts[p[0] * 3 + 1];
it.bmin[2] = it.bmax[2] = params->verts[p[0] * 3 + 2];
for (int j = 1; j < params->nvp; ++j)
if (p[j] == MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
unsigned short x = params->verts[p[j] * 3 + 0];
unsigned short y = params->verts[p[j] * 3 + 1];
unsigned short z = params->verts[p[j] * 3 + 2];
if (x < it.bmin[0]) it.bmin[0] = x;
if (y < it.bmin[1]) it.bmin[1] = y;
if (z < it.bmin[2]) it.bmin[2] = z;
if (x > it.bmax[0]) it.bmax[0] = x;
if (y > it.bmax[1]) it.bmax[1] = y;
if (z > it.bmax[2]) it.bmax[2] = z;
// Remap y
it.bmin[1] = (unsigned short)dtMathFloorf((float)it.bmin[1] * params->ch / params->cs);
it.bmax[1] = (unsigned short)dtMathCeilf((float)it.bmax[1] * params->ch / params->cs);
int curNode = 0;
subdivide(items, params->polyCount, 0, params->polyCount, curNode, nodes);
return curNode;
static unsigned char classifyOffMeshPoint(const float* pt, const float* bmin, const float* bmax)
static const unsigned char XP = 1<<0;
static const unsigned char ZP = 1<<1;
static const unsigned char XM = 1<<2;
static const unsigned char ZM = 1<<3;
unsigned char outcode = 0;
outcode |= (pt[0] >= bmax[0]) ? XP : 0;
outcode |= (pt[2] >= bmax[2]) ? ZP : 0;
outcode |= (pt[0] < bmin[0]) ? XM : 0;
outcode |= (pt[2] < bmin[2]) ? ZM : 0;
switch (outcode)
case XP: return 0;
case XP|ZP: return 1;
case ZP: return 2;
case XM|ZP: return 3;
case XM: return 4;
case XM|ZM: return 5;
case ZM: return 6;
case XP|ZM: return 7;
return 0xff;
// TODO: Better error handling.
/// @par
/// The output data array is allocated using the detour allocator (dtAlloc()). The method
/// used to free the memory will be determined by how the tile is added to the navigation
/// mesh.
/// @see dtNavMesh, dtNavMesh::addTile()
bool dtCreateNavMeshData(dtNavMeshCreateParams* params, unsigned char** outData, int* outDataSize)
if (params->nvp > DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON)
return false;
if (params->vertCount >= 0xffff)
return false;
if (!params->vertCount || !params->verts)
return false;
if (!params->polyCount || !params->polys)
return false;
const int nvp = params->nvp;
// Classify off-mesh connection points. We store only the connections
// whose start point is inside the tile.
unsigned char* offMeshConClass = 0;
int storedOffMeshConCount = 0;
int offMeshConLinkCount = 0;
if (params->NumOffMeshConnections > 0)
offMeshConClass = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*params->offMeshConCount*2, DT_ALLOC_TEMP);
if (!offMeshConClass)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < params->NumOffMeshConnections; i++)
dtOffMeshConnection* con = ¶ms->GlobalOffMeshConnections[i];
if (con->state == DT_OFFMESH_EMPTY || con->state == DT_OFFMESH_REMOVING) { continue; }
bool bOriginates = (con->FromTileX == params->tileX && con->FromTileY == params->tileY && con->FromTileLayer == params->tileLayer);
bool bTargets = (con->ToTileX == params->tileX && con->ToTileY == params->tileY && con->ToTileLayer == params->tileLayer);
if (bOriginates)
con->state = DT_OFFMESH_DIRTY;
if (bTargets)
con->state = DT_OFFMESH_DIRTY;
// Off-mesh connectionss are stored as polygons, adjust values.
const int totPolyCount = params->polyCount + storedOffMeshConCount;
const int totVertCount = params->vertCount + storedOffMeshConCount*2;
// Find portal edges which are at tile borders.
int edgeCount = 0;
int portalCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
const unsigned short* p = ¶ms->polys[i*2*nvp];
for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
if (p[j] == MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
if (p[nvp+j] & 0x8000)
unsigned short dir = p[nvp+j] & 0xf;
if (dir != 0xf)
const int maxLinkCount = edgeCount + portalCount*2 + offMeshConLinkCount*2;
// Find unique detail vertices.
int uniqueDetailVertCount = 0;
int detailTriCount = 0;
if (params->detailMeshes)
// Has detail mesh, count unique detail vertex count and use input detail tri count.
detailTriCount = params->detailTriCount;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
const unsigned short* p = ¶ms->polys[i*nvp*2];
int ndv = params->detailMeshes[i*4+1];
int nv = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
if (p[j] == MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
ndv -= nv;
uniqueDetailVertCount += ndv;
// No input detail mesh, build detail mesh from nav polys.
uniqueDetailVertCount = 0; // No extra detail verts.
detailTriCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
const unsigned short* p = ¶ms->polys[i*nvp*2];
int nv = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
if (p[j] == MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
detailTriCount += nv-2;
// Calculate data size
const int headerSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtMeshHeader));
const int vertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float)*3*totVertCount);
const int polysSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPoly)*totPolyCount);
const int linksSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtLink)*maxLinkCount);
const int detailMeshesSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPolyDetail)*params->polyCount);
const int detailVertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float)*3*uniqueDetailVertCount);
const int detailTrisSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(unsigned char)*4*detailTriCount);
const int bvTreeSize = params->buildBvTree ? dtAlign4(sizeof(dtBVNode)*params->polyCount*2) : 0;
const int offMeshConsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtOffMeshConnection*)*storedOffMeshConCount);
const int dataSize = headerSize + vertsSize + polysSize + linksSize +
detailMeshesSize + detailVertsSize + detailTrisSize +
bvTreeSize + offMeshConsSize;
unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)dtAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*dataSize, DT_ALLOC_PERM);
if (!data)
return false;
memset(data, 0, dataSize);
unsigned char* d = data;
dtMeshHeader* header = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtMeshHeader>(d, headerSize);
float* navVerts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<float>(d, vertsSize);
dtPoly* navPolys = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtPoly>(d, polysSize);
d += linksSize; // Ignore links; just leave enough space for them. They'll be created on load.
dtPolyDetail* navDMeshes = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtPolyDetail>(d, detailMeshesSize);
float* navDVerts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<float>(d, detailVertsSize);
unsigned char* navDTris = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<unsigned char>(d, detailTrisSize);
dtBVNode* navBvtree = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtBVNode>(d, bvTreeSize);
dtOffMeshConnection** offMeshCons = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtOffMeshConnection*>(d, offMeshConsSize);
// Store header
header->magic = DT_NAVMESH_MAGIC;
header->version = DT_NAVMESH_VERSION;
header->x = params->tileX;
header->y = params->tileY;
header->layer = params->tileLayer;
header->userId = params->userId;
header->polyCount = totPolyCount;
header->vertCount = totVertCount;
header->maxLinkCount = maxLinkCount;
dtVcopy(header->bmin, params->bmin);
dtVcopy(header->bmax, params->bmax);
header->detailMeshCount = params->polyCount;
header->detailVertCount = uniqueDetailVertCount;
header->detailTriCount = detailTriCount;
header->bvQuantFactor = 1.0f / params->cs;
header->offMeshBase = params->polyCount;
header->walkableHeight = params->walkableHeight;
header->walkableRadius = params->walkableRadius;
header->walkableClimb = params->walkableClimb;
header->offMeshConCount = offMeshConLinkCount;
header->bvNodeCount = params->buildBvTree ? params->polyCount*2 : 0;
const int offMeshVertsBase = params->vertCount;
const int offMeshPolyBase = params->polyCount;
// Store vertices
// Mesh vertices
for (int i = 0; i < params->vertCount; ++i)
const unsigned short* iv = ¶ms->verts[i*3];
float* v = &navVerts[i*3];
v[0] = params->bmin[0] + iv[0] * params->cs;
v[1] = params->bmin[1] + iv[1] * params->ch;
v[2] = params->bmin[2] + iv[2] * params->cs;
// Off-mesh link vertices.
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->NumOffMeshConnections; i++)
dtOffMeshConnection* con = ¶ms->GlobalOffMeshConnections[i];
if (con->state == DT_OFFMESH_EMPTY || con->state == DT_OFFMESH_REMOVING) { continue; }
// Only store connections which start from this tile.
if (con->FromTileX == params->tileX && con->FromTileY == params->tileY && con->FromTileLayer == params->tileLayer)
const float* linkv = &con->pos[0];
float* v = &navVerts[(offMeshVertsBase + n*2)*3];
dtVcopy(&v[0], &linkv[0]);
dtVcopy(&v[3], &linkv[3]);
// Store polygons
// Mesh polys
const unsigned short* src = params->polys;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
dtPoly* p = &navPolys[i];
p->vertCount = 0;
p->flags = params->polyFlags[i];
for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
if (src[j] == MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
p->verts[j] = src[j];
if (src[nvp+j] & 0x8000)
// Border or portal edge.
unsigned short dir = src[nvp+j] & 0xf;
if (dir == 0xf) // Border
p->neis[j] = 0;
else if (dir == 0) // Portal x-
p->neis[j] = DT_EXT_LINK | 4;
else if (dir == 1) // Portal z+
p->neis[j] = DT_EXT_LINK | 2;
else if (dir == 2) // Portal x+
p->neis[j] = DT_EXT_LINK | 0;
else if (dir == 3) // Portal z-
p->neis[j] = DT_EXT_LINK | 6;
// Normal connection
p->neis[j] = src[nvp+j]+1;
src += nvp*2;
// Off-mesh connection vertices.
n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->NumOffMeshConnections; i++)
dtOffMeshConnection* con = ¶ms->GlobalOffMeshConnections[i];
if (con->state == DT_OFFMESH_EMPTY || con->state == DT_OFFMESH_REMOVING) { continue; }
// Only store connections which start from this tile.
if (con->FromTileX == params->tileX && con->FromTileY == params->tileY && con->FromTileLayer == params->tileLayer)
dtPoly* p = &navPolys[offMeshPolyBase+n];
p->vertCount = 2;
p->verts[0] = (unsigned short)(offMeshVertsBase + n*2+0);
p->verts[1] = (unsigned short)(offMeshVertsBase + n*2+1);
p->flags = con->flags;
// Store detail meshes and vertices.
// The nav polygon vertices are stored as the first vertices on each mesh.
// We compress the mesh data by skipping them and using the navmesh coordinates.
if (params->detailMeshes)
unsigned short vbase = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
dtPolyDetail& dtl = navDMeshes[i];
const int vb = (int)params->detailMeshes[i*4+0];
const int ndv = (int)params->detailMeshes[i*4+1];
const int nv = navPolys[i].vertCount;
dtl.vertBase = (unsigned int)vbase;
dtl.vertCount = (unsigned char)(ndv-nv);
dtl.triBase = (unsigned int)params->detailMeshes[i*4+2];
dtl.triCount = (unsigned char)params->detailMeshes[i*4+3];
// Copy vertices except the first 'nv' verts which are equal to nav poly verts.
if (ndv-nv)
memcpy(&navDVerts[vbase*3], ¶ms->detailVerts[(vb+nv)*3], sizeof(float)*3*(ndv-nv));
vbase += (unsigned short)(ndv-nv);
// Store triangles.
memcpy(navDTris, params->detailTris, sizeof(unsigned char)*4*params->detailTriCount);
// Create dummy detail mesh by triangulating polys.
int tbase = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->polyCount; ++i)
dtPolyDetail& dtl = navDMeshes[i];
const int nv = navPolys[i].vertCount;
dtl.vertBase = 0;
dtl.vertCount = 0;
dtl.triBase = (unsigned int)tbase;
dtl.triCount = (unsigned char)(nv-2);
// Triangulate polygon (local indices).
for (int j = 2; j < nv; ++j)
unsigned char* t = &navDTris[tbase*4];
t[0] = 0;
t[1] = (unsigned char)(j-1);
t[2] = (unsigned char)j;
// Bit for each edge that belongs to poly boundary.
t[3] = (1<<2);
if (j == 2) t[3] |= (1<<0);
if (j == nv-1) t[3] |= (1<<4);
// Store and create BVtree.
if (params->buildBvTree)
createBVTree(params, navBvtree, 2*params->polyCount);
n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < params->NumOffMeshConnections; i++)
dtOffMeshConnection* con = ¶ms->GlobalOffMeshConnections[i];
if (con->state == DT_OFFMESH_EMPTY || con->state == DT_OFFMESH_REMOVING) { continue; }
// Only store connections which start from this tile.
if (con->FromTileX == params->tileX && con->FromTileY == params->tileY && con->FromTileLayer == params->tileLayer)
con->poly = (unsigned short)(offMeshPolyBase + n);
offMeshCons[n] = con;
header->offMeshConCount = n;
*outData = data;
*outDataSize = dataSize;
return true;
bool dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian(unsigned char* data, const int /*dataSize*/)
dtMeshHeader* header = (dtMeshHeader*)data;
int swappedMagic = DT_NAVMESH_MAGIC;
int swappedVersion = DT_NAVMESH_VERSION;
if ((header->magic != DT_NAVMESH_MAGIC || header->version != DT_NAVMESH_VERSION) &&
(header->magic != swappedMagic || header->version != swappedVersion))
return false;
// Freelist index and pointers are updated when tile is added, no need to swap.
return true;
/// @par
/// @warning This function assumes that the header is in the correct endianess already.
/// Call #dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian() first on the data if the data is expected to be in wrong endianess
/// to start with. Call #dtNavMeshHeaderSwapEndian() after the data has been swapped if converting from
/// native to foreign endianess.
bool dtNavMeshDataSwapEndian(unsigned char* data, const int /*dataSize*/)
// Make sure the data is in right format.
dtMeshHeader* header = (dtMeshHeader*)data;
if (header->magic != DT_NAVMESH_MAGIC)
return false;
if (header->version != DT_NAVMESH_VERSION)
return false;
// Patch header pointers.
const int headerSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtMeshHeader));
const int vertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float)*3*header->vertCount);
const int polysSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPoly)*header->polyCount);
const int linksSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtLink)*(header->maxLinkCount));
const int detailMeshesSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtPolyDetail)*header->detailMeshCount);
const int detailVertsSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(float)*3*header->detailVertCount);
const int detailTrisSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(unsigned char)*4*header->detailTriCount);
const int bvtreeSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtBVNode)*header->bvNodeCount);
const int offMeshLinksSize = dtAlign4(sizeof(dtOffMeshConnection)*header->offMeshConCount);
unsigned char* d = data + headerSize;
float* verts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<float>(d, vertsSize);
dtPoly* polys = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtPoly>(d, polysSize);
d += linksSize; // Ignore links; they technically should be endian-swapped but all their data is overwritten on load anyway.
//dtLink* links = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtLink>(d, linksSize);
dtPolyDetail* detailMeshes = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtPolyDetail>(d, detailMeshesSize);
float* detailVerts = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<float>(d, detailVertsSize);
d += detailTrisSize; // Ignore detail tris; single bytes can't be endian-swapped.
//unsigned char* detailTris = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<unsigned char>(d, detailTrisSize);
dtBVNode* bvTree = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtBVNode>(d, bvtreeSize);
dtOffMeshConnection* offMeshCons = dtGetThenAdvanceBufferPointer<dtOffMeshConnection>(d, offMeshLinksSize);
// Vertices
for (int i = 0; i < header->vertCount*3; ++i)
// Polys
for (int i = 0; i < header->polyCount; ++i)
dtPoly* p = &polys[i];
// poly->firstLink is update when tile is added, no need to swap.
for (int j = 0; j < DT_VERTS_PER_POLYGON; ++j)
// Links are rebuild when tile is added, no need to swap.
// Detail meshes
for (int i = 0; i < header->detailMeshCount; ++i)
dtPolyDetail* pd = &detailMeshes[i];
// Detail verts
for (int i = 0; i < header->detailVertCount*3; ++i)
// BV-tree
for (int i = 0; i < header->bvNodeCount; ++i)
dtBVNode* node = &bvTree[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
// Off-mesh Connections.
for (int i = 0; i < header->offMeshConCount; ++i)
dtOffMeshConnection* con = &offMeshCons[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
return true;