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synced 2025-03-10 11:02:10 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@168 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
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62 lines
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Good variables to use:
mp_tournamentmode - Set this to 1 for a tournament mode. Tournament mode doesn't allow late-joining, doesn't allow commander ejecting, enables friendly-fire, and more. Use this for organized matches only. Set to 0 for public servers and your average LAN game.
mp_serverops - This is a semi-colon delimited string of the WON ids for players that run the server. Example: if there are two server ops on your server, with WON ids "123" and "789", then you would set mp_serverops to "123;789". This displays a special server op icon next to these players names when they play on this server. This display is toggled on and off by typing "auth" at the console.
ns_authicons - Setting this to 0 will disable all icons next to players names in the scoreboard, including server op icons.
mp_countdowntime - Number of minutes that the countdown to game start will last (indicated by the beeping once players are on both teams). The default is .05, which is 3 seconds.
mp_latejointime - The number of minutes after the game has started that players are allowed to join the team without waiting to respawn. If a player joins a team after this time, they must wait in line to spawn. Default is 1 (60 seconds).
mp_teamresourcehandicap - When set to 1, this means that the team with less players (if any) gets a bonus on harvesting resources. The bonus is equal to the percentage team size discrepancy. If one team has half the size of the other, it will get a x2 resource bonus. When set to 0, no bonus is ever allotted. Default is 1. (in the future, this will probably be disabled in tournament mode)
mp_spawninvulnerabletime - Not currently implemented. This used to make a player invulnerable for this many minutes upon spawning, to prevent spawn camping. This will likely be re-enabled for the next version. Default was 0 (we tested with .033 which is 2 seconds).
mp_votecasttime - When the first vote to eject a commander is cast, this is the amount of minutes that the other teammates have to vote. If mp_votepercentneeded votes aren't received by this time, the vote fails.
mp_votedowntime - This is the number of minutes that an ejected commander is banned from the command station on this server. This is persistent across new levels and games. For example, if set to 180, then an ejected commander couldn't play commander on this server for 3 hours. If the server crashes or is restarted, all commander bans are lost.
mp_minvotesneeded - This is the minimum number of votes needed to eject the commander. This can be tweaked to prevent abuse by a roving group of llamas.
mp_votepercentneeded - This is the percentage of the team (0-1) that must vote to eject a commander for it to succeed. Additionally, mp_minvotesneeded must be met. For example, if this is set to .5, then half the marine team must vote against the commander within mp_votecasttime for the commander to be ejected.
ns_eastereggchance - Set this value to x, where 1 in x+1 games will play humorous audio easter eggs in certain situations. Setting to 0 will enable them for all games. Currently this only affects alien audio easter eggs.
Good variables for debugging
mp_networkdebug - Set this to 1 to see every message NS sends. Logging must be enabled. Use this to track overflows or performance. Default is 0.
mp_drawdamage - Set to 1 to see a rising number whenever any player or structure takes damage. Useful for clan practice or reproducing bugs.
mp_drawinvisibleentities - Entities are drawn for commander even when not visible by a team member
mp_assert - Setting to 1 will cause server to halt when an ASSERT is hit instead of bypassing them
Balance variables that you probably shouldn't touch:
mp_weaponstaytime - Number of minutes that a dropped weapon will persist before expiring. Default is .5 (30 seconds).
ns_initialalienpoints - Amount of points the alien team starts with, split among all the players
ns_initialmarinepoints - Amount of points the marine team starts the game with
ns_alienrespawntime - Number of seconds it takes for a hive to spawn an alien
ns_marinerespawntime - Number of seconds it takes for an infantry portal to spawn a marine
ns_alienrespawncost - Not implemented
ns_marinerespawncost - Not implemented
ns_playerresourcescalar - Floating point scalar that's multiplied with incoming resources to determine how many resources that player or team gets.
Don't ever use:
mp_bulletcam - Setting to 1 will give "bulletcam" effect when using the grenade launcher. Unpredictable and untested
mp_testing - Setting this to 1 will spit out animation error messages, don't use
mp_trainingmode - Mostly unused
mp_deathmatchmode - Don't touch
mp_networkmeterrate - This can be adjusted (at your own risk) to only send x amount of bytes to each player per second. Could be useful for fixing overflows, but could have dangerous performance ramifications
mp_serverscripts - Not fully implemented. When set to 1, this will (in the future) allow servers to run their own LUA scripts