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//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: TRFactory.cpp $
// $Date: 2002/08/16 02:28:25 $
// $Log: TRFactory.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.6 2002/08/16 02:28:25 Flayra
// - Added document headers
#include "textrep/TRTag.h"
#include "textrep/TRTagValuePair.h"
#include "textrep/TRDescription.h"
#include "textrep/TRFactory.h"
#include "util/STLUtil.h"
const int maxLineLength = 256;
bool TRFactory::ReadDescriptions(const string& inRelativePathFilename, TRDescriptionList& outDescriptionList)
bool theSuccess = false;
bool theDescriptionRead = false;
// Open file specified by relative path name
fstream infile;
infile.open(inRelativePathFilename.c_str(), ios::in);
// Try to read the next description in
TRDescription theNextDescription;
theDescriptionRead = ReadDescription(infile, theNextDescription);
// add it to the description list
// Function is successful if at least one description was found
theSuccess = true;
} while(theDescriptionRead);
return theSuccess;
bool TRFactory::WriteDescriptions(const string& inRelativePathFilename, const TRDescriptionList& inDescriptionList, const string& inHeader)
bool theSuccess = false;
// Open the file for output
fstream theOutfile;
theOutfile.open(inRelativePathFilename.c_str(), ios::out);
// Optional: write header
theOutfile << inHeader << std::endl;
//theOutfile << "; Generated by Half-life. Do not edit unless you know what you are doing! " << std::endl;
//theOutfile << std::endl;
// For each description
TRDescriptionList::const_iterator theIter;
for(theIter = inDescriptionList.begin(); theIter != inDescriptionList.end(); theIter++)
// Write out that description
const TRDescription& theDesc = *theIter;
TRFactory::WriteDescription(theOutfile, theDesc);
// Write out a blank line to make them look nice and separated
theOutfile << std::endl;
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// TODO: Add case-insensitivity
bool TRFactory::ReadDescription(fstream& infile, TRDescription& outDescription)
bool theSuccess = false;
string currentLine;
bool blockStarted = false;
// for every line in the file
if(readAndTrimNextLine(infile, currentLine))
// If line isn't a comment
// If we haven't started, is line of format: start <type> <name>? If so, set started and set those tags.
blockStarted = readStartBlockLine(currentLine, outDescription);
// If we have started
// Is line an end? If so, this function is over
// else is line of tag = property format? If so, add it as pair
// If not, print error and proceed
if(readTagAndValueLine(currentLine, outDescription))
// Once we have read at least one tag-value pair, considered this a success
theSuccess = true;
//printf("Error reading line of length %d: %s\n", currentLine.length(), currentLine.c_str());
return theSuccess;
bool TRFactory::WriteDescription(fstream& outfile, const TRDescription& inDescription)
bool theSuccess = true;
// Write out the start block
outfile << "start" << " " << inDescription.GetType() << " " << inDescription.GetName() << std::endl;
// Write out the property tags
TRDescription::const_iterator theIter;
for(theIter = inDescription.begin(); theIter != inDescription.end(); theIter++)
outfile << " " << theIter->first << " = " << theIter->second << std:: endl;
// Write out the end block.
outfile << "end" << std::endl;
return theSuccess;
bool TRFactory::readAndTrimNextLine(istream& inStream, string& outString)
char theLine[maxLineLength];
bool theSuccess = false;
inStream.getline(theLine, maxLineLength);
outString = string(theLine);
// Return false if the line is empty when we're done
if(outString.length() > 1)
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// Trim whitespace from string
void TRFactory::trimWhitespace(string& inString)
// find first character that isn't a tab or space and save that offset
//int firstNonWSChar = 0;
//int i= 0;
//int stringLength = inString.length();
//while(i != (stringLength - 1) && ())
// find last character that isn't a tab or space and save that offset
// Build a new string representing string without whitespace
// Set new string equal to inString
bool TRFactory::charIsWhiteSpace(char inChar)
bool theSuccess = false;
if((inChar == ' ') || (inChar == '\t'))
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// Is the string a comment?
bool TRFactory::lineIsAComment(const string& inString)
bool theLineIsAComment = false;
//replaced loop with actual string functions... KGP
size_t index = inString.find_first_not_of(" \t");
if( index != string::npos && (inString.at(index) == '\'' || inString.at(index) == ';') )
{ theLineIsAComment = true; }
return theLineIsAComment;
// Read start block
// Set the name and type of the description
// Returns false if invalid format
bool TRFactory::readStartBlockLine(const string& inString, TRDescription& outDescription)
bool theSuccess = false;
char theType[maxLineLength];
char theName[maxLineLength];
memset(theType, ' ', maxLineLength);
memset(theName, ' ', maxLineLength);
// Read three tokens. There should be "start" <type> <name>
if(sscanf(inString.c_str(), "start %s %s", theType, theName) == 2)
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;
// Read end block
bool TRFactory::readEndBlockLine(const string& inString)
bool theSuccess = false;
// There are some CRLF issues on Linux, hence this bit
if(inString.length() >= 3)
string theString = inString.substr(0,3);
if(theString == "end")
theSuccess = true;
//printf("TRFactory::readEndBlockLine() failed, found (%s)\n", theString.c_str());
return theSuccess;
bool TRFactory::readTagAndValueLine(const string& inString, TRDescription& outDescription)
bool theSuccess = false;
char theTag[maxLineLength];
char theValue[maxLineLength];
// Zero them out
memset(theTag, ' ', maxLineLength);
memset(theValue, ' ', maxLineLength);
if((sscanf(inString.c_str(), "%s = %s", theTag, theValue)) == 2)
// Add it
TRTagValuePair thePair(theTag, theValue);
theSuccess = true;
return theSuccess;