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synced 2025-03-06 01:11:44 +00:00
* Initial bot commit * Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game. * Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots * Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly * Added round restart and new map detection for AI system Push before new project added for detour * Initial bot integration * Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing * Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors * Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables * Reworked nav profiles Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder * Improved bot door usage * Added weldable obstacles back into navigation Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers * Replaced fixed arrays with vectors * Resource node and hive lists are now vectors. * Further improved bot weld behaviour * Added dynamic reachability calculations When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses. * Added team-based reachability calculations Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point. * Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections * Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant. * Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code * Started Bot Swimming * Bots understand trigger_changetarget Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work * Push before trying to fix long-range connections * Implement new off-mesh connection system * Redid population of door triggers * Fixed trigger types and links to doors * Added lift and moving platform support * Lift improvements * Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it * Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at * Tweak lift and welder usage * Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together * Finish lift movement * Fixed dodgy path finding * Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage * Fix crash with path finding * Re-implement commander AI * Commander improvements * Improve commander sieging * Commander scanning tweak * Reimplemented regular marine AI * Start reimplementing alien AI * Implement gorge building behaviours * Start alien tactical decisioning * Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic * More alien role work * Adjusted base node definitions * Iterate Capper Logic * Alien assault AI * Alien Combat * Fix grenade throwing, better combat * Marine combat AI improvements * Commander improvements * Commander + nav improvements * Drop mines * Improved bot stuck detection * Commander supply improvements * Bot fill timing config * Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots * Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg" * Bug fixing with navigation * Fix skulk movement on ladders * Improved commander placement and tactical refresh * Fixed bug with ladder climbing * Doors block off-mesh connections * Finished doors blocking connections * Marine and alien tactical bug fixes * Add commander beacon back in * Start combat mode stuff * First pass at combat mode * Bots attack turrets * Fix ladder and wall climbing * Commander chat request * Improved skulk ladders * Added nav meshes for new bot code * Added bot configuration to listen server menu * Added bot config file * Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg * Added default bot settings to server.cfg * Include VS filter for bot files * Crash fixes * Bot improvements * Bot stability and mine placement improvements * Fixed crash on new map start with bots * Reverted Svencoop fix * Fixed crash, added more cvars * Performance improvement * Commander building improvements * Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command * Fixed doors not blocking connections * Added bot disabled guard to round start * Commander improvements, movement improvements * Tweaked level load sequence * Performance improvements * Bot load spread * Fixed commander update * Refactor bot frame handling * Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread * Minor bug fixes * Fix door detection, prep for test * Fixed commander siege spam * linux compile test * fix hardcoded inlcudes * O1 compile flag for detour - fix linux server crash * Revert detour compile flags to original for windows * linux build update * remove x64 build configs * update bot nav meshes and configs * fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees --------- Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHTeam.h $
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:15:37 $
// $Log: AvHTeam.h,v $
// Revision 1.32 2002/11/22 21:15:37 Flayra
// - Remove owner of entities when player leaves the team
// - Do damage to aliens without hives
// - Fixed bug where a vote could affect a commander that logged in after a vote had been started.
// Revision 1.31 2002/11/15 23:31:26 Flayra
// - Added "ready" verification for tourny mode
// Revision 1.30 2002/11/12 02:29:33 Flayra
// - Added better standardized logging
// Revision 1.29 2002/10/24 21:43:29 Flayra
// - Alien easter eggs
// - Voting fix
// Revision 1.28 2002/10/18 22:23:04 Flayra
// - Added beginnings of alien easter eggs
// - Added "we need builders" alert
// Revision 1.27 2002/10/03 19:09:55 Flayra
// - New resource model
// - Orders refactoring
// - Tech tree changes
// - Aliens always get initial points when joining
// - Play gamestart sound
// - New trait available trigger
// - Moved voting stuff to server variables
// - Slowed down hints
// Revision 1.26 2002/09/23 22:35:43 Flayra
// - Removed hive donation and put in new system for builders
// - Updated tech tree (jetpacks, heavy armor, moved phase)
// - Resource towers set as built on game start
// - Added tons of commander hints (low resource alerts, tell commander about pressing jump key, commander ejected, select troops and give orders, don't just sit there, etc.)
// Revision 1.25 2002/09/09 20:08:26 Flayra
// - Added commander voting
// - Added hive info
// - Changed how commander scoring works
// Revision 1.24 2002/08/31 18:01:03 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.23 2002/08/02 21:45:20 Flayra
// - Reworked alerts.
// Revision 1.22 2002/07/23 17:32:23 Flayra
// - Resource model overhaul (closed system, random initial points), tech tree changes (new marine upgrades), free resource tower at nearest func_resource
// Revision 1.21 2002/07/08 17:19:42 Flayra
// - Added handicapping, map validity checking, reinforcements happen independently of teams now
// Revision 1.20 2002/06/25 18:21:33 Flayra
// - New enabled/disabled system for alien weapons, better victory detection, updated tech tree (removed old junk, added armory upgrade), fixed bug where a commander that leaves the game hogged the station, update resources less often (optimization)
// Revision 1.19 2002/05/28 18:09:51 Flayra
// - Track number of webs for team, fix for premature victory condition (again), fixed bug where alien upgrades weren't being cleared between levels, causing eventual overflows for alien players after many games, recycling support, spawn in command center when game starts
// Revision 1.18 2002/05/23 02:32:57 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#ifndef AVH_TEAM_H
#define AVH_TEAM_H
#include "AvHConstants.h"
#include "AvHOrder.h"
#include "AvHSharedTypes.h"
#include "AvHResearchManager.h"
#include "AvHSpecials.h"
#include "AvHServerPlayerData.h"
#include "AvHTechSlotManager.h"
#include "AvHAlert.h"
class AvHPlayer;
class AvHTeam
AvHTeam(AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber);
bool AddPlayer(int inPlayerIndex);
bool RemovePlayer(int inPlayerIndex);
bool AddResourceTower(int inResourceTowerIndex);
bool RemoveResourceTower(int inResourceTowerIndex);
bool GetHasAtLeastOneActivePlayer(bool* outHasAtLeastOnePlayerOnTeam = NULL) const;
bool GetHasTeamLost() const;
int GetNumBuiltCommandStations() const;
int GetNumActiveHives() const;
bool ProcessRankChange(AvHPlayer* inPlayer, AvHUser3 inOldUser3, AvHUser3 inNewUser3);
bool GetIsReady() const;
void SetIsReady(bool bIsReady = true);
AvHPlayer* GetPlayerFromIndex(int inPlayerIndex);
const AvHPlayer* GetPlayerFromIndex(int inPlayerIndex) const;
AvHClassType GetTeamType(void) const;
void SetTeamType(AvHClassType inType);
const char* GetTeamTypeString(void) const;
float GetTeamResources() const;
void SetTeamResources(float inTeamResources);
float GetTotalResourcesGathered() const;
void AddResourcesGathered(float inResources);
float GetMaxResources(AvHUser3 inUser3) const;
const char* GetTeamName(void) const;
void SetTeamName(const char* inTeamName);
const char* GetTeamPrettyName(void) const;
void SetTeamPrettyName(const char* inTeamName);
bool GetIsPlayerOnTeam(int inPlayerIndex) const;
int GetPlayerCount(bool inCountOnlyDead = false) const;
AvHTeamNumber GetTeamNumber(void) const;
void SetTeamNumber(AvHTeamNumber inTeamNumber);
float GetHandicap() const;
void SetHandicap(float inHandicap);
bool GetIsTechnologyAvailable(AvHMessageID inMessageID) const;
int GetDesiredSpawnCount() const;
float GetInitialPlayerPoints(edict_t* inEdict);
float GetInitialExperience(edict_t* inEdict);
bool SendResourcesGatheredScore(bool inThisTeamOnly = true);
void AddTeamUpgrade(AvHAlienUpgradeCategory inCategory);
AvHAlienUpgradeListType GetAlienUpgrades() const;
bool RemoveAlienUpgradeCategory(AvHAlienUpgradeCategory inCategory);
int GetTeamWideUpgrades() const;
void ProcessTeamUpgrade(AvHMessageID inMessageID, bool inGive);
int GetNumCommanders(void) const;
// returns -1 if no commander assigned yet
int GetCommander() const;
void SetCommander(int inPlayerNumber);
AvHPlayer* GetCommanderPlayer();
void ResetGame();
virtual void SetGameStarted(bool inGameStarted);
HiveInfoListType GetHiveInfoList() const;
ResearchInfoListType GetResearchInfoList() const;
// Tech nodes for team
void InitializeTechNodes();
const AvHTechTree& GetTechNodes() const;
AvHTechTree& GetTechNodes();
const AvHTechSlotManager& GetTechSlotManager() const;
AvHTechSlotManager& GetTechSlotManager();
void TriggerAddTech(AvHTechID inTechID);
void TriggerRemoveTech(AvHTechID inTechID);
void AddAlert(const AvHAlert& inAlert, AvHMessageID inMessageID = MESSAGE_NULL);
bool GetLastAlert(AvHAlert& outAlert, bool inClearAlert = false, bool inAnyMessage = true, AvHMessageID* ioMessageID = NULL);
const AvHAlert* GetLastAudioAlert() const;
float GetAudioAlertInterval() const;
int GetMenuTechSlots() const;
void GetOrders(OrderListType& outOrderList) const;
bool GetDoesPlayerHaveOrder(int inPlayerIndex);
//void GetPlayersCompletingOrders(const EntityListType& outPlayerList) const;
void SetOrder(const AvHOrder& inOrder);
void KillCS();
void KillHive();
void SpawnHive(Vector* outLocation = NULL, bool inForce = false);
int GetNumWebStrands() const;
void SetNumWebStrands(int inNumWebStrands);
void PlayFunHUDSoundOnce(AvHHUDSound inHUDSound);
void PlayHUDSoundForAlivePlayers(AvHHUDSound inHUDSound) const;
// : Bug 0000767
void PlayHUDSoundForAllPlayers(AvHHUDSound inHUDSound) const;
// :
bool PlayerVote(int inPlayerIndex, string& outPlayerMessage);
const AvHResearchManager& GetResearchManager() const;
AvHResearchManager& GetResearchManager();
AvHServerPlayerData* GetServerPlayerData(edict_t* inEdict);
void Update();
void UpdateMenuTechSlots();
AlertListType GetAlerts(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
EntityListType GetGroup(int inGroupNumber);
void SetGroup(int inGroupNumber, EntityListType& inEntityListType);
AvHUser3 GetGroupType(int inGroupNumber);
EntityListType GetSelectAllGroup();
void SetSelectAllGroup(EntityListType& inGroup);
Vector GetStartingLocation() { return mStartingLocation; }
void AddTechNode(AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHTechID inTechID, AvHTechID inPrereq1 = TECH_NULL, AvHTechID inPrereq2 = TECH_NULL, bool inAllowMultiples = true, bool inResearched = false);
void SpawnResourceTower();
void Init();
void InitializeCombatTechNodes();
void InitializeRandomResourceShares();
bool GetTeamHasAbilityToRespawn() const;
void ResetServerPlayerData();
void RespawnLongestWaitingPlayer();
void UpdateAlerts();
void UpdateHints();
void UpdateCommanderScore();
void UpdateInventoryEnabledState();
void UpdateReinforcementWave();
void UpdateOrders();
void UpdateResearch();
void UpdateResources();
void UpdateServerPlayerData();
void UpdateTeamStructures();
void UpdatePlayers();
void UpdateVoting();
float WithdrawPointsViaRandomShares(int inPlayerIndex);
AvHClassType mTeamType;
string mTeamName;
string mTeamPrettyName;
AvHTeamNumber mTeamNumber;
float mLastResourceUpdateTime;
float mLastCommandScoreUpdateTime;
float mLastInjectionTime;
float mLastHiveSpawnTime;
float mLastPlayerUpdateTime;
float mLastServerPlayerDataUpdateTime;
Vector mStartingLocation;
// List of player entindices
EntityListType mPlayerList;
EntityListType mResourceTowerList;
OrderListType mOrderList;
//EntityListType mPlayersCompletingOrder;
int mCommander;
int mCommanderWhenVoteStarted;
// Voting variables
bool mVoteStarted;
int mVotes;
int mPreviousVotes;
EntityListType mVotingPlayers;
int mVotesNeeded;
float mTimeVoteStarted;
float mTeamResources;
float mHandicap;
//AvHMessageID mResearchingTech;
AvHResearchManager mResearchManager;
AvHAlienUpgradeListType mAlienUpgrades;
int mTeamWideUpgrades;
int mNumWebStrands;
typedef vector<int> RandomResourceShareListType;
RandomResourceShareListType mRandomResourceShares;
typedef map<int, RandomResourceShareListType> PlayerSharesListType;
PlayerSharesListType mPlayerShares;
int mTotalShareWeight;
typedef map<string, AvHServerPlayerData> AvHServerPlayerDataListType;
AvHServerPlayerDataListType mServerPlayerData;
HiveInfoListType mHiveInfoList;
ResearchInfoListType mResearchInfoList;
float mTimeOfLastStructureUpdate;
EntityListType mLowResourceAlerts;
float mTimeLastHintUpdate;
float mTimeOfLastTeamHint;
EntityListType mCommandersToldAboutJumpKey;
bool mPlayFunSoundsThisGame;
HUDSoundListType mFunSoundsPlayed;
bool mPlayedSeeDeadPeople;
bool mIsReady;
AvHTechSlotManager mTechSlotManager;
float mTotalResourcesGathered;
int mClientTotalResourcesGathered;
int mMenuTechSlots;
int mNumActiveHives;
int mNumBuiltCommandStations;
// Store alerts by message ID. This message ID is used to fetch then when the commander presses the button on the UI. General alerts use MESSAGE_NULL.
typedef map<AvHMessageID, AlertListType> MessageAlertListType;
MessageAlertListType mAlertList;
EntityListType mGroups[kNumHotkeyGroups];
AvHUser3 mGroupTypes[kNumHotkeyGroups];
EntityListType mSelectAllGroup;
float mTimeReinforcementWaveComplete;
#endif |