mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 15:42:07 +00:00
- add GLSL postprocessing shader to world view and have it replicate the old gamma ramp - clear framebuffer between frames to fix visual bugs outside map - remove old gamma ramp code (was disabled) and remove gamma adjustments to hud elements as they're now unaffected by the shader - additional visual preset config updates
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//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: PieNode.h $
// $Date: 2002/08/31 18:04:32 $
// $Log: PieNode.h,v $
// Revision 1.15 2002/08/31 18:04:32 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.14 2002/08/16 02:29:20 Flayra
// - Added document headers
// - Started to add support for pie nodes with both images and text
#ifndef PIENODE_H
#define PIENODE_H
#include "ui/FadingImageLabel.h"
//#include "ui/GammaAwareComponent.h"
#include "mod/AvHSharedTypes.h"
#include "string"
using std::string;
const int kNumNodes = 8;
typedef vector<int> MessageIDList;
class PieNode : public FadingImageLabel
PieNode(const string& inNodeString, int inMessageID);
virtual ~PieNode();
// Call FadingImageLabel::addInputSignal, then call it on all our children
void AddInputSignalForNodes(InputSignal* s);
// Add and forget
bool AttachNode(PieNode* inNode, int inAngularOffset, float inNodeXDistance, float inNodeYDistance);
void DisableNodesGreaterThanCost(int inCost);
void DisableNodesNotInMessageList(const MessageIDList& inList);
void DisableNodesWhoseChildrenAreDisabled();
//vgui::Color GetColor() const;
virtual void getBgColor(int& r,int& g,int& b,int& a);
virtual void getBgColor(Color& color);
//virtual void FadedIn();
//virtual void FadedOut();
virtual bool GetDrawHighlighted() const;
virtual bool GetDrawSelected() const;
virtual bool GetEnabled() const;
virtual bool GetHasChild(const PieNode* inNode) const;
bool GetIsAbove(const PieNode* inNode) const;
void GetMaxTextSize(int& outWidth, int& outHeight);
int GetMessageID() const;
int GetPointCost() const;
PieNode* GetNodeAtAngularOffset(int inAngularOffset);
const string& GetNodeName() const;
PieNode* GetRoot();
virtual bool GetSelectedNode(PieNode*& outNode);
virtual bool HasChildren(void) const;
virtual bool HighlightNode(void);
virtual bool IsAdjacentTo(const PieNode* inNode);
virtual bool IsChildOf(const PieNode* inNode);
virtual bool isVisible();
void MoveTree(int inDeltaX, int inDeltaY);
void ChangeNode(int inMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const string& inNewText);
void ChangeNode(int inNewMessageID, const string& inNewText);
void ResetToDefaults();
void SetColorBias(float inBias);
void SetConnectorName(const string& inConnectorName);
void SetDefaultImage(const string& inDefaultImage);
void SetDrawSelected(bool inDrawSelected);
void SetNodeAndAdjacentChildrenFadeState(bool inFadeState);
void SetNodeAndAllChildrenFadeState(bool inNewVisState);
void SetNodeDistance(float inNewXDistance, float inNewYDistance);
//bool SetNodeEnabled(const string& inNodeName, bool inNewState);
bool SetPosFromOffset(int inOffset, float inNodeXDistance, float inNodeYDistance);
//virtual void setSize(int wide,int tall);
virtual void SetSizeKeepCenter(int inWidth, int inHeight);
//void SetTolerance(int inPercentage);
virtual void SetFadeState(bool inNewFadeState);
virtual void SetVisibleSize(int inVisWidth, int inVisHeight);
void SetNodeAndChildrenVisible(bool inVisibilityState);
virtual void Update(float theCurrentTime);
void UpdateMenuFromTech(const AvHTechTree& inMenuCosts, int inPurchaseLevel);
virtual void VidInit(void);
bool ComputeRelativeConnectorCoordinates(PieNode* theCurrentPieNode, int& x0, int& y0, int& x1, int& y1);
void ComputeAndSetLocalizedText();
//void GetCenteredCoordinatesFromQuadrant(int inQuadrant, int inRelativeToX, int inRelativeToY, int& outX, int& outY);
void GetCenteredCoordinatesFromQuadrant(int inQuadrant, int& outX, int& outY);
bool HasSelectedNodeAbove(void) const;
bool HasSelectedNodeBelow(void) const;
virtual void DoPaint();
virtual void paintBackground();
static int mDegrees[kNumNodes];
string mNodeName;
float mColorBias;
// Count counter-clockwise
PieNode* mArray[kNumNodes];
PieNode* mParentPieNode;
string mConnectorSpriteName;
AVHHSPRITE mConnectorSprite;
string mLocalizedText;
string mBaseText;
string mDefaultText;
string mDefaultImage;
int mMessageID;
int mDefaultID;
int mPointCost;
bool mEnabled;
bool mDrawSelected;
class PieNodeList //: public InputSignal
PieNodeList(const string& inRootName, float inDist);
virtual ~PieNodeList();
// Adds a new node using the string from the description file (node name, relative position). It uses
// the same texture name as the root node. Fails if SetConstructionComplete was already called.
bool AddNode(const string& inNodeString, Font* inFont, const Color& inBGColor, const Color& inFGColor, const string& inDefaultImage);
void AddInputSignalForNodes(InputSignal* s);
void ChangeNode(int inMessageID, int inNewMessageID, const string& inNewText);
void DisableNodesGreaterThanCost(int inCost);
void DisableNodesNotInMessageList(const MessageIDList& inList);
void DisableNodesWhoseChildrenAreDisabled();
PieNode* GetRoot();
bool GetSelectedNode(PieNode*& outNode);
void RecomputeVisibleSize(void);
void ResetToDefaults();
void SetBasePosition(int inX, int inY, int inPieWidth, int inPieHeight);
void SetConnectorName(const string& inConnectorName);
// Indicate that there are no more nodes. Set self as input signal for all nodes.
void SetConstructionComplete();
void setParent(vgui::Panel* inPanel);
void SetNodeDistance(float inNewXDistance, float inNewYDistance);
//bool SetNodeEnabled(const string& inNodeName, bool inNewState);
// Set root visible only, until mouse moves over other components
//void SetRootVisible(bool inNewVisibility);
//void SetTolerance(int inPercentage);
// When hiding pie menu, hide all nodes
// When showing pie menu, show only root
virtual void SetFadeState(bool inNewVisibility);
virtual void SetSizeKeepCenter(int inWidth, int inHeight);
void Update(float inTime);
void UpdateMenuFromTech(const AvHTechTree& inMenuCosts, int inPurchaseLevel);
void VidInit();
// Mark node and its first-level children visible
//virtual void cursorEntered(Panel* panel);
//virtual void cursorExited(Panel* panel);
// If right mouse button released over node, mark all nodes invisible
// and hide the control. Don't select a node, that is assumed to be handled by the outer
// PieMenu::AddInputSignalForNodes(). If mouse button was released off the control entirely,
// it should generated a ClosePieMenu command that sets whole thing invisible again.
//virtual void mouseReleased(MouseCode code, Panel* panel);
// Irrelevant events, override so we can instantiate
// virtual void cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel);
// virtual void mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel);
// virtual void mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel);
// virtual void mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel);
// virtual void keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel);
// virtual void keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel);
// virtual void keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel);
// virtual void keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel);
PieNode* mRoot;
float mNodeXDistance;
float mNodeYDistance;
#endif |