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synced 2025-03-05 00:41:30 +00:00
* Initial bot commit * Added server commands and cvars for adding AI players to the game. * Added auto modes for automating the adding and removal of bots * Bots connect to the server and join teams correctly * Added round restart and new map detection for AI system Push before new project added for detour * Initial bot integration * Integrated all basic bot code for navigation and task performing * Added support for multi_managers to better understand how buttons and triggers affect doors * Improved bot understanding of door triggers and weldables * Reworked nav profiles Nav profiles for bots are now dynamically updated to take into account changing capabilities, such as picking up a welder * Improved bot door usage * Added weldable obstacles back into navigation Bots now understand how to get around weldable barriers * Replaced fixed arrays with vectors * Resource node and hive lists are now vectors. * Further improved bot weld behaviour * Added dynamic reachability calculations When barriers and doors are open/closed, new reachability calculations are done for structures and items so bots understand when items/structures become reachable or unreachable as the match progresses. * Added team-based reachability calculations Reachabilities for structures and items are now based on the team, so bots understand when they can't reach a structure from their spawn point. * Implemented long-range off-mesh connections and dynamic off-mesh connections * Implemented fully dynamic off-mesh connections Phase gates now use connections rather than custom path finding. Much more performant. * Replaced arrays with vectors for simpler code * Started Bot Swimming * Bots understand trigger_changetarget Bots can now navigate doors operated with a trigger_changetarget so they understand the sequence in which triggers must be activated to make it work * Push before trying to fix long-range connections * Implement new off-mesh connection system * Redid population of door triggers * Fixed trigger types and links to doors * Added lift and moving platform support * Lift improvements * Bots avoid getting crushed under a lift when summoning it * Bots are better at judging which stop a platform needs to be at * Tweak lift and welder usage * Fixed bug with multiple off-mesh connections close together * Finish lift movement * Fixed dodgy path finding * Improved skulk ladder usage and lerk lift usage * Fix crash with path finding * Re-implement commander AI * Commander improvements * Improve commander sieging * Commander scanning tweak * Reimplemented regular marine AI * Start reimplementing alien AI * Implement gorge building behaviours * Start alien tactical decisioning * Continuing alien building and other non-combat logic * More alien role work * Adjusted base node definitions * Iterate Capper Logic * Alien assault AI * Alien Combat * Fix grenade throwing, better combat * Marine combat AI improvements * Commander improvements * Commander + nav improvements * Drop mines * Improved bot stuck detection * Commander supply improvements * Bot fill timing config * Added nsbots.cfg to configure internal bots * Changed bot config file to "nsbots.cfg" * Bug fixing with navigation * Fix skulk movement on ladders * Improved commander placement and tactical refresh * Fixed bug with ladder climbing * Doors block off-mesh connections * Finished doors blocking connections * Marine and alien tactical bug fixes * Add commander beacon back in * Start combat mode stuff * First pass at combat mode * Bots attack turrets * Fix ladder and wall climbing * Commander chat request * Improved skulk ladders * Added nav meshes for new bot code * Added bot configuration to listen server menu * Added bot config file * Added default bot config to listenserver.cfg * Added default bot settings to server.cfg * Include VS filter for bot files * Crash fixes * Bot improvements * Bot stability and mine placement improvements * Fixed crash on new map start with bots * Reverted Svencoop fix * Fixed crash, added more cvars * Performance improvement * Commander building improvements * Stop bot spasming when waiting to take command * Fixed doors not blocking connections * Added bot disabled guard to round start * Commander improvements, movement improvements * Tweaked level load sequence * Performance improvements * Bot load spread * Fixed commander update * Refactor bot frame handling * Bug fixes + Pierow's dynamic load spread * Minor bug fixes * Fix door detection, prep for test * Fixed commander siege spam * linux compile test * fix hardcoded inlcudes * O1 compile flag for detour - fix linux server crash * Revert detour compile flags to original for windows * linux build update * remove x64 build configs * update bot nav meshes and configs * fix bot physics at high server fps, update navmeshes. from @RGreenlees --------- Co-authored-by: RGreenlees <RGreenlees@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: RichardGreenlees <richard.greenlees@forecast.global>
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//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHSharedUtil.h $
// $Date: 2002/11/12 22:39:26 $
// $Log: AvHSharedUtil.h,v $
// Revision 1.24 2002/11/12 22:39:26 Flayra
// - Logging changes for Psychostats compatibility
// Revision 1.23 2002/10/16 01:07:26 Flayra
// - Added official sizes that HL supports (ugh)
// - Added utility function for drawing range of ghost building, but it's unused
// Revision 1.22 2002/09/25 20:51:05 Flayra
// - Allow small items to be built on entities (health can be dropped right on players)
// Revision 1.21 2002/08/16 02:47:06 Flayra
// - Fixed bug where not all the entities were iterated through
// - Support for ring-drawing (but not for all entities)
// Revision 1.20 2002/08/09 00:51:11 Flayra
// - Cleaned up useless special casing of tracetangible, fixed some problems where buildings could be built on players
// Revision 1.19 2002/07/24 18:45:43 Flayra
// - Linux and scripting changes
// Revision 1.18 2002/07/23 17:26:49 Flayra
// - Siege don't require a nearby turret factory, only add built buildings for range detection, build problems on client (point contents failing on rough surfaces)
// Revision 1.17 2002/07/08 17:17:44 Flayra
// - Reworked colors, moved functions into server util
// Revision 1.16 2002/07/01 21:46:39 Flayra
// - Added support for generic building ranges, fixed morphing problems
// Revision 1.15 2002/05/23 02:33:20 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#include "cl_dll/cl_util.h"
#include "cl_dll/util_vector.h"
#include "../common/const.h"
#include "../engine/progdefs.h"
#include "cl_dll/ev_hldm.h"
#include "../common/vector_util.h"
#include "../dlls/extdll.h"
#include "../dlls/util.h"
#include "../common/vector_util.h"
#include "../pm_shared/pm_defs.h"
#include "../pm_shared/pm_shared.h"
#include "../pm_shared/pm_movevars.h"
#include "../pm_shared/pm_debug.h"
#include "AvHMessage.h"
#include "AvHConstants.h"
#include "AvHMapExtents.h"
#include "AvHSpecials.h"
#include "AvHBaseInfoLocation.h"
#include "AvHBasePlayerWeaponConstants.h"
const int kHitOffsetAmount = 10;
#define kNoBuildTexture "nobuild"
#define kSeeThroughTexture "seethrough"
//physent_t* AvHSUGetEntity(int inPhysIndex);
const char* AvHSHUGetClassNameFromUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3);
int AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForMessageID(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
int AvHSHUGetDrawRangeForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3);
bool AvHSHUGetDrawRingsForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, float& outScalar);
bool AvHSHUGetBuildRegions(AvHMessageID inMessageID, EntityListType& outEntities, IntList& outRanges, float& outZAdjustment, bool& outSnapToLocation);
bool AvHSHUGetAreSpecialBuildingRequirementsMet(AvHMessageID inMessageID, vec3_t& inLocation);
bool AvHSHUGetBuildTechClassName(AvHMessageID inMessageID, char*& outClassName);
bool AvHSHUGetResearchTechName(AvHMessageID inMessageID, char*& outResearchTechName);
bool AvHSHUGetCenterPositionForGroup(int inGroupNumber, float* inPlayerOrigin, float* outCenterPosition);
void AvHSHUGetEntities(int inUser3, EntityListType& outEntities);
bool AvHSHUGetEntityLocation(int inEntity, vec3_t& outLocation);
bool AvHSHUGetEntityIUser4(int inEntity, int& outIUser4);
vec3_t AvHSHUGetRealLocation(const vec3_t& inLocation, const vec3_t& inMinBox, const vec3_t& inMaxBox);
void AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(float* inStartPos, float* inEndPos, float* outNonSolidPoint);
void AvHSHUGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint);
bool AvHSHUGetIsBuilding(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetIsMarineStructure(AvHUser3 inUser3);
bool AvHSHUGetIsBuildTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetIsWeaponFocusable(AvHWeaponID inWeaponID);
bool AvHSHUGetDoesTechCostEnergy(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetIsCombatModeTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUUser3ToMessageID(AvHUser3 inUser3, AvHMessageID& outMessageID);
bool AvHSHUMessageIDToUser3(AvHMessageID inMessageID, AvHUser3& outUser3);
bool AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetIsGroupMessage(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetBuildTechRange(AvHMessageID inMessageID, float& outRange);
char* AvHSHUGetBuildTechModelName(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
bool AvHSHUGetSizeForPlayerUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize, bool inDucking);
bool AvHSHUGetSizeForTech(AvHMessageID inMessageID, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize, bool inGetSizeToPlace = false);
bool AvHSHUGetSizeForUser3(AvHUser3 inUser3, Vector& outMinSize, Vector& outMaxSize);
float AvHSHUGetTime();
bool AvHSHUGetCanDropItem(vec3_t& inCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, float inMaxSlopeTangent, int inIgnoredEntityIndex, bool inIgnorePlayers);
bool AvHSHUGetIsVolumeContentNonsolid(vec3_t inCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity, bool inIgnorePlayers);
bool AvHSHUGetIsAreaFree(vec3_t inCenter, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity = NULL, bool inIgnorePlayers = false);
bool AvHSHUGetEntitiesBlocking(Vector& inOrigin, Vector& inMinSize, Vector& inMaxSize, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity = NULL, bool inIgnorePlayers = false);
void AvHSHUGetMinBuildRadiusViolations(AvHMessageID inMessageID, vec3_t& inLocation, EntityListType& outViolations);
bool AvHSHUGetIsSiteValidForBuild(AvHMessageID inMessageID, Vector* inLocation, int inIgnoredEntityIndex = -1);
void AvHSHUMakeViewFriendlyKillerName(string& ioKillerName);
bool AvHSHUTraceAndGetIsSiteValidForBuild(AvHMessageID inMessageID, const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, Vector* outLocation = NULL);
bool AvHSHUGetEntityAtRay(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, int& outEntIndex);
const AvHMapExtents& AvHSHUGetMapExtents();
bool AvHSHUTraceTangible(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, int& outIndex, vec3_t& outLocation, AvHTeamNumber& outTeamNumber, bool& outPlayerWasHit, int& outUserThree, int& outUserFour);
bool AvHSHUTraceTangible(const Vector& inPointOfView, const Vector& inNormRay, int* outUserThree = NULL, vec3_t* outLocation = NULL, AvHTeamNumber* outTeamNumber = NULL, bool* outPlayerWasHit = NULL);
bool AvHSHUTraceVerticalTangible(float inX, float inY, float inZ, int& outUserThree, float& outHeight);
bool AvHSHUTraceLineIsAreaFree(Vector& inStart, Vector& inEnd, edict_t* inIgnoreEntity = NULL, bool inIgnorePlayers = false);
float AvHTraceLineAgainstWorld(Vector& vecStart, Vector& vecEnd);
typedef enum
} WaypointReturnCode;
void AvHSHUClientGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint);
bool AvHSHUClientTraceWaypoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t* outLocation, WaypointReturnCode* outReturnCode = NULL);
void AvHSHUServerGetFirstNonSolidPoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t& outNonSolidPoint);
bool AvHSHUServerTraceWaypoint(const vec3_t& inStartPos, const vec3_t& inEndPos, vec3_t* outLocation, WaypointReturnCode* outReturnCode);
typedef enum
} WeaponHUDSound;
const char* AvHSHUGetCommonSoundName(bool inIsAlien, WeaponHUDSound inHUDSound);
void AvHSHUGetBuildResearchState(int inUser3, int inUser4, float inFuser1, bool& outIsBuilding, bool& outIsResearching, float& outNormalizedPercentage);
void AvHSHUSetBuildResearchState(int inUser3, int inUser4, float &outFuser1, bool inTrueBuildOrFalseResearch, float inNormalizedPercentage);
void AvHSHUSetEnergyState(int inUser3, float &outFuser1, float inNormalizedPercentage);
string AvHSHUBuildExecutableScriptName(const string& inScriptName, const string& inCurrentMapName);
string AvHSHUGetTimeDateString();
bool AvHSHUGetNameOfLocation(const AvHBaseInfoLocationListType& inLocations, vec3_t inLocation, string& outLocation);
bool AvHSHUGetForceHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inHUDSound);