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<A HREF="FSOUND.html#Functions"><H5>[API function]</A></H5>
<H2><A NAME="FSOUND_Sample_Alloc">FSOUND_Sample_Alloc</A></H2>
Allocates a new empty sample. Used if you want to create a sample from scratch and fill the databuffer with your own data (using FSOUND_Sample_Lock or FSOUND_Sample_Upload), instead of just loading a file with FSOUND_Sample_Load.<BR>
<B>FSOUND_SAMPLE * F_API </B><B> </B><B>FSOUND_Sample_Alloc</B><B>(</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>index</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>length</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>unsigned int </B><B> </B><I>mode</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>deffreq</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>defvol</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>defpan</I><B>,</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B> </B><I>defpri</I><BR>
<TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>index</I></TD>
<TD>Sample pool index. See remarks for more on the sample pool.<BR>
0 or above - The absolute index into fsounds sample pool. The pool will grow as <BR>
the index gets larger. If a slot is already used it will be replaced.<BR>
FSOUND_FREE - Let FSOUND select an arbitrary sample slot. <BR>
FSOUND_UNMANAGED - Dont have fsound free this sample upon FSOUND_Close<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>length</I></TD>
<TD>The length in of the sample buffer in SAMPLES.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>mode</I></TD>
<TD>Bitfield describing various characteristics of the sample. Valid parameters are <BR>
described in FSOUND_MODES.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>deffreq</I></TD>
<TD>Default frequency for this sample.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>defvol</I></TD>
<TD>Default volume for this sample.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>defpan</I></TD>
<TD>Default pan for this sample.<BR>
</TD><TR VALIGN=top><TD><I>defpri</I></TD>
<TD>Default priority for this sample.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, a pointer to an allocated sample is returned.<BR>
On failure, NULL is returned.<BR>
FMOD has a sample management system that holds onto any samples loaded or allocated, and<BR>
frees them all when you call FSOUND_Close. It takes the hassle out of having to keep hold<BR>
of a lot of sample handles and remember to free them all at the end of your application.<BR>
It is basically an expandle array of handles that holds each sample until FMOD closes down where it does<BR>
a cleanup. FSOUND_UNMANAGED can be used NOT to use the sample management system.<BR>
FSOUND_Sample_Alloc is only nescessary for lower level operations with sample data. Usually <BR>
FSOUND_Load does the work for you. lower level operations mean such things as uploading data from memory or <BR>
your own compressed data for example.<BR>
You can create a new sample from scratch by doing the following operations<BR>
1. Allocate a new sample with FSOUND_Sample_Alloc<BR>
2. Write data to the sample buffer with FSOUND_Sample_Lock and FSOUND_Sample_Unlock, or <BR>
Note FSOUND_Sample_Lock only returns a pointer to the sample data, whereas <BR>
FSOUND_Sample_Upload does a copy from data you give it, with format conversion to the <BR>
correct format.<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube<BR>
<H3>See Also</H3>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Close.html">FSOUND_Close</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Alloc.html">FSOUND_Sample_Alloc</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Free.html">FSOUND_Sample_Free</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Load.html">FSOUND_Sample_Load</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Lock.html">FSOUND_Sample_Lock</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults.html">FSOUND_Sample_SetDefaults</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_SetLoopPoints.html">FSOUND_Sample_SetLoopPoints</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Unlock.html">FSOUND_Sample_Unlock</A>
<A HREF="FSOUND_Sample_Upload.html">FSOUND_Sample_Upload</A>
<HR><BR><FONT SIZE="-2">This document copyright ©Firelight Technologies, Pty, Ltd, 1999-2002. All rights reserved.</FONT><BR>
<FONT SIZE="-2">Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:32 2005
by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.</FONT><BR>