mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:51:41 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@69 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
1890 lines
55 KiB
1890 lines
55 KiB
// HPB bot - botman's High Ping Bastard bot
// (http://planethalflife.com/botman/)
// dll.cpp
#include "extdll.h"
#include "enginecallback.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "entity_state.h"
#include "bot.h"
#include "bot_func.h"
#include "waypoint.h"
#include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h"
#define MENU_NONE 0
#define MENU_1 1
#define MENU_2 2
#define MENU_3 3
extern GETENTITYAPI other_GetEntityAPI;
extern GETNEWDLLFUNCTIONS other_GetNewDLLFunctions;
extern enginefuncs_t g_engfuncs;
extern int debug_engine;
extern globalvars_t *gpGlobals;
extern char *g_argv;
extern bool g_waypoint_on;
extern bool g_auto_waypoint;
extern bool g_path_waypoint;
extern int num_waypoints; // number of waypoints currently in use
extern WAYPOINT waypoints[MAX_WAYPOINTS];
extern float wp_display_time[MAX_WAYPOINTS];
extern bot_t bots[32];
extern bool b_observer_mode;
extern bool b_botdontshoot;
//char welcome_msg[] = "HPB bot - http://planethalflife.com/botman";
static FILE *fp;
DLL_FUNCTIONS other_gFunctionTable;
DLL_GLOBAL const Vector g_vecZero = Vector(0,0,0);
// AvH dll
int mod_id = AVH_DLL;
int m_spriteTexture = 0;
int default_bot_skill = 4;
int isFakeClientCommand = 0;
int fake_arg_count;
float bot_check_time = 30.0;
int min_bots = -1;
int max_bots = -1;
int num_bots = 0;
int prev_num_bots = 0;
bool g_GameRules = FALSE;
edict_t *clients[32];
edict_t *listenserver_edict = NULL;
float welcome_time = 0.0;
bool welcome_sent = FALSE;
int g_menu_waypoint;
int g_menu_state = 0;
float is_team_play = 0.0;
int num_teams = 0;
bool checked_teamplay = FALSE;
edict_t *pent_info_tfdetect = NULL;
edict_t *pent_info_ctfdetect = NULL;
edict_t *pent_info_frontline = NULL;
edict_t *pent_item_tfgoal = NULL;
int max_team_players[4]; // for TFC
int team_class_limits[4]; // for TFC
int team_allies[4]; // TFC bit mapped allies BLUE, RED, YELLOW, and GREEN
int max_teams = 0; // for TFC
FLAG_S flags[MAX_FLAGS]; // for TFC
int num_flags = 0; // for TFC
FILE *bot_cfg_fp = NULL;
bool need_to_open_cfg = TRUE;
float bot_cfg_pause_time = 0.0;
float respawn_time = 0.0;
bool spawn_time_reset = FALSE;
int flf_bug_fix; // for FLF 1.1 capture point bug
int flf_bug_check; // for FLF 1.1 capture point bug
char bot_whine[MAX_BOT_WHINE][81];
int whine_count;
int recent_bot_whine[5];
cvar_t sv_bot = {"bot",""};
cvar_t sv_freezebots = {"freezebots","0"};
char *show_menu_1 =
{"Waypoint Tags\n\n1. Team Specific\n2. Wait for Lift\n3. Door\n4. Sniper Spot\n5. More..."};
char *show_menu_2 =
{"Waypoint Tags\n\n1. Team 1\n2. Team 2\n3. Team 3\n4. Team 4\n5. CANCEL"};
char *show_menu_2_flf =
{"Waypoint Tags\n\n1. Attackers\n2. Defenders\n\n5. CANCEL"};
char *show_menu_3 =
{"Waypoint Tags\n\n1. Flag Location\n2. Flag Goal Location\n\n5. CANCEL"};
char *show_menu_3_flf =
{"Waypoint Tags\n\n1. Capture Point\n2. Defend Point\n3. Prone\n\n5. CANCEL"};
void BotNameInit(void);
void UpdateClientData(const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd);
void ProcessBotCfgFile(void);
void GameDLLInit( void )
char filename[256];
char buffer[256];
int i, length;
FILE *bfp;
char *ptr;
CVAR_REGISTER (&sv_bot);
CVAR_REGISTER (&sv_freezebots);
for (i=0; i<32; i++)
clients[i] = NULL;
whine_count = 0;
// initialize the bots array of structures...
memset(bots, 0, sizeof(bots));
for (i=0; i < 5; i++)
recent_bot_whine[i] = -1;
UTIL_BuildFileName(filename, "bot_whine.txt", NULL);
bfp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (bfp != NULL)
while ((whine_count < MAX_BOT_WHINE) &&
(fgets(buffer, 80, bfp) != NULL))
length = strlen(buffer);
if (buffer[length-1] == '\n')
buffer[length-1] = 0; // remove '\n'
if ((ptr = strstr(buffer, "%n")) != NULL)
*(ptr+1) = 's'; // change %n to %s
if (length > 0)
strcpy(bot_whine[whine_count], buffer);
int DispatchSpawn( edict_t *pent )
int index;
if (gpGlobals->deathmatch)
char *pClassname = (char *)STRING(pent->v.classname);
if (debug_engine)
fprintf(fp, "DispatchSpawn: %x %s\n",pent,pClassname);
if (pent->v.model != 0)
fprintf(fp, " model=%s\n",STRING(pent->v.model));
if (strcmp(pClassname, "worldspawn") == 0)
// do level initialization stuff here...
pent_info_tfdetect = NULL;
pent_info_ctfdetect = NULL;
pent_info_frontline = NULL;
pent_item_tfgoal = NULL;
for (index=0; index < 4; index++)
max_team_players[index] = 0; // no player limit
team_class_limits[index] = 0; // no class limits
team_allies[index] = 0;
max_teams = 0;
num_flags = 0;
PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/xbow_hit1.wav"); // waypoint add
PRECACHE_SOUND("weapons/mine_activate.wav"); // waypoint delete
PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_hudoff.wav"); // path add/delete start
PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_hudon.wav"); // path add/delete done
PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_moveselect.wav"); // path add/delete cancel
PRECACHE_SOUND("common/wpn_denyselect.wav"); // path add/delete error
m_spriteTexture = PRECACHE_MODEL( "sprites/lgtning.spr");
g_GameRules = TRUE;
is_team_play = 0.0;
memset(team_names, 0, sizeof(team_names));
num_teams = 0;
checked_teamplay = FALSE;
bot_cfg_pause_time = 0.0;
respawn_time = 0.0;
spawn_time_reset = FALSE;
prev_num_bots = num_bots;
num_bots = 0;
flf_bug_fix = 0;
flf_bug_check = 0;
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 30.0;
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnSpawn)(pent);
void DispatchThink( edict_t *pent )
void DispatchUse( edict_t *pentUsed, edict_t *pentOther )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnUse)(pentUsed, pentOther);
void DispatchTouch( edict_t *pentTouched, edict_t *pentOther )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnTouch)(pentTouched, pentOther);
void DispatchBlocked( edict_t *pentBlocked, edict_t *pentOther )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnBlocked)(pentBlocked, pentOther);
void DispatchKeyValue( edict_t *pentKeyvalue, KeyValueData *pkvd )
static edict_t *temp_pent;
static int flag_index;
// fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp, "DispatchKeyValue: %x %s=%s\n",pentKeyvalue,pkvd->szKeyName,pkvd->szValue); fclose(fp);
if (mod_id == TFC_DLL)
if (pentKeyvalue == pent_info_tfdetect)
if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "ammo_medikit") == 0) // max BLUE players
max_team_players[0] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "ammo_detpack") == 0) // max RED players
max_team_players[1] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_medikit") == 0) // max YELLOW players
max_team_players[2] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_detpack") == 0) // max GREEN players
max_team_players[3] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_shells") == 0) // BLUE class limits
team_class_limits[0] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_nails") == 0) // RED class limits
team_class_limits[1] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_rockets") == 0) // YELLOW class limits
team_class_limits[2] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "maxammo_cells") == 0) // GREEN class limits
team_class_limits[3] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team1_allies") == 0) // BLUE allies
team_allies[0] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team2_allies") == 0) // RED allies
team_allies[1] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team3_allies") == 0) // YELLOW allies
team_allies[2] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team4_allies") == 0) // GREEN allies
team_allies[3] = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
else if (pent_info_tfdetect == NULL)
if ((strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "classname") == 0) &&
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "info_tfdetect") == 0))
pent_info_tfdetect = pentKeyvalue;
if (pentKeyvalue == pent_item_tfgoal)
if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team_no") == 0)
flags[flag_index].team_no = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
if ((strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "mdl") == 0) &&
((strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "models/flag.mdl") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "models/keycard.mdl") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "models/ball.mdl") == 0)))
flags[flag_index].mdl_match = TRUE;
else if (pent_item_tfgoal == NULL)
if ((strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "classname") == 0) &&
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "item_tfgoal") == 0))
if (num_flags < MAX_FLAGS)
pent_item_tfgoal = pentKeyvalue;
flags[num_flags].mdl_match = FALSE;
flags[num_flags].team_no = 0; // any team unless specified
flags[num_flags].edict = pentKeyvalue;
flag_index = num_flags; // in case the mdl comes before team_no
pent_item_tfgoal = NULL; // reset for non-flag item_tfgoal's
if ((strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "classname") == 0) &&
((strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "info_player_teamspawn") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "i_p_t") == 0)))
temp_pent = pentKeyvalue;
else if (pentKeyvalue == temp_pent)
if (strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "team_no") == 0)
int value = atoi(pkvd->szValue);
if (value > max_teams)
max_teams = value;
else if (mod_id == GEARBOX_DLL)
if (pent_info_ctfdetect == NULL)
if ((strcmp(pkvd->szKeyName, "classname") == 0) &&
(strcmp(pkvd->szValue, "info_ctfdetect") == 0))
pent_info_ctfdetect = pentKeyvalue;
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnKeyValue)(pentKeyvalue, pkvd);
void DispatchSave( edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnSave)(pent, pSaveData);
int DispatchRestore( edict_t *pent, SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, int globalEntity )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnRestore)(pent, pSaveData, globalEntity);
void DispatchObjectCollsionBox( edict_t *pent )
void SaveWriteFields( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnSaveWriteFields)(pSaveData, pname, pBaseData, pFields, fieldCount);
void SaveReadFields( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData, const char *pname, void *pBaseData, TYPEDESCRIPTION *pFields, int fieldCount )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnSaveReadFields)(pSaveData, pname, pBaseData, pFields, fieldCount);
void SaveGlobalState( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData )
void RestoreGlobalState( SAVERESTOREDATA *pSaveData )
void ResetGlobalState( void )
BOOL ClientConnect( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char szRejectReason[ 128 ] )
if (gpGlobals->deathmatch)
int i;
int count = 0;
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp, "ClientConnect: pent=%x name=%s\n",pEntity,pszName); fclose(fp); }
// check if this client is the listen server client
if (strcmp(pszAddress, "loopback") == 0)
// save the edict of the listen server client...
listenserver_edict = pEntity;
// check if this is NOT a bot joining the server...
if (strcmp(pszAddress, "") != 0)
// don't try to add bots for 60 seconds, give client time to get added
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 60.0;
for (i=0; i < 32; i++)
if (bots[i].is_used) // count the number of bots in use
// if there are currently more than the minimum number of bots running
// then kick one of the bots off the server...
if ((count > min_bots) && (min_bots != -1))
for (i=0; i < 32; i++)
if (bots[i].is_used) // is this slot used?
char cmd[80];
sprintf(cmd, "kick \"%s\"\n", bots[i].name);
SERVER_COMMAND(cmd); // kick the bot using (kick "name")
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnClientConnect)(pEntity, pszName, pszAddress, szRejectReason);
void ClientDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity )
if (gpGlobals->deathmatch)
int i;
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp, "ClientDisconnect: %x\n",pEntity); fclose(fp); }
i = 0;
while ((i < 32) && (clients[i] != pEntity))
if (i < 32)
clients[i] = NULL;
for (i=0; i < 32; i++)
if (bots[i].pEdict == pEntity)
// someone kicked this bot off of the server...
bots[i].is_used = FALSE; // this slot is now free to use
bots[i].kick_time = gpGlobals->time; // save the kicked time
void ClientKill( edict_t *pEntity )
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp, "ClientKill: %x\n",pEntity); fclose(fp); }
void ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEntity )
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp, "ClientPutInServer: %x\n",pEntity); fclose(fp); }
int i = 0;
while ((i < 32) && (clients[i] != NULL))
if (i < 32)
clients[i] = pEntity; // store this clients edict in the clients array
void ClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
// only allow custom commands if deathmatch mode and NOT dedicated server and
// client sending command is the listen server client...
if ((gpGlobals->deathmatch) && /*(!IS_DEDICATED_SERVER()) &&*/
(pEntity == listenserver_edict))
const char *pcmd = Cmd_Argv(0);
const char *arg1 = Cmd_Argv(1);
const char *arg2 = Cmd_Argv(2);
const char *arg3 = Cmd_Argv(3);
const char *arg4 = Cmd_Argv(4);
char msg[80];
if (debug_engine)
fp=fopen("bot.txt","a"); fprintf(fp,"ClientCommand: %s",pcmd);
if ((arg1 != NULL) && (*arg1 != 0))
fprintf(fp," %s", arg1);
if ((arg2 != NULL) && (*arg2 != 0))
fprintf(fp," %s", arg2);
if ((arg3 != NULL) && (*arg3 != 0))
fprintf(fp," %s", arg3);
if ((arg4 != NULL) && (*arg4 != 0))
fprintf(fp," %s", arg4);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
if (FStrEq(pcmd, "addbot"))
BotCreate( pEntity, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 );
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "observer"))
if ((arg1 != NULL) && (*arg1 != 0))
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if (temp)
b_observer_mode = TRUE;
b_observer_mode = FALSE;
if (b_observer_mode)
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "observer mode ENABLED\n");
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "observer mode DISABLED\n");
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "botskill"))
if ((arg1 != NULL) && (*arg1 != 0))
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if ((temp < 1) || (temp > 5))
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "invalid botskill value!\n");
default_bot_skill = temp;
sprintf(msg, "botskill is %d\n", default_bot_skill);
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, msg);
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "botdontshoot"))
if ((arg1 != NULL) && (*arg1 != 0))
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if (temp)
b_botdontshoot = TRUE;
b_botdontshoot = FALSE;
if (b_botdontshoot)
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "botdontshoot ENABLED\n");
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "botdontshoot DISABLED\n");
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "debug_engine"))
debug_engine = 1;
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "debug_engine enabled!\n");
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "waypoint"))
if (FStrEq(arg1, "on"))
g_waypoint_on = TRUE;
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints are ON\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "off"))
g_waypoint_on = FALSE;
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints are OFF\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "add"))
if (!g_waypoint_on)
g_waypoint_on = TRUE; // turn waypoints on if off
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "delete"))
if (!g_waypoint_on)
g_waypoint_on = TRUE; // turn waypoints on if off
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "save"))
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints saved\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "load"))
if (WaypointLoad(pEntity))
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints loaded\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "menu"))
int index;
if (num_waypoints < 1)
index = WaypointFindNearest(pEntity, 50.0, -1);
if (index == -1)
g_menu_waypoint = index;
g_menu_state = MENU_1;
UTIL_ShowMenu(pEntity, 0x1F, -1, FALSE, show_menu_1);
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "info"))
if (g_waypoint_on)
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints are ON\n");
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "waypoints are OFF\n");
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "autowaypoint"))
if (FStrEq(arg1, "on"))
g_auto_waypoint = TRUE;
g_waypoint_on = TRUE; // turn this on just in case
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "off"))
g_auto_waypoint = FALSE;
if (g_auto_waypoint)
sprintf(msg, "autowaypoint is ON\n");
sprintf(msg, "autowaypoint is OFF\n");
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, msg);
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "pathwaypoint"))
if (FStrEq(arg1, "on"))
g_path_waypoint = TRUE;
g_waypoint_on = TRUE; // turn this on just in case
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "pathwaypoint is ON\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "off"))
g_path_waypoint = FALSE;
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "pathwaypoint is OFF\n");
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "create1"))
WaypointCreatePath(pEntity, 1);
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "create2"))
WaypointCreatePath(pEntity, 2);
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "remove1"))
WaypointRemovePath(pEntity, 1);
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "remove2"))
WaypointRemovePath(pEntity, 2);
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "menuselect") && (g_menu_state != MENU_NONE))
if (g_menu_state == MENU_1) // main menu...
if (FStrEq(arg1, "1")) // team specific...
g_menu_state = MENU_2; // display team specific menu...
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
UTIL_ShowMenu(pEntity, 0x13, -1, FALSE, show_menu_2_flf);
UTIL_ShowMenu(pEntity, 0x1F, -1, FALSE, show_menu_2);
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "2")) // wait for lift...
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_LIFT)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_LIFT; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_LIFT; // on
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "3")) // door waypoint
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_DOOR)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_DOOR; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_DOOR; // on
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "4")) // sniper spot
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_SNIPER)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_SNIPER; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_SNIPER; // on
// set the aiming waypoint...
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "5")) // more...
g_menu_state = MENU_3;
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
UTIL_ShowMenu(pEntity, 0x17, -1, FALSE, show_menu_3_flf);
UTIL_ShowMenu(pEntity, 0x13, -1, FALSE, show_menu_3);
else if (g_menu_state == MENU_2) // team specific menu
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_TEAM_SPECIFIC)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_TEAM;
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_TEAM_SPECIFIC; // off
int team = atoi(arg1);
team--; // make 0 to 3
// this is kind of a kludge (team bits MUST be LSB!!!)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= team;
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_TEAM_SPECIFIC; // on
else if (g_menu_state == MENU_3) // second menu...
if (mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL)
if (FStrEq(arg1, "1")) // capture point
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_FLF_CAP)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_FLF_CAP; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_FLF_CAP; // on
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "2")) // defend point
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_FLF_DEFEND)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_FLF_DEFEND; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_FLF_DEFEND; // on
// set the aiming waypoint...
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "3")) // go prone
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_PRONE)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_PRONE; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_PRONE; // on
if (FStrEq(arg1, "1")) // flag location
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_TFC_FLAG)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_TFC_FLAG; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_TFC_FLAG; // on
else if (FStrEq(arg1, "2")) // flag goal
if (waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags & W_FL_TFC_FLAG_GOAL)
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags &= ~W_FL_TFC_FLAG_GOAL; // off
waypoints[g_menu_waypoint].flags |= W_FL_TFC_FLAG_GOAL; // on
g_menu_state = MENU_NONE;
else if (FStrEq(pcmd, "search"))
edict_t *pent = NULL;
float radius = 50;
char str[80];
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "searching...\n");
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pent, pEntity->v.origin, radius )) != NULL)
sprintf(str, "Found %s at %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n",
pent->v.origin.x, pent->v.origin.y,
ClientPrint(pEntity, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, str);
FILE *fp=fopen("bot.txt", "a");
fprintf(fp, "ClientCommmand: search %s", str);
void ClientUserInfoChanged( edict_t *pEntity, char *infobuffer )
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt", "a"); fprintf(fp, "ClientUserInfoChanged: pEntity=%x infobuffer=%s\n", pEntity, infobuffer); fclose(fp); }
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnClientUserInfoChanged)(pEntity, infobuffer);
void ServerActivate( edict_t *pEdictList, int edictCount, int clientMax )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnServerActivate)(pEdictList, edictCount, clientMax);
void ServerDeactivate( void )
void PlayerPreThink( edict_t *pEntity )
void PlayerPostThink( edict_t *pEntity )
void StartFrame( void )
if (gpGlobals->deathmatch)
edict_t *pPlayer;
static float check_server_cmd = 0.0;
static int i, index, player_index, bot_index;
static float previous_time = -1.0;
static float client_update_time = 0.0;
clientdata_s cd;
char msg[256];
int count;
// if a new map has started then (MUST BE FIRST IN StartFrame)...
if ((gpGlobals->time + 0.1) < previous_time)
char filename[256];
char mapname[64];
check_server_cmd = 0.0; // reset at start of map
// check if mapname_bot.cfg file exists...
strcpy(mapname, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname));
strcat(mapname, "_bot.cfg");
UTIL_BuildFileName(filename, "maps", mapname);
if ((bot_cfg_fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL)
sprintf(msg, "Executing %s\n", filename);
ALERT( at_console, msg );
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++)
bots[index].is_used = FALSE;
bots[index].respawn_state = 0;
bots[index].kick_time = 0.0;
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 20.0;
count = 0;
// mark the bots as needing to be respawned...
for (index = 0; index < 32; index++)
if (count >= prev_num_bots)
bots[index].is_used = FALSE;
bots[index].respawn_state = 0;
bots[index].kick_time = 0.0;
if (bots[index].is_used) // is this slot used?
bots[index].respawn_state = RESPAWN_NEED_TO_RESPAWN;
// check for any bots that were very recently kicked...
if ((bots[index].kick_time + 5.0) > previous_time)
bots[index].respawn_state = RESPAWN_NEED_TO_RESPAWN;
bots[index].kick_time = 0.0; // reset to prevent false spawns later
// set the respawn time
respawn_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
respawn_time = gpGlobals->time + 20.0;
client_update_time = gpGlobals->time + 10.0; // start updating client data again
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 30.0;
if ((listenserver_edict != NULL) && (welcome_sent == FALSE) &&
(welcome_time < 1.0))
// are they out of observer mode yet?
if (IsAlive(listenserver_edict))
welcome_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0; // welcome in 5 seconds
if ((welcome_time > 0.0) && (welcome_time < gpGlobals->time) &&
(welcome_sent == FALSE))
// let's send a welcome message to this client...
//UTIL_SayText(welcome_msg, listenserver_edict);
welcome_sent = TRUE; // clear this so we only do it once
if (client_update_time <= gpGlobals->time)
client_update_time = gpGlobals->time + 1.0;
for (i=0; i < 32; i++)
if (bots[i].is_used)
memset(&cd, 0, sizeof(cd));
UpdateClientData( bots[i].pEdict, 1, &cd );
// see if a weapon was dropped...
if (bots[i].bot_weapons != cd.weapons)
bots[i].bot_weapons = cd.weapons;
count = 0;
for (bot_index = 0; bot_index < gpGlobals->maxClients; bot_index++)
if ((bots[bot_index].is_used) && // is this slot used AND
(bots[bot_index].respawn_state == RESPAWN_IDLE)) // not respawning
if ((mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL) && (flf_bug_check == 0))
edict_t *pent = NULL;
int fix_flag = 0;
flf_bug_check = 1;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "capture_point" )) != NULL)
if (pent->v.skin != 0) // not blue skin?
flf_bug_fix = 1; // need to use bug fix code
if (count > num_bots)
num_bots = count;
for (player_index = 1; player_index <= gpGlobals->maxClients; player_index++)
pPlayer = INDEXENT(player_index);
if (pPlayer && !pPlayer->free)
if ((g_waypoint_on) && FBitSet(pPlayer->v.flags, FL_CLIENT))
if ((mod_id == FRONTLINE_DLL) && (flf_bug_check == 0))
edict_t *pent = NULL;
int fix_flag = 0;
flf_bug_check = 1;
while ((pent = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pent, "capture_point" )) != NULL)
if (pent->v.skin != 0) // not blue skin?
flf_bug_fix = 1; // need to use bug fix code
// are we currently respawning bots and is it time to spawn one yet?
if ((respawn_time > 1.0) && (respawn_time <= gpGlobals->time))
int index = 0;
// find bot needing to be respawned...
while ((index < 32) &&
(bots[index].respawn_state != RESPAWN_NEED_TO_RESPAWN))
if (index < 32)
bots[index].respawn_state = RESPAWN_IS_RESPAWNING;
bots[index].is_used = FALSE; // free up this slot
// respawn 1 bot then wait a while (otherwise engine crashes)
if ((mod_id == VALVE_DLL) ||
((mod_id == GEARBOX_DLL) && (pent_info_ctfdetect == NULL)))
char c_skill[2];
sprintf(c_skill, "%d", bots[index].bot_skill);
BotCreate(NULL, bots[index].skin, bots[index].name, c_skill, NULL);
char c_skill[2];
char c_team[2];
char c_class[3];
sprintf(c_skill, "%d", bots[index].bot_skill);
sprintf(c_team, "%d", bots[index].bot_team);
sprintf(c_class, "%d", bots[index].bot_class);
if ((mod_id == TFC_DLL) || (mod_id == GEARBOX_DLL))
BotCreate(NULL, NULL, NULL, bots[index].name, c_skill);
BotCreate(NULL, c_team, c_class, bots[index].name, c_skill);
respawn_time = gpGlobals->time + 2.0; // set next respawn time
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
respawn_time = 0.0;
if (g_GameRules)
if (need_to_open_cfg) // have we open bot.cfg file yet?
char filename[256];
char mapname[64];
need_to_open_cfg = FALSE; // only do this once!!!
// check if mapname_bot.cfg file exists...
strcpy(mapname, STRING(gpGlobals->mapname));
strcat(mapname, "_bot.cfg");
UTIL_BuildFileName(filename, "maps", mapname);
if ((bot_cfg_fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL)
sprintf(msg, "Executing %s\n", filename);
ALERT( at_console, msg );
UTIL_BuildFileName(filename, "bot.cfg", NULL);
sprintf(msg, "Executing %s\n", filename);
ALERT( at_console, msg );
bot_cfg_fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if (bot_cfg_fp == NULL)
ALERT( at_console, "bot.cfg file not found\n" );
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 20.0;
if (!IS_DEDICATED_SERVER() && !spawn_time_reset)
if (listenserver_edict != NULL)
if (IsAlive(listenserver_edict))
spawn_time_reset = TRUE;
if (respawn_time >= 1.0)
respawn_time = min(respawn_time, gpGlobals->time + (float)1.0);
if (bot_cfg_pause_time >= 1.0)
bot_cfg_pause_time = min(bot_cfg_pause_time, gpGlobals->time + (float)1.0);
if ((bot_cfg_fp) &&
(bot_cfg_pause_time >= 1.0) && (bot_cfg_pause_time <= gpGlobals->time))
// process bot.cfg file options...
// if time to check for server commands then do so...
if ((check_server_cmd <= gpGlobals->time) && IS_DEDICATED_SERVER())
check_server_cmd = gpGlobals->time + 1.0;
char *cvar_bot = (char *)CVAR_GET_STRING( "bot" );
if ( cvar_bot && cvar_bot[0] )
char cmd_line[80];
char *cmd, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4;
strcpy(cmd_line, cvar_bot);
index = 0;
cmd = cmd_line;
arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = arg4 = NULL;
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[index] == ' ')
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg1 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[index] == ' ')
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg2 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[index] == ' ')
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg3 = &cmd_line[index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[index] == ' ')
cmd_line[index++] = 0;
arg4 = &cmd_line[index];
if (strcmp(cmd, "addbot") == 0)
BotCreate( NULL, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 );
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
else if (strcmp(cmd, "min_bots") == 0)
min_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if ((min_bots < 0) || (min_bots > 31))
min_bots = 1;
sprintf(msg, "min_bots set to %d\n", min_bots);
else if (strcmp(cmd, "max_bots") == 0)
max_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if ((max_bots < 0) || (max_bots > 31))
max_bots = 1;
sprintf(msg, "max_bots set to %d\n", max_bots);
CVAR_SET_STRING("bot", "");
// check if time to see if a bot needs to be created...
if (bot_check_time < gpGlobals->time)
int count = 0;
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (clients[i] != NULL)
// if there are currently less than the maximum number of "players"
// then add another bot using the default skill level...
if ((count < max_bots) && (max_bots != -1))
previous_time = gpGlobals->time;
void ParmsNewLevel( void )
void ParmsChangeLevel( void )
const char *GetGameDescription( void )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnGetGameDescription)();
void PlayerCustomization( edict_t *pEntity, customization_t *pCust )
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt", "a"); fprintf(fp, "PlayerCustomization: %x\n",pEntity); fclose(fp); }
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnPlayerCustomization)(pEntity, pCust);
void SpectatorConnect( edict_t *pEntity )
void SpectatorDisconnect( edict_t *pEntity )
void SpectatorThink( edict_t *pEntity )
void Sys_Error( const char *error_string )
void PM_Move ( struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnPM_Move)(ppmove, server);
void PM_Init ( struct playermove_s *ppmove )
char PM_FindTextureType( char *name )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnPM_FindTextureType)(name);
void SetupVisibility( edict_t *pViewEntity, edict_t *pClient, unsigned char **pvs, unsigned char **pas )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnSetupVisibility)(pViewEntity, pClient, pvs, pas);
void UpdateClientData ( const struct edict_s *ent, int sendweapons, struct clientdata_s *cd )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnUpdateClientData)(ent, sendweapons, cd);
int AddToFullPack( struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnAddToFullPack)(state, e, ent, host, hostflags, player, pSet);
void CreateBaseline( int player, int eindex, struct entity_state_s *baseline, struct edict_s *entity, int playermodelindex, vec3_t player_mins, vec3_t player_maxs )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnCreateBaseline)(player, eindex, baseline, entity, playermodelindex, player_mins, player_maxs);
void RegisterEncoders( void )
int GetWeaponData( struct edict_s *player, struct weapon_data_s *info )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnGetWeaponData)(player, info);
void CmdStart( const edict_t *player, const struct usercmd_s *cmd, unsigned int random_seed )
(*other_gFunctionTable.pfnCmdStart)(player, cmd, random_seed);
void CmdEnd ( const edict_t *player )
int ConnectionlessPacket( const struct netadr_s *net_from, const char *args, char *response_buffer, int *response_buffer_size )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnConnectionlessPacket)(net_from, args, response_buffer, response_buffer_size);
int GetHullBounds( int hullnumber, float *mins, float *maxs )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnGetHullBounds)(hullnumber, mins, maxs);
void CreateInstancedBaselines( void )
int InconsistentFile( const edict_t *player, const char *filename, char *disconnect_message )
if (debug_engine) { fp=fopen("bot.txt", "a"); fprintf(fp, "InconsistentFile: %x filename=%s\n",player,filename); fclose(fp); }
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnInconsistentFile)(player, filename, disconnect_message);
int AllowLagCompensation( void )
return (*other_gFunctionTable.pfnAllowLagCompensation)();
DLL_FUNCTIONS gFunctionTable =
GameDLLInit, //pfnGameInit
DispatchSpawn, //pfnSpawn
DispatchThink, //pfnThink
DispatchUse, //pfnUse
DispatchTouch, //pfnTouch
DispatchBlocked, //pfnBlocked
DispatchKeyValue, //pfnKeyValue
DispatchSave, //pfnSave
DispatchRestore, //pfnRestore
DispatchObjectCollsionBox, //pfnAbsBox
SaveWriteFields, //pfnSaveWriteFields
SaveReadFields, //pfnSaveReadFields
SaveGlobalState, //pfnSaveGlobalState
RestoreGlobalState, //pfnRestoreGlobalState
ResetGlobalState, //pfnResetGlobalState
ClientConnect, //pfnClientConnect
ClientDisconnect, //pfnClientDisconnect
ClientKill, //pfnClientKill
ClientPutInServer, //pfnClientPutInServer
ClientCommand, //pfnClientCommand
ClientUserInfoChanged, //pfnClientUserInfoChanged
ServerActivate, //pfnServerActivate
ServerDeactivate, //pfnServerDeactivate
PlayerPreThink, //pfnPlayerPreThink
PlayerPostThink, //pfnPlayerPostThink
StartFrame, //pfnStartFrame
ParmsNewLevel, //pfnParmsNewLevel
ParmsChangeLevel, //pfnParmsChangeLevel
GetGameDescription, //pfnGetGameDescription Returns string describing current .dll game.
PlayerCustomization, //pfnPlayerCustomization Notifies .dll of new customization for player.
SpectatorConnect, //pfnSpectatorConnect Called when spectator joins server
SpectatorDisconnect, //pfnSpectatorDisconnect Called when spectator leaves the server
SpectatorThink, //pfnSpectatorThink Called when spectator sends a command packet (usercmd_t)
Sys_Error, //pfnSys_Error Called when engine has encountered an error
PM_Move, //pfnPM_Move
PM_Init, //pfnPM_Init Server version of player movement initialization
PM_FindTextureType, //pfnPM_FindTextureType
SetupVisibility, //pfnSetupVisibility Set up PVS and PAS for networking for this client
UpdateClientData, //pfnUpdateClientData Set up data sent only to specific client
AddToFullPack, //pfnAddToFullPack
CreateBaseline, //pfnCreateBaseline Tweak entity baseline for network encoding, allows setup of player baselines, too.
RegisterEncoders, //pfnRegisterEncoders Callbacks for network encoding
GetWeaponData, //pfnGetWeaponData
CmdStart, //pfnCmdStart
CmdEnd, //pfnCmdEnd
ConnectionlessPacket, //pfnConnectionlessPacket
GetHullBounds, //pfnGetHullBounds
CreateInstancedBaselines, //pfnCreateInstancedBaselines
InconsistentFile, //pfnInconsistentFile
AllowLagCompensation, //pfnAllowLagCompensation
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
int EXPORT GetEntityAPI( DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int interfaceVersion )
extern "C" EXPORT int GetEntityAPI( DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int interfaceVersion )
// check if engine's pointer is valid and version is correct...
if ( !pFunctionTable || interfaceVersion != INTERFACE_VERSION )
return FALSE;
// pass engine callback function table to engine...
memcpy( pFunctionTable, &gFunctionTable, sizeof( DLL_FUNCTIONS ) );
// pass other DLLs engine callbacks to function table...
if (!(*other_GetEntityAPI)(&other_gFunctionTable, INTERFACE_VERSION))
return FALSE; // error initializing function table!!!
return TRUE;
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
int EXPORT GetNewDLLFunctions( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion )
extern "C" EXPORT int GetNewDLLFunctions( NEW_DLL_FUNCTIONS *pFunctionTable, int *interfaceVersion )
if (other_GetNewDLLFunctions == NULL)
return FALSE;
// pass other DLLs engine callbacks to function table...
if (!(*other_GetNewDLLFunctions)(pFunctionTable, interfaceVersion))
return FALSE; // error initializing function table!!!
return TRUE;
void FakeClientCommand(edict_t *pBot, char *arg1, char *arg2, char *arg3)
int length;
memset(g_argv, 0, sizeof(g_argv));
isFakeClientCommand = 1;
if ((arg1 == NULL) || (*arg1 == 0))
if ((arg2 == NULL) || (*arg2 == 0))
length = sprintf(&g_argv[0], "%s", arg1);
fake_arg_count = 1;
else if ((arg3 == NULL) || (*arg3 == 0))
length = sprintf(&g_argv[0], "%s %s", arg1, arg2);
fake_arg_count = 2;
length = sprintf(&g_argv[0], "%s %s %s", arg1, arg2, arg3);
fake_arg_count = 3;
g_argv[length] = 0; // null terminate just in case
strcpy(&g_argv[64], arg1);
if (arg2)
strcpy(&g_argv[128], arg2);
if (arg3)
strcpy(&g_argv[192], arg3);
// allow the MOD DLL to execute the ClientCommand...
isFakeClientCommand = 0;
const char *Cmd_Args( void )
if (isFakeClientCommand)
return &g_argv[0];
return (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Args)();
const char *Cmd_Argv( int argc )
if (isFakeClientCommand)
if (argc == 0)
return &g_argv[64];
else if (argc == 1)
return &g_argv[128];
else if (argc == 2)
return &g_argv[192];
return NULL;
return (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Argv)(argc);
int Cmd_Argc( void )
if (isFakeClientCommand)
return fake_arg_count;
return (*g_engfuncs.pfnCmd_Argc)();
void ProcessBotCfgFile(void)
int ch;
char cmd_line[256];
int cmd_index;
static char server_cmd[80];
char *cmd, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4;
char msg[80];
if (bot_cfg_pause_time > gpGlobals->time)
if (bot_cfg_fp == NULL)
cmd_index = 0;
cmd_line[cmd_index] = 0;
ch = fgetc(bot_cfg_fp);
// skip any leading blanks
while (ch == ' ')
ch = fgetc(bot_cfg_fp);
while ((ch != EOF) && (ch != '\r') && (ch != '\n'))
if (ch == '\t') // convert tabs to spaces
ch = ' ';
cmd_line[cmd_index] = ch;
ch = fgetc(bot_cfg_fp);
// skip multiple spaces in input file
while ((cmd_line[cmd_index] == ' ') &&
(ch == ' '))
ch = fgetc(bot_cfg_fp);
if (ch == '\r') // is it a carriage return?
ch = fgetc(bot_cfg_fp); // skip the linefeed
// if reached end of file, then close it
if (ch == EOF)
bot_cfg_fp = NULL;
bot_cfg_pause_time = 0.0;
cmd_line[cmd_index] = 0; // terminate the command line
// copy the command line to a server command buffer...
strcpy(server_cmd, cmd_line);
strcat(server_cmd, "\n");
cmd_index = 0;
cmd = cmd_line;
arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = arg4 = NULL;
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[cmd_index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[cmd_index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[cmd_index] == ' ')
cmd_line[cmd_index++] = 0;
arg1 = &cmd_line[cmd_index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[cmd_index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[cmd_index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[cmd_index] == ' ')
cmd_line[cmd_index++] = 0;
arg2 = &cmd_line[cmd_index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[cmd_index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[cmd_index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[cmd_index] == ' ')
cmd_line[cmd_index++] = 0;
arg3 = &cmd_line[cmd_index];
// skip to blank or end of string...
while ((cmd_line[cmd_index] != ' ') && (cmd_line[cmd_index] != 0))
if (cmd_line[cmd_index] == ' ')
cmd_line[cmd_index++] = 0;
arg4 = &cmd_line[cmd_index];
if ((cmd_line[0] == '#') || (cmd_line[0] == 0))
return; // return if comment or blank line
if (strcmp(cmd, "addbot") == 0)
BotCreate( NULL, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 );
// have to delay here or engine gives "Tried to write to
// uninitialized sizebuf_t" error and crashes...
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + 2.0;
bot_check_time = gpGlobals->time + 5.0;
if (strcmp(cmd, "botskill") == 0)
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if ((temp >= 1) && (temp <= 5))
default_bot_skill = atoi( arg1 ); // set default bot skill level
if (strcmp(cmd, "observer") == 0)
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if (temp)
b_observer_mode = TRUE;
b_observer_mode = FALSE;
if (strcmp(cmd, "botdontshoot") == 0)
int temp = atoi(arg1);
if (temp)
b_botdontshoot = TRUE;
b_botdontshoot = FALSE;
if (strcmp(cmd, "min_bots") == 0)
min_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if ((min_bots < 0) || (min_bots > 31))
min_bots = 1;
sprintf(msg, "min_bots set to %d\n", min_bots);
if (strcmp(cmd, "max_bots") == 0)
max_bots = atoi( arg1 );
if ((max_bots < 0) || (max_bots > 31))
max_bots = 1;
sprintf(msg, "max_bots set to %d\n", max_bots);
if (strcmp(cmd, "pause") == 0)
bot_cfg_pause_time = gpGlobals->time + atoi( arg1 );
sprintf(msg, "executing server command: %s\n", server_cmd);
ALERT( at_console, msg );