//======== (C) Copyright 2002 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. ========= // // The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland. // The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of // Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in // the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied. // // Purpose: // // $Workfile: AvHPieMenuHandler.cpp $ // $Date: 2002/09/25 20:49:23 $ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: AvHPieMenuHandler.cpp,v $ // Revision 1.23 2002/09/25 20:49:23 Flayra // - New select sound for aliens // // Revision 1.22 2002/09/23 22:24:16 Flayra // - Removed NSTR #ifdefs // // Revision 1.21 2002/09/09 20:00:56 Flayra // - Pop-up menu now stays open if you open and close it really fast (ie, right click) // // Revision 1.20 2002/08/31 18:01:02 Flayra // - Work at VALVe // // Revision 1.19 2002/08/16 02:40:51 Flayra // - HUD sounds no longer cut each other off (they won't play instead of cutting off another sound) // // Revision 1.18 2002/08/09 01:08:45 Flayra // - Debugging code // // Revision 1.17 2002/07/08 17:12:49 Flayra // - Renamed pop-up menu command, reworked it to be a regular bind // //=============================================================================== #include "util/nowarnings.h" #include "ui/PieMenu.h" #include "ui/PieNode.h" #include "mod/AvHPieMenuHandler.h" #include "mod/AvHTeamHierarchy.h" #include "mod/AvHMessage.h" #include "mod/AvHClientVariables.h" #include "mod/AvHCommandConstants.h" #include "cdll_int.h" #include "types.h" #include <string> using std::string; #include "cl_dll/demo.h" #include "common/demo_api.h" void IN_ResetMouse(); extern int g_weaponselect; extern int in_impulse; bool sTheDebugBool = false; PieNode* AvHPieMenuHandler::sLastNodeHighlighted = NULL; string AvHPieMenuHandler::sPieMenuName = ""; float AvHPieMenuHandler::sTimeLastNodeHighlighted = 0.0f; float AvHPieMenuHandler::sTimeMenuOpened = 0.0f; bool AvHPieMenuHandler::sPieMenuOpen = false; bool AvHPieMenuHandler::GetIsPieMenuOpen(void) { return sPieMenuOpen; } PieMenu* AvHPieMenuHandler::GetActivePieMenu() { PieMenu* thePieMenu = NULL; gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(sPieMenuName, thePieMenu); return thePieMenu; } void AvHPieMenuHandler::ClosePieMenu(void) { if (!sPieMenuOpen) { return; } //CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::closePieMenu.\n"); // If the action was really quick, choose the highlighted node so overshooting isn't a problem PieNode* theNode = NULL; float theCurrentTime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); float theQuickThreshold = cl_quickselecttime->value; bool theReallyQuick = (theCurrentTime - sTimeLastNodeHighlighted < theQuickThreshold); if(theReallyQuick) { //CenterPrint("Quick mode.\n"); PieMenu* thePieMenu = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(sPieMenuName, thePieMenu)) { thePieMenu->GetSelectedNode(theNode); } } else { //CenterPrint("Regular mode.\n"); theNode = dynamic_cast<PieNode*>(sLastNodeHighlighted); } if(theNode) { NodeChosen(theNode->GetNodeName(), theNode->GetMessageID()); } else { NodeCancelled(); } // Reset the mouse cursor to the center of the screen so // that the view doesn't jog once the pie menu is closed. IN_ResetMouse(); gHUD.ShowCrosshair(); sPieMenuOpen = false; } void AvHPieMenuHandler::InternalClosePieMenu(void) { PieMenu* theMarineMenu = NULL; if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(sPieMenuName, theMarineMenu)) { // TODO: Select option on menu before closing it! if(!gHUD.GetInTopDownMode()) { gHUD.GetManager().SetMouseVisibility(false); } theMarineMenu->SetFadeState(false); if(sLastNodeHighlighted) { sLastNodeHighlighted->SetDrawSelected(false); } sLastNodeHighlighted = NULL; // if(sTheDebugBool) // { // AvHTeamHierarchy* theHierarchyComponent = NULL; // if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kHierarchy, theHierarchyComponent)) // { // theHierarchyComponent->setVisible(true); // } // } } } void AvHPieMenuHandler::OpenPieMenu(void) { PieMenu* theMarineMenu = NULL; //CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::openPieMenu.\n"); // Pie menu only active when playing AvHUser3 theUser3 = gHUD.GetHUDUser3(); if(theUser3 > AVH_USER3_NONE && theUser3 <= AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5) { if(gHUD.GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_PLAYING) { if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(sPieMenuName, theMarineMenu)) { if(!gHUD.GetInTopDownMode()) { gHUD.GetManager().SetMouseVisibility(true); } gHUD.HideCrosshair(); // Only do this when in full screen //App::getInstance()->setCursorPos(ScreenWidth/2, ScreenHeight/2); theMarineMenu->SetFadeState(true); sLastNodeHighlighted = theMarineMenu->GetRootNode(); sLastNodeHighlighted->SetDrawSelected(true); sTimeMenuOpened = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); sTimeLastNodeHighlighted = sTimeMenuOpened; sPieMenuOpen = true; // if(sTheDebugBool) // { // AvHTeamHierarchy* theHierarchyComponent = NULL; // if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(kHierarchy, theHierarchyComponent)) // { // theHierarchyComponent->setVisible(false); // } // } } } } } void AvHPieMenuHandler::NodeCancelled() { InternalClosePieMenu(); } void AvHPieMenuHandler::NodeChosen(const string& /*inNodeName*/, int inMessageID) { // char* theSound = kSelectSound; // if(gHUD.GetIsAlien()) // { // theSound = kSelectAlienSound; // } // gHUD.PlayHUDSound(theSound, .3f); gHUD.PlayHUDSound(HUD_SOUND_SELECT); // Client-side effects switch(inMessageID) { case COMM_CHAT_PUBLIC: // TODO: Pop up message saying to hit enter to send or escape to cancel message ClientCmd(kcGlobalChat); break; case COMM_CHAT_TEAM: // TODO: Pop up message saying to hit enter to send or escape to cancel message ClientCmd(kcTeamChat); break; case COMM_CHAT_NEARBY: ClientCmd(kcNearbyChat); break; default: in_impulse = inMessageID; break; } InternalClosePieMenu(); } void AvHPieMenuHandler::NodeActivated(const string& inNodeName) { } string AvHPieMenuHandler::GetPieMenuControl() { return sPieMenuName; } void AvHPieMenuHandler::SetPieMenuControl(const string& inPieMenuName) { sPieMenuName = inPieMenuName; } void AvHPieMenuHandler::cursorMoved(int x,int y,Panel* panel) { // char theMessage[128]; // sprintf(theMessage, "AvHPieMenuHandler::cursorMoved %d, %d (panel ptr: %d).\n", x, y, (int)panel); // CenterPrint(theMessage); } void AvHPieMenuHandler::cursorEntered(Panel* panel) { PieNode* theNode = dynamic_cast<PieNode*>(panel); if(theNode) { if(theNode->GetFadeState()) { if((theNode->IsAdjacentTo(sLastNodeHighlighted)) || (theNode->GetIsAbove(sLastNodeHighlighted))) { //char theTempBuffer[256]; //sprintf(theTempBuffer, "Cursor entered %s.\n", theNode->GetNodeName().c_str()); //CenterPrint(theTempBuffer); // Check if enabled //if(theNode->GetEnabled()) //{ //theNode->SetAllChildrenFadeState(false); if(theNode->HighlightNode()) { if(!theNode->GetIsAbove(sLastNodeHighlighted)) { if(gHUD.GetIsAlien()) { gHUD.PlayHUDSound(kPieSelectForwardAlienSound, kHUDSoundVolume); } else { gHUD.PlayHUDSound(kPieSelectForwardSound, kHUDSoundVolume); } } else { if(gHUD.GetIsAlien()) { gHUD.PlayHUDSound(kPieSelectBackwardAlienSound, kHUDSoundVolume); } else { gHUD.PlayHUDSound(kPieSelectBackwardSound, kHUDSoundVolume); } } sLastNodeHighlighted->SetDrawSelected(false); sLastNodeHighlighted = theNode; sTimeLastNodeHighlighted = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); theNode->SetDrawSelected(true); } //} } } } } void AvHPieMenuHandler::cursorExited(Panel* panel) { // CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::cursorExited.\n"); // PieNode* theNode = dynamic_cast<PieNode*>(panel); // if(theNode) // { // char theTempBuffer[256]; // sprintf(theTempBuffer, "Cursor exited %s.\n", theNode->GetNodeName().c_str()); // CenterPrint(theTempBuffer); // // theNode->SetNodeAndAdjacentChildrenFadeState(false); // } } void AvHPieMenuHandler::mousePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) { // CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::mousePressed.\n"); } void AvHPieMenuHandler::mouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code,Panel* panel) { // CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::mouseDoublePressed.\n"); } void AvHPieMenuHandler::mouseReleased(MouseCode code, Panel* inPanel) { // CenterPrint("AvHPieMenuHandler::mouseReleased.\n"); // ClientCmd("-popupmenu"); // ClosePieMenu(); // // if(code == MOUSE_RIGHT) // { // // If the action was really quick, choose the highlighted node so overshooting isn't a problem PieMenu* thePieMenu = NULL; PieNode* theNode = NULL; float theCurrentTime = gEngfuncs.GetClientTime(); float kQuickThreshold = cl_quickselecttime->value; bool theReallyQuick = (theCurrentTime - sTimeLastNodeHighlighted < kQuickThreshold); if(theReallyQuick) { //CenterPrint("Quick mode.\n"); if(gHUD.GetManager().GetVGUIComponentNamed(sPieMenuName, thePieMenu)) { thePieMenu->GetSelectedNode(theNode); } } else { //CenterPrint("Regular mode.\n"); theNode = dynamic_cast<PieNode*>(inPanel); } if(theNode) { // Don't close menu if they released over the root node and it was really quick if(thePieMenu && (theNode == thePieMenu->GetRootNode()) && ((theCurrentTime - sTimeMenuOpened) < .3f)) { int a = 0; } else { NodeChosen(theNode->GetNodeName(), theNode->GetMessageID()); } } else { NodeCancelled(); } // } } void AvHPieMenuHandler::mouseWheeled(int delta,Panel* panel) { } void AvHPieMenuHandler::keyPressed(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) { } void AvHPieMenuHandler::keyTyped(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) { } void AvHPieMenuHandler::keyReleased(KeyCode code,Panel* panel) { } void AvHPieMenuHandler::keyFocusTicked(Panel* panel) { }