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       curl_strequal,  curl_strnequal  -  case insensitive string

       <B>#include</B> <B>&lt;curl/curl.h&gt;</B>

       <B>int</B> <B>curl_strequal(char</B> <B>*</B><I>str1</I><B>,</B> <B>char</B> <B>*</B><I>str2</I><B>);</B>

       <B>int</B> <B>curl_strenqual(char</B> <B>*</B><I>str1</I><B>,</B> <B>char</B> <B>*</B><I>str2</I><B>,</B> <B>size_t</B> <I>len</I><B>);</B>

       The <B>curl_strequal()</B> function compares the two strings <I>str1</I>
       and  <I>str2</I>, ignoring the case of the characters. It returns
       a non-zero (TRUE) integer if the strings are identical.

       The <B>curl_strnequal()</B> function is similar, except  it  only
       compares the first <I>len</I> characters of <I>str1</I>.

       These functions are provided by libcurl to enable applica-
       tions to compare strings in a truly portable manner. There
       are  no standard portable case insensitive string compari-
       son functions. These two works on all platforms.

       Non-zero if the strings are  identical.  Zero  if  they're

       <B>strcmp(3)</B>, <B>strcasecmp(3)</B>

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