{ =============================================================================================== } { FMOD Main header file. Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. 1999-2004. } { =============================================================================================== } { NOTE: For the demos to run you must have either fmod.dll (in Windows) or libfmod-3.75.so (in Linux) installed. In Windows, copy the fmod.dll file found in the api directory to either of the following locations (in order of preference) - your application directory - Windows\System (95/98) or WinNT\System32 (NT/2000/XP) In Linux, make sure you are signed in as root and copy the libfmod-3.75.so file from the api directory to your /usr/lib/ directory. Then via a command line, navigate to the /usr/lib/ directory and create a symbolic link between libfmod-3.75.so and libfmod.so. This is done with the following command (assuming you are in /usr/lib/)... ln -s libfmod-3.75.so libfmod.so. } { =============================================================================================== } unit fmoderrors; interface uses fmodtypes; { Disable warning for unsafe types in Delphi 7 } {$IFDEF VER150} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$ENDIF} function FMOD_ErrorString(ErrorCode: TFModErrors): PChar; implementation function FMOD_ErrorString(ErrorCode: TFModErrors): PChar; begin case ErrorCode of FMOD_ERR_NONE: Result := 'No errors'; FMOD_ERR_BUSY: Result := 'Cannot call this command after FSOUND_Init. Call FSOUND_Close first'; FMOD_ERR_UNINITIALIZED: Result := 'This command failed because FSOUND_Init was not called'; FMOD_ERR_PLAY: Result := 'Playing the sound failed'; FMOD_ERR_INIT: Result := 'Error initializing output device'; FMOD_ERR_ALLOCATED: Result := 'The output device is already in use and cannot be reused'; FMOD_ERR_OUTPUT_FORMAT: Result := 'Soundcard does not support the features needed for this soundsystem (16bit stereo output)'; FMOD_ERR_COOPERATIVELEVEL: Result := 'Error setting cooperative level for hardware'; FMOD_ERR_CREATEBUFFER: Result := 'Error creating hardware sound buffer'; FMOD_ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND: Result := 'File not found'; FMOD_ERR_FILE_FORMAT: Result := 'Unknown file format'; FMOD_ERR_FILE_BAD: Result := 'Error loading file'; FMOD_ERR_MEMORY: Result := 'Not enough memory or resources'; FMOD_ERR_VERSION: Result := 'The version number of this file format is not supported'; FMOD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: Result := 'An invalid parameter was passed to this function'; FMOD_ERR_NO_EAX: Result := 'Tried to use an EAX command on a non EAX enabled channel or output'; FMOD_ERR_CHANNEL_ALLOC: Result := 'Failed to allocate a new channel'; FMOD_ERR_RECORD: Result := 'Recording is not supported on this machine'; FMOD_ERR_MEDIAPLAYER: Result := 'Required Mediaplayer codec is not installed'; else Result := 'Unknown error'; end; end; end.