signed char F_API FSOUND_SetOutput( int outputtype );
The output system to be used. See FSOUND_OUTPUTTYPES for valid parameters and descriptions. -1 Is autodetect based on operating system.
Return Value
On success, TRUE is returned.
On failure, (ie if FMOD is already active) FALSE is returned.
This function cannot be called after FMOD is already activated with FSOUND_Init.
It must be called before FSOUND_Init, or after FSOUND_Close.
Under Windows NT - Waveout is FASTER than DirectSound, achieves LOWER latency, AND
is LESS buggy. DirectSound under NT is achieved by emulating waveout, and therefore is
inferior to waveout. Use WAVEOUT under NT.
Under Windows 9x and W2K - DirectSound is faster than waveout and can achieve lower latency.
Use DIRECTSOUND under Win9x and W2K.
If you dont call FSOUND_SetOutput, FMOD will now autodetect DSOUND or WINMM based on the operating system.
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube