[API function]
Sets the channel specific reverb properties for hardware, including wet/dry mix (room size), and things like obstruction and occlusion properties.
signed char F_API FSOUND_Reverb_SetChannelProperties(
int channel,
channel |
The channel to have its reverb properties changed. FSOUND_ALL can also be used (see remarks)
prop |
Pointer to a FSOUND_REVERB_CHANNELPROPERTIES structure definition. The definition for this structure is given in the link below.
Return Value
On success, TRUE is returned.
On failure, FALSE is returned.
FSOUND_ALL is supported here. Passing this will set ALL channels to specified reverb properties.
If FSOUND_ALL is used the last channel success flag will be returned. This return value not useful in most circumstances.
Under Win32, you must be using FSOUND_OUTPUT_DSOUND as the output mode for this to work.
In DSound, the reverb will only work if you have an EAX compatible soundcard such as the SBLive, and your sample/stream was created with the FSOUND_HW3D flag.
On PlayStation2, the 'Room' parameter is the only parameter supported. The hardware only allows 'on' or 'off', so the reverb will be off when 'Room' is -10000 and on for every other value.
On XBox, it is possible to apply reverb to 2d voices using this function. By default reverb is turned off for 2d voices.
If this 2d voice was being positioned in a 5.1 array with the xbox only function FSOUND_SetLevels, then calling this function will disable that capability in favour of enabling reverb for the 2d voice.
It is a limitation of the xbox hardware that only one of the other of these features can be executed at one time.
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, XBox, PlayStation 2.
See Also
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Generated Thu Dec 15 17:31:31 2005
by SourceDoc v0.10, the automated source code documenter.