<TITLE>Natural Selection Manual</TITLE>
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          <td valign="top" background="images/design/red/surround_title_s.gif"><span class="sectiontext"><font color="#FF6600"><a href="alien.html" class="sectionlink">Kharaa 
            Data</a> :: <a href="alien_species.html" class="sectionlink">Species</a> 
            :: <a href="alien_gorge.html" class="sectionlink">Gorge</a>: Observation</font></span></td>
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                              <p><b>Summary</b>: Belligerent and obese, Gorges 
                                serve as a kind of mobile hive and support unit. 
                                Their most important role is triggering <a href="alien_newhives.html">new 
                                hives</a> and creating <a href="alien_chambers.html">chambers</a> 
                                from lumps of raw matter<br>
                                they &#133; un-digest. Without them the aliens 
                                cannot keep pace with <a href="front_commander.html">marine 
                                research</a> and <a href="front_upgrades.html">upgrades</a>. 
                                To this end, they receive resources much faster 
                                than other species, and can tap a larger amount. 
                                They can also spray <a href="alien_gorge_primary.html">healing</a> 
                                bacteria from their mouths, restoring chambers 
                                and other aliens to full effectiveness. Though 
                                their role is not as aggressive as the other species, 
                                they consistently find ways to cause mischief 
                                and support attacks on enemy positions. And with 
                                their <a href="alien_gorge_inherent.html">spit</a>, 
                                <a href="alien_gorge_hive.html">web</a> and <a href="alien_gorge_hive.html">babbler</a> 
                                abilities, underestimating them in combat is a 
                                dangerous mistake.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[<a href="alien_gorge_name.html">Name</a>]</p>
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                              <p class="sectiontext"><a href="alien_skulk.html"><img src="images/tech_10/alien_back.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a> 
                                <a href="alien_gorge.html">Gorge</a></p>
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                                    <p><i>&quot;[Deej: Andre, crawl over here. 
                                      Stay down!]<br>
                                      [Andre: on my way.]<br>
                                      I dropped down between the stainless steel 
                                      laboratory tables, and ran, hunched over, 
                                      to Deej's forward position. At the doorway 
                                      to the room he was in I paused, and slowly 
                                      poked my head around. It was the observation 
                                      area for the testing room beyond &#150; 
                                      designed to protect the viewers from whatever 
                                      dangerous (and probably illegal) experiments 
                                      the Mercantile League was conducting. The 
                                      viewing window ran the entire length of 
                                      the wall. The airlock into the test room 
                                      was not registering on my HUD &#150; it 
                                      must have gone into lock-down mode after 
                                      the gridlock kicked in.<br>
                                      Deej was crouched beneath the window, motioning 
                                      me over. I got onto my stomach and scooted 
                                      across the floor. When I got alongside, 
                                      he pointed at his eye, then at the window. 
                                      I nodded, and slowly lifted my head to get 
                                      a view.<br>
                                      The experiment room had a resource node 
                                      in it. A Gorge was building on top of it 
                                      &#150; or more accurately, was ejecting 
                                      from its mouth a thick mass of purplish-orange 
                                      organic goop, that its mucous-dripping oral 
                                      organ was working feverishly to shape, mold, 
                                      and coat with enzymes. <br>
                                      [Deej: Can we please please kill that thing?]	
                                      I smirked at the text on my HUD, and pulled 
                                      my HMG off my back. He gripped his shotgun. 
                                      We both stood up. The Gorge was facing sideways, 
                                      too occupied to notice us. I glanced at 
                                      Deej, he nodded, and we both opened fire. 
                                      The glass buckled into a mass of pockmarks 
                                      and fissures, but amazingly, held. Deej 
                                      cursed and shouldered his shotgun, pulling 
                                      a trip mine from his belt. I shoved the 
                                      barrel of my heavy into a pock mark and 
                                      the tip just poked through. I held the stock 
                                      up above my head to angle it down into the 
                                      room, and let loose another half a clip 
                                      as the Gorge ran for the back airlock to 
                                      the experiment room. This one was working 
                                      &#150; it began to cycle open. Deej slapped 
                                      the trip mine onto the bottom sill of the 
                                      window so only two of its legs were gripping. 
                                      &quot;Back off!&quot; he yelled, and we 
                                      ran back into the lab room. Mines self-detonate 
                                      if placed &quot;incorrectly&quot;. It beeped 
                                      a few times in warning. We expected shards 
                                      to come with the explosion &#150; but there 
                                      was only the mine's concussion, and then 
                                      a ripping sound. <br>
                                      We ran back to find the window peeled up 
                                      from the sill into a strange curved white 
                                      form, like a frozen curtain. The back door 
                                      had cycled open, the Gorge must have just 
                                      gone through. I covered Deej as he slipped 
                                      through the gap, then pushed my heavy through 
                                      and followed. The HMG is a bitch to run 
                                      with &#150; I shouted for Deej to hold up, 
                                      but he was already through the lock, shoving 
                                      another shell into his gun as he ran. As 
                                      I was approaching the corridor beyond, I 
                                      heard a &quot;schlitch&quot; &#150; the 
                                      telltale sound of a web constricting &#150; 
                                      and the rapid wet sound of alien weapons. 
                                      I came around the corner to find Deej covered 
                                      in glistening strands, frantically shuffling 
                                      backwards as three offensive chambers and 
                                      the Gorge nailed him over and over. From 
                                      behind I heard the glug-glug of at least 
                                      one defensive chamber healing everything 
                                      nearby. I stood in front of Deej and unloaded 
                                      onto everything in sight. The Gorge dropped 
                                      behind the chambers, I took a few hits, 
                                      and Deej and I fell back around the corner. 
                                      His armor was around as thin as cardboard, 
                                      and he wasn't doing much better. Meanwhile 
                                      I heard more movement. Great, reinforcements. 
                                      We'd never take them with the mini-base 
                                      they had going. I shoved him back through 
                                      the airlock and sent a command-request for 
                                      medkits, while the doors began to close. 
                                      I took out my frustrations on the resource 
                                      chamber.&quot; </i></p>
                                <a href="alien_skulk_observation.html"><br>
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