*	Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
*	This product contains software technology licensed from Id 
*	Software, Inc. ("Id Technology").  Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. 
*	All Rights Reserved.
*   Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
*   object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
*   Valve LLC.  All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
*   without written permission from Valve LLC.
#if !defined( ENTITY_STATEH )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "common/const.h"

// For entityType below
#define ENTITY_NORMAL		(1<<0)
#define ENTITY_BEAM			(1<<1)

// Entity state is used for the baseline and for delta compression of a packet of 
//  entities that is sent to a client.
typedef struct entity_state_s entity_state_t;

struct entity_state_s
// Fields which are filled in by routines outside of delta compression
	int			entityType;
	// Index into cl_entities array for this entity.
	int			number;      
	float		msg_time;

	// Message number last time the player/entity state was updated.
	int			messagenum;		

	// Fields which can be transitted and reconstructed over the network stream
	vec3_t		origin;
	vec3_t		angles;

	int			modelindex;
	int			sequence;
	float		frame;
	int			colormap;
	short		skin;
	short		solid;
	int			effects;
	float		scale;

	byte		eflags;
	// Render information
	int			rendermode;
	int			renderamt;
	color24		rendercolor;
	int			renderfx;

	int			movetype;
	float		animtime;
	float		framerate;
	int			body;
	byte		controller[4];
	byte		blending[4];
	vec3_t		velocity;

	// Send bbox down to client for use during prediction.
	vec3_t		mins;    
	vec3_t		maxs;

	int			aiment;
	// If owned by a player, the index of that player ( for projectiles ).
	int			owner; 

	// Friction, for prediction.
	float		friction;       
	// Gravity multiplier
	float		gravity;		

	int			team;
	int			playerclass;
	int			health;
	qboolean	spectator;  
	int         weaponmodel;
	int			gaitsequence;
	// If standing on conveyor, e.g.
	vec3_t		basevelocity;   
	// Use the crouched hull, or the regular player hull.
	int			usehull;		
	// Latched buttons last time state updated.
	int			oldbuttons;     
	// -1 = in air, else pmove entity number
	int			onground;		
	int			iStepLeft;
	// How fast we are falling
	float		flFallVelocity;  

	float		fov;
	int			weaponanim;

	// Parametric movement overrides
	vec3_t				startpos;
	vec3_t				endpos;
	float				impacttime;
	float				starttime;

	// For mods
	int			iuser1;
	int			iuser2;
	int			iuser3;
	int			iuser4;
	float		fuser1;
	float		fuser2;
	float		fuser3;
	float		fuser4;
	vec3_t		vuser1;
	vec3_t		vuser2;
	vec3_t		vuser3;
	vec3_t		vuser4;

#include "pm_shared/pm_info.h"

typedef struct clientdata_s
	vec3_t				origin;
	vec3_t				velocity;

	int					viewmodel;
	vec3_t				punchangle;
	int					flags;
	int					waterlevel;
	int					watertype;
	vec3_t				view_ofs;
	float				health;

	int					bInDuck;

	int					weapons; // remove?
	int					flTimeStepSound;
	int					flDuckTime;
	int					flSwimTime;
	int					waterjumptime;

	float				maxspeed;

	float				fov;
	int					weaponanim;

	int					m_iId;
	int					ammo_shells;
	int					ammo_nails;
	int					ammo_cells;
	int					ammo_rockets;
	float				m_flNextAttack;
	int					tfstate;

	int					pushmsec;

	int					deadflag;

	char				physinfo[ MAX_PHYSINFO_STRING ];

	// For mods
	int					iuser1;
	int					iuser2;
	int					iuser3;
	int					iuser4;
	float				fuser1;
	float				fuser2;
	float				fuser3;
	float				fuser4;
	vec3_t				vuser1;
	vec3_t				vuser2;
	vec3_t				vuser3;
	vec3_t				vuser4;
} clientdata_t;

#include "weaponinfo.h"

typedef struct local_state_s
	entity_state_t playerstate;
	clientdata_t   client;
	weapon_data_t  weapondata[ 32 ];
} local_state_t;

#endif // !ENTITY_STATEH