*	Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
*	This product contains software technology licensed from Id 
*	Software, Inc. ("Id Technology").  Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. 
*	All Rights Reserved.
*   Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
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// Com_Weapons.cpp
// Shared weapons common/shared functions
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "hud.h"
#include "cl_util.h"
#include "com_weapons.h"

#include "common/const.h"
#include "common/entity_state.h"
#include "common/r_efx.h"

// g_runfuncs is true if this is the first time we've "predicated" a particular movement/firing
//  command.  If it is 1, then we should play events/sounds etc., otherwise, we just will be
//  updating state info, but not firing events
int	g_runfuncs = 0;

// During our weapon prediction processing, we'll need to reference some data that is part of
//  the final state passed into the postthink functionality.  We'll set this pointer and then
//  reset it to NULL as appropriate
struct local_state_s *g_finalstate = NULL;


Log debug messages to file ( appends )
void COM_Log( char *pszFile, char *fmt, ...)
	va_list		argptr;
	char		string[1024];
	FILE *fp;
	char *pfilename;
	if ( !pszFile )
		pfilename = "c:\\hllog.txt";
		pfilename = pszFile;

	va_start (argptr,fmt);
	vsprintf (string, fmt,argptr);
	va_end (argptr);

	fp = fopen( pfilename, "a+t");
	if (fp)
		fprintf(fp, "%s", string);

// remember the current animation for the view model, in case we get out of sync with
//  server.
static int g_currentanim;


Change weapon model animation
void HUD_SendWeaponAnim( int iAnim, int body, int force )
	if(iAnim >= 0)
		// Don't actually change it.
		if ( !g_runfuncs && !force )
		g_currentanim = iAnim;
		// Tell animation system new info
		gEngfuncs.pfnWeaponAnim( iAnim, body );


Retrieve current predicted weapon animation
int HUD_GetWeaponAnim( void )
	return g_currentanim;


Play a sound, if we are seeing this command for the first time
void HUD_PlaySound( char *sound, float volume )
	if ( !g_runfuncs || !g_finalstate )

	gEngfuncs.pfnPlaySoundByNameAtLocation( sound, volume, (float *)&g_finalstate->playerstate.origin );


Directly queue up an event on the client
void HUD_PlaybackEvent( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, unsigned short eventindex, float delay,
	float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 )
	vec3_t org;
	vec3_t ang;

	if ( !g_runfuncs || !g_finalstate )

	// Weapon prediction events are assumed to occur at the player's origin
	org			= g_finalstate->playerstate.origin;
	ang			= v_angles;
	gEngfuncs.pfnPlaybackEvent( flags, pInvoker, eventindex, delay, (float *)&org, (float *)&ang, fparam1, fparam2, iparam1, iparam2, bparam1, bparam2 );


void HUD_SetMaxSpeed( const edict_t *ed, float speed )


Always 0.0 on client, even if not predicting weapons ( won't get called
 in that case )
float UTIL_WeaponTimeBase( void )
	return 0.0;

static unsigned int glSeed = 0; 

unsigned int seed_table[ 256 ] =
	28985, 27138, 26457, 9451, 17764, 10909, 28790, 8716, 6361, 4853, 17798, 21977, 19643, 20662, 10834, 20103,
	27067, 28634, 18623, 25849, 8576, 26234, 23887, 18228, 32587, 4836, 3306, 1811, 3035, 24559, 18399, 315,
	26766, 907, 24102, 12370, 9674, 2972, 10472, 16492, 22683, 11529, 27968, 30406, 13213, 2319, 23620, 16823,
	10013, 23772, 21567, 1251, 19579, 20313, 18241, 30130, 8402, 20807, 27354, 7169, 21211, 17293, 5410, 19223,
	10255, 22480, 27388, 9946, 15628, 24389, 17308, 2370, 9530, 31683, 25927, 23567, 11694, 26397, 32602, 15031,
	18255, 17582, 1422, 28835, 23607, 12597, 20602, 10138, 5212, 1252, 10074, 23166, 19823, 31667, 5902, 24630,
	18948, 14330, 14950, 8939, 23540, 21311, 22428, 22391, 3583, 29004, 30498, 18714, 4278, 2437, 22430, 3439,
	28313, 23161, 25396, 13471, 19324, 15287, 2563, 18901, 13103, 16867, 9714, 14322, 15197, 26889, 19372, 26241,
	31925, 14640, 11497, 8941, 10056, 6451, 28656, 10737, 13874, 17356, 8281, 25937, 1661, 4850, 7448, 12744,
	21826, 5477, 10167, 16705, 26897, 8839, 30947, 27978, 27283, 24685, 32298, 3525, 12398, 28726, 9475, 10208,
	617, 13467, 22287, 2376, 6097, 26312, 2974, 9114, 21787, 28010, 4725, 15387, 3274, 10762, 31695, 17320,
	18324, 12441, 16801, 27376, 22464, 7500, 5666, 18144, 15314, 31914, 31627, 6495, 5226, 31203, 2331, 4668,
	12650, 18275, 351, 7268, 31319, 30119, 7600, 2905, 13826, 11343, 13053, 15583, 30055, 31093, 5067, 761,
	9685, 11070, 21369, 27155, 3663, 26542, 20169, 12161, 15411, 30401, 7580, 31784, 8985, 29367, 20989, 14203,
	29694, 21167, 10337, 1706, 28578, 887, 3373, 19477, 14382, 675, 7033, 15111, 26138, 12252, 30996, 21409,
	25678, 18555, 13256, 23316, 22407, 16727, 991, 9236, 5373, 29402, 6117, 15241, 27715, 19291, 19888, 19847

unsigned int U_Random( void ) 
	glSeed *= 69069; 
	glSeed += seed_table[ glSeed & 0xff ];
	return ( ++glSeed & 0x0fffffff ); 

void U_Srand( unsigned int seed )
	glSeed = seed_table[ seed & 0xff ];

int UTIL_SharedRandomLong( unsigned int seed, int low, int high )
	unsigned int range;

	U_Srand( (int)seed + low + high );

	range = high - low + 1;
	if ( !(range - 1) )
		return low;
		int offset;
		int rnum;

		rnum = U_Random();

		offset = rnum % range;

		return (low + offset);

float UTIL_SharedRandomFloat( unsigned int seed, float low, float high )

	U_Srand( (int)seed + *(int *)&low + *(int *)&high );


	float range = high - low;
	if ( !range )
		return low;
		int tensixrand;
		float offset;

		tensixrand = U_Random() & 65535;

		offset = (float)tensixrand / 65536.0;

		return (low + offset * range );


stub functions for such things as precaching.  So we don't have to modify weapons code that
 is compiled into both game and client .dlls.
int				stub_PrecacheModel		( char* s ) { return 0; }
int				stub_PrecacheSound		( char* s ) { return 0; }
unsigned short	stub_PrecacheEvent		( int type, const char *s ) { return 0; }
const char		*stub_NameForFunction	( uint32 function ) { return "func"; }
void			stub_SetModel			( edict_t *e, const char *m ) {}